Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Karen. I didn’t do any running but loved keep fit esp classes like Zumba. I was inspired to run by my son who runs marathon and my dog walking got me kickstarted.
Thanks Cath.
The weather is lovely this week then cold again so enjoy it to the fullest July 14 ladies.

Hi Cath and Clare, the weather is lovely after last week isn’t it, definitely going to make the most of it before the Easter cold spell. I thought I loved snow but am fed up with it now!!
Love to all the July ladies

Hi Gill. Great news about the results.

Cath. I Did OK 1:07 but was aiming for 1:01. The course seemed longer than 10K . lol

Enjoy your week ladies

Well done Clare, I think that’s fantastic xx

Thank you Cath, Karen and Gill


Hi Ladies - long time no speak although I think of you all often. Have just dropped in to have a little catch-up and it’s lovely to see so many of you doing so well.


Cath - go you with your second book! Hope you’ll still remember us all when you’re as big as JK Rowling lol xx


Clare - well done on your 10K! Your time sounds absolutely amazing to me - a true inspiration xx


Karen - glad you had a lovely time in Rome. That’s one of the places we visited on our Med cruise last Easter & would love to go back to spend more time there xx


Gill - Congrats on your mammo results :smiley: - my appointment has just come through for 19th April so I guess we’ll all be going through that ‘wanting to get checked but being anxious about possible results’ time round about now xx


Well, I’ve not had a great start to the year so far - my lovely mum was taken poorly just after my birthday in January and sadly passed away 10 days later. She had been in a care home for four and a half years with Alzheimer’s, which was very advanced so hospital was a difficult place for her to be but she got sepsis, pneumonia & various other complications. In the end, it was quite a relief to know she would be in no more pain and at least I got to be with her when she passed away peacefully.  My husband and I have also had some family stress and have really been feeling the ‘sandwich’ trap between caring for our elderly parents and coping with a teenager!  Anyway, enough of the negative stuff - we have just had a lovely week’s holiday in Gran Canaria which was very relaxing and we have another holiday booked for June to go to Madagascar, which I’m very excited about!!


We just need Spring to be properly sprung now - I love this time of year, with the anticipation of brighter days to come (even though they don’t always turn up quite as much as I would hope!).


Hugs to all the July ladies,




So sorry to hear about your mum’s death and your struggles with family Julie. Such a major struggle to deal with. Glad you had a well deserved relaxIng holiday. Fingers crossed for mammogram when the time comes.

Have a Happy Easter ladies

Thanks Gill and Clare xx


Yes, Happy Easter to you all! Hope everyone has a good one with at least some decent weather and lots of choccies! :slight_smile:




So sorry to hear about your Mum, Julie. Alzheimer’s is such an awful illness, my thoughts are with you xx
Cath, hope you have both recovered from your bug now and eating lots of chocolate to make up xx
Hugs to all the July ladies, hope everyone is well xx

Thanks for your kind thoughts Cath & Karen.  xx


Alzheimer’s certainly seems to be a biggie that affects so many people and unfortunately obviously grows as the population gets older :frowning:


Cath - I hope your tummy is feeling better now so you can catch up on some choccy! xx


Hope everyone is doing well


Hope everyone enjoyed Easter . and Cath your tummy bug is recovered so you could enjoy some of your chocolates.
Keep well everyone

Cath, I think Abu Dhabi will be too hot for me to stay too long. The weather here was only about 19 degrees and it felt just right. Enjoy the good weather while you can, it will be back to rainy and cold by the time I return! ?

Gill, what a lovely start to your husbands retirement. If my husband retires he will be locked out of the house at least 3 days a week or I’ll lose my sanity. ?

I went to Charlestown years and years ago, 1980 I think. It was lovely.

Have a great week ladies, enjoy some decent weather. Xx

Hi ladies.
Hope everyone remains well and enjoying life and that you are enjoying your holiday Sylvie. I am in Boston USA with my marathon son. The weather is variable: mild then suddenly cold 3° C today. Typical! with the marathon planned for tomorrow. Brr.

Must dash off to training
love to all

Hi Cath. My training is coming on slowly but surely I hope . Marathon in on the 16th Sept. Running for prostate cancer. If anyone would like to sponsor me please I will post the link.
Gill you and hubby can have lots of fun together or do your own separate things you always wanted to do.
love to July 14 ladies

Cath, we go to Canada for a 3 week trip on July 12th so you can book your UK holidays in those weeks. ???

Hi ladies I am in Mill Valley

Hi ladies. I am travelling in the USA with my son. He ran Boston marathon in 2:44 It was the worst weather ever! 1:12 were treated for hypothermia after the run. 24 elites (more than half) dropped out of the race. I am very proud of my son for doing better than the elites by completing the race . I deserve a medal just for being a spectator. I have never felt so cold.

We then went to San Francisco and we are now in Mill Valley and guess what. We both caught the flu. I was amazed how expensive medicine is in the USA. We are lucky in the UK.
Well We hope to get beer by next week Sunday as my son is doing another marathon in Big Sur.
Hope you are all fine

Hi Gill, Cath, Sylvie and any other July ladies due for mammogram. Good luck and everything crossed.
I don’t have them anymore because of double mastectomy. One positive
I have been busy training and relaxing as much as poss. My running, dog walking and steelpan playing takes most of my day up. Not forgetting my socialising when I can squeeze it in. The joys of full retirement eh?

I completed my 1st half marathon on Sunday in 2hrs and 36 mins. It was hot and Hilly but very well organised.

Hope you ladies are trying to enjoy life to the fullest. My next and I hope my last hospital appt will be on 21st August.
Hugs to all

Clare x x

Hi Cath, Gill and Sylvie Eric. Good to hear. Sylvie holiday sounds great. Yes retirement is the key to get the time to do exactly what you like without stress. Thought I would miss work but too busy at the moment.

Cath it think it might be my last appt because I thought one get seen for 5 years then signed off. Maybe I shall get one more appt as not exactly 5 yrs yet. Diagnosed 31st Dec 2013. We shall see. I wouldn’t mind being signed off as I hate hanging around hospitals. So depressing. Must be because I spend all my working years in them lol.

Well girls enjoy the lovely weather.

Love to all

Hi Gill bl*** y autospell lol. It was typed as etc
So good to hear you’re enjoying retirement. I wonder now where we got the time to go to work lol.
I could do with a dip in the sea today in fact this week with such lovely weather

Love to all