Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

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Hi Cath , I am one of the ladies from the April 2014 thread , so have followed your July thread at times .
It seems the April and July ladies from that year are still very active on the forum !
We met up for the 4th year last week and it was lovely to see the other ladies again .
Take care and once again it is so nice to hear good news ! X

Great to see that positive friendships was made from such a negative disease. You all look so happy lovewine.
Yes Gill can’t wait to meet. the July 14 ladies.
Cath. Sometimes it takes time for news to sink in. Both good and bad.
Love to all x x

BTW the Carnival went well. If you Google it you might see me on the truck. The W.I with twists curls


I can’t believe it will be our 5 year anniversary next year, that time has gone so quickly!
I had latest oncologist visit in the week, unfortunately my consultant has changed and I will now only be on Letrozole for a total of 5 years whereas my previous consultant who I loved had told me it would be at least 10 years. I know not everyone gets on with Letrozole but it has been my crutch and I don’t feel ready to lose it anytime soon.
The oncologist also told me I’m at ‘moderate risk’ I was still trying to take in what he told me previously that I didn’t ask what of …recurrence? spread?. I suppose nothing has really changed but I’m used to coming away feeling reassured. Fingers crossed I will have a different consultant next time!!

Karen sorry your appt was disappointing. Personally I was never happy with my oncologist and I always came away from them feeling low so I asked to be referred back to my GP. I only see the breast surgeon and the plastic surgeon.

Gill is right about emailing your consultant for clarification. Hope your next appt is more positive.

Hi Karen, I’ve just read your comments about letrozole. Funny enough I’ve been looking at another forum about stopping anastrozole early. I’m due to stop next year but would love to stop sooner. I believe the two drugs have the same purpose. There has been a recent post in that thread about the percentages involved depending on how long it’s taken. I have to admit I haven’t read it yet, it’s a long post.

Most women on that thread seem to want to stop taking the medication but are worried what will happen when they do. I know I’m in that camp. My biggest worry is that my body will start ramping up hormones again with the potential threat that can bring. I think it’s a great idea to email your onc. Down here they sign you off after 3 years so I don’t get to see one routinely any more, I’m sure I could get an appointment though if I asked. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for soon, if it works for you and it eases your mind it’s definitely worth pursuing.

Hi Gill, Cath, Clare and Sylvia

Thank you all for your supportive comments and advice. I will email my consultant, Gill, why did I not think of that!!
Sylvia, I think I am probably the only person who doesn’t want to come off Letrozole or similar, I have been lucky to not really have any side effects and was told by my previous onc he would keep me on it for life if he could. Seems like I’m lucky to still have onc appointments though.

Thanks again, reading your comments has made me feel better

Hi Gill. I am fine. Busy training to maintain my running and health. Berlin Marathon when ok. Completed in 5hrs 52mins. I was aiming for 5hrs.
I have been so lucky to be picked out of the ballot for the London Marathon . So happy.
I had a Dexa scan in Sept which was normal so the letrozole isn’t affecting my bones. Good news.

Hello Cath great to know you are in good hands with the hospital

Take care

Hi Cath and Gill. Good morning and what a lovely morning it is!!
I am in the park enjoying the weather with 2 dogs. What a positive difference cancer makes to my life. ##Enjoylife##.
Take care

Hi ladies

Glad to see people doing well, retiring running, drinking and eating. Just started doing couch to 5k, very early days (week 2) but I’ll stick with it. I’m not aiming for marathons, frankly if I can run for 10 minutes without needing a paramedic that will be an achievement.

All is well except for my hair. 4 years of Anastrozole are taking their toll, I have an appointment with the hospital for a chat. I feel a bit vain but hair is important to me. I want to stop the meds but the BC nurse was encouraging me to stick with it for at least the whole 5 years, possibly 10. Really not keen on extending.

Cath, I would find it very reassuring to be kept on by the hospital for longer than expected.

Autumns here, the weather is unseasonably warm, the trees are stunning and I’m off work tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend all. Xx

Baby hair, me too. ? I do appreciate that I made it through where others haven’t, if it was a fact that your hair recovers when you stop the medication I’d just put up with it, but I know that it might not. Some loss I can take but I don’t want to end up looking like my dad!! ??? Xx

Hi Sylvie glad to see you starting exercising. B4 you know it you’ll be feeing fitter. Just take it slow and alwsys listen to your body.

Sorry about your wispy hair Gill and Sylvie. Have you thought about using wigs? There are lovely natural looking ones available.

BTW Hairdresser always told me that exercising makes your hair grow. Maybe she is right?? Maybe not evidenced based.

Well all my love

Thanks Cath. I don’t want to sound like a whinge bucket but I do feel the hair loss is very noticeable but friends say my hair looks good. I guess we’re all hard on ourselves. I had my hair cut today and the hairdresser put so much product in it it’s so thick. Perhaps I need to get the hang of hair products, which I dislike. ? Gill, funny enough when I was walking to the hairdresser I thought about shaving it all off, how weird is that!

Clare, one if the reasons I decided to try running was to increase blood flow to my head to help my hair. I thought maybe if I got more active that would make a difference. If nothing else it will help my general health so it’s a win win. I’m not ready to din wigs again, I really hated that. ?

Lovely warm day here, started wet, git warm and sunny now the clouds are rolling back in. Oh well. Off out to watch a bit of am dram. Xx

‘don’. D’oh!

And got not git!!

Great to see this thread is still active, life surely goes on I hope for all of us.


We have now aquired a puppy (Rhodesian Ridgeback female) her name is Nala and it is a different type of life having a dog. I am sure a lot of you can relate.

But good to see some of the veterans o this thread.


Not long left to our 5 year anniversary, which for triple negative means a fantastic prognosis, so it would be fab to get there unscaved  :smileyhappy:


Take care everyone


Hi all. Just thought I would pop online to say. All well. Busy dog walking running and playing steelpan but all fun. My motto at present is to enjoy life to the fullest.
Flossie I have experienced life change because of dog ownership. It definitely helps to keep you busy.
Take care all and don’t stress over Christmas


Ow Cath. Love weddings. Enjoy the moment. Good luck and congratulations to your son and family

Merry Christmas to everyone. Have a lovely festive time ?
Love to all