Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Cath, Karen and Co. Hope we are all well.
Back from holiday… great fun was had and lots of spending lol. Bought a ring and 2 earrings with great pleasure.
Karen sorry your friend had such a hard time with her BC. Gosh I am starting to 4get them days and moving forward. Research also says exercise reduces oestrogen and reduces risks of reoccurence, hence my jogging. If I get 20 yrs I would be very happy :-).
Sounds like you did a grand job with your decorating and enjoying the ambience.

Cath hope your sister is dping well and your book is nearing completion.
love to all and enjoy life to the fullest

Slyvia Sounds like you have also done a grand job with the decorating. Enjoy it and relax in the lovely environment.
BTW I returned to UK with sinusitis which lasted a week :frowning: . The joys of travelling but can’t complain.

Take care

Congratulations Cath on another weddings. Good to see that your children’'s life are coming together and they are settling down well. My boys are still unattached but I am being patient.
His Gill How r u?
I am well.
Have a great Christmas. I must be feeling a tad low as I can’t get into the swing of things yet

Take care

Sorry not been on for a while, will catch up later but just wanted to wish all the July 14 ladies a very Happy Christmas ??:heart:

Hi ladies. Hope you all has a Merry Christmas and lots of fun with the family . Thanks for your encouragements Cath & Gill. Christmas turned out fine after all We Put a few decorations up on The eve and Hubby cooked the Xmas dinner with some help from me. My sons spent time with us so I was happy on the day. It was quiet, stressless and relaxing.
I felt even better after I did a park run with my son on Christmas day. I thought what madness but there were 179 mad people like me running in.Christmas gear. It was good fUn. lol
I wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year


Gill glad you’re enjoying the freedom of not working. I made my decision to stop working as a bank M/W by July next year. Can’t face revalidation lol
Great to have 4 grandchildren at once. Bet they.kept you on your toes. That’s what I need…a grandchild.

Take care

Happy New Year to all, I hope you have a wonderful 2018 with no high drama. (Unless you want it!)

And happy 21st to your son Cath.


Wishing all July ladies a very happy and healthy New Year ?
Hope your son has a great 21st Birthday, Cath, it’s my hubby’s 50th today so we are going out for a family meal tomorrow
Love to all xx

Happy New Year 2018 everyone. May it be a healthy and prosperous one.

Cath bet your son’s 21st was great fun and enjoyable.

I was on Herceptin injections for 19 months and fortunately just some muscular pains and reduced heart functions but felt well so sorry I can’t be of any help Cath.
Has your sister spoken to the oncology nurse. I always found them more useful and more supportive than the doctors.
How many more treatments has she got and is she having it by drip or injection?
Big hug to you both

Hi July ladies.

I hope everyone is enjoying some dry sunny weather after weeks of rain.It feels that spring is coming then summer . 

I had my mammogram yesterday 3 months earlier than original diagnosis but last year I felt a change in breast so it’s 12 months . I decided though that next year will wait till May . Now the 3 week wait begins.


I hope you have all kept well this winter .thankfully I have .

My husband retires in 2 months so that will be a new challenge .!!! I have a list of jobs mainly in the garden just need dry weather .


Cath how is the book going ? Looking forward to reading it .


Hugs to everyone 

Gill xx

Hi Gill Waiting for results is always worrying esp after our experience. Fingers crossed really mammogram results. Yes we have had lovely weather but cold spell returning next week.
You must be looking forward to hubby retiring.
Hope u are enjoying yours.

Take care

Hi Gill, hope you get your results soon, as Clare said the waiting is always the worst part.
I had surgeon appointment last week, all ok thankfully so not due back again until next year.
Absolutely freezing here, my eldest is home from Uni so off out tonight for a meal for her birthday. I’m going to be wrapped up in loads of layers!!
I’m looking forward to your book too, Cath, really enjoyed the last one.
Any more runs coming up Clare?
Take care all xx

Hi Gill

Hope you get your results soon, the waiting is worse than the squeezing! It’s that time of year when we’ll all be having our checks, here’s hoping to another good year if results for us all.

The beast from the east has arrived here, only flurries of snow so far but very cold. Can’t wait for the warmer weather.

I hope everyone’s feeling well and just getting on with life, it was very quiet on here for a while.

And Cath, get that book finished! Xx

Hi Gill, Cath, Karen and Sylvie… Hope you are feeling well and coping with the icy weather.
I am fine. Just resting my planter fasciitis for another week before continuing my training for my Berlin marathon

Oh Gill. Anxiety after such a long wait is understandable. Maybe focus on the old saying that no news is good news?? But really it’'s such a bummer how the NHS is declining. Wish I had paid for private care policy all these years ago.
I really hope you get your results soon.
Hello to everyone else. Hope you are all fine


My planter fasciitis is better now thanks so continuing my training. Such hard work
Berlin marathon is on Sept 16th. Feeling excited inspite of the hard work.
Hope your 2nd book is progressing well.

Hi Gill, it’s probably no consolation but I had to wait 6 weeks once for my mammogram results, when I spoke to my BC nurse she did say that if there was any problems they would be in touch much sooner. Fingers crossed you get good news soon.
How’s your running going Clare? Have you done the Berlin marathon yet? It’s amazing how much you have achieved, you must feel very proud.
Hope the writing’s going well, Cath. No pressure at all from us all asking about your new book. Have you had any luck finding a new publisher?
Hope you are keeping well, Sylvia, glad the weather has warmed up a bit at the moment.
My husband and I are just back from a lovely few days in Rome, such a beautiful city with so much to see. Both really want to go back someday soon and maybe include a trip to Pompeii too.
Hugs to all, enjoy the sunshine while it lasts x

Hi Karen. Rome is such a lovely place . great architecture. Glad you enjoyed your holiday.
My Marathon in on 16th Sept but still training had. It is a long difficult process at my age. lol.
Doing another Run fest 10k on Sunday. Hooe you knick dome time off from the last one then straight to train for half marathon. Starting serious marathon training in Early May as advised by my son.
We shall see.

That’s amazing Clare, I don’t know how you do it. Good luck with the training, I didn’t even know there was a marathon season?. Did you do any running before BC? I can’t run at all but intend to step up my walking, I don’t really do enough. It’s really inspiring to hear about your achievements, well done
Love Karen