Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Good luck Cath, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Lovely day here in Hampshire too, sat in the garden under the shade with the glorious scent of the jasmine.

This is what summer should be like! Xx

Hi Ladies
Sorry not been on here for ages, possibly a good sign that life is getting back to normal? Sounds like everyone is doing well, hopefully all is good with Wendy too and she is too busy to check in!
Not had my mammogram yet that is due in a couple of weeks and then I have oncology in August.
Been off work with Martin for the last week, loving the hot weather and watching the football. Also now the kids are older and no one needs picking up from school, we have sneaked in a couple of pub lunches whilst we should be decorating ?.
Love to all, Karen x

Oh Cath, sending lots of love and hugs to you. I’m sure they are just being cautious as you say but it is still a worry. Hopefully they’ll be able to put your mind at rest on Friday.
Thinking of you and keeping everything crossed xx

Sorry Cath, I phrased my reply badly when I said it’s still a worry, what I meant was due to our previous experiences it’s only natural to worry even though there are lots of reasons you have been called back.
There’s a reason you are a writer and I’m not!!
Take care xxx

Good luck tomorrow, Cath, I’ll be thinking of you xx

Sorry Cath, only got back yesterday and just picked up the latest thread. I’ve got everything crossed for you and hope you get the results quickly. As others have said hopefully it’s a blurred image. Big hugs. Xxx

My thoughts and prayers are with you Cath. It could still turn out to be ok couldn’t it?, and in the worst case it will have been caught very early.
Fill your weekend with lovely things, fingers crossed everything will be ok.

Sending big hugs xx

Cath - not been on for ages, just dropped in to check on everyone & sorry to hear about your mammo experience.  Am sending lots of positive vibes your way and will say some prayers for you. Hope the news is the best it can be on Thursday.

Sending you a big, squishy hug to keep you going,

Love, Julie



Thank you for keeping us all updated Cath. It’s sounds rather trite to advise you to stay positive, especially after what you’ve been through already. Try and keep yourself as busy as possible, like you said you can’t change anything so worrying Wont help. I can promise you we’ll all be worrying for you! I have everything crossed for you (which made hoovering really difficult!). Please let us know how you get on next Thursday in your own time.

We’re with you all the way. ?? xxx

Hi ladies. I haven’t been on site for a while and just read about your experience Cath. So sorry you have to go through this worrying. I am sending positive vibes to you and keeping everything crossed. Big hug.

We are all here for you if you need us Cath. Good news from Gill about calcifications, nothing beats reassurance from someone who has experience!

Good luck today Cath, sending big hugs xx

Good luck Cath, we’re all thinking of you. ??

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Sorry to gatecrash cath , I accidentally read your post last week and have been checking back to see if you had any news - I am so relieved for you , what a worrying couple of weeks to say the least for you , am so pleased the biopsy was clear !

Cath How are you today? How r you coping emotionally ? When will you get feedback about your tests?
Just to say I will be in Manchester playing steelpan in the Carnival this weekend. So excited.
Big hug

Cath I just saw your feedback .couldn’t see it b4. A glitch in the system I suppose. I am so pleased that the results were positive and not cancerous.
Feeling happy for you now.

Fantastic news Cath, so pleased for you, you must be so relieved. Have a huge glass of something tonight in celebration! I’m going to have to google the other news, if it shows an increased risk recurrence it’s not good but it is good that it’s been picked up. Keep us posted won’t you.

Have a wonderful weekend. Xx

Fantastic news Cath, I’m so pleased for you. Think a very large glass of wine and slice of cake are in order this evening ?
Have a lovely evening, I imagine you will sleep better than the rest of the week tonight xx

Great news Cath!! Whoo hoo indeed! So pleased for you - you should defo celebrate tonight xxx