Anyone from East Kilbride/Glasgow area?

Hi Pauline

I Have been off work since last May. I havent had any benefits at all. I was on full pay up till the Jan wage and have been told that its stopped completely. I Checked about the half pay but the answer was no. When I go back to work its supposed to be part time, but I will be on part time wages and I cant afford that so Im just going to have to go back ASAP. I have a meeting with the Maggies centre for benefits. I will see what they say then.


Angela…Shame on your employers…Its crap they don’t give you half pay.Will we all write to them protest?The benefits people will sort you out & DLA is not means tested.
Its extra stress worrying about money…which you don’t need.
I don’t think that I will be running about the wards when I eventually go back…to busy & night shift…better not go into that!!! Will retire to a sitting down job…don’t know what yet.
Ah,yes I know sampling champers!!!
Love & hugs to everyone
Keep smiling

Angela…Just had another thought.You could return to work for a day or two & then go of in the pat & mick again.

Best of luck with the onc tomorrow & Jo keep chilling out for friday.
Sending snow rays of sunshine over

Hi Pauline

I cant really complain too much about my work… I had only been there 8 weeks when I was diagnosed. They paid me up until now on full pay. I think the resession is the problem. If I go back and go off sick again I still wont get paid full pay so its not really worth it. You are right though, it is stress I dont need. My job is a sitting down jo so I dont have to worry about that. Hope you find something you are happy doing. I think the sampling champers may be wishfull thinking hehe.

Take care


Hi girls

Never mind the coffee lets meet up for a nice long lunch, we all deserve it don’t we and we will need the time to have a long chat, bet we’ll put the loose women to shame heehee!
Was supposed to meet friends for lunch Frid but they’ve had to cancel as one has a virus, I don’t want to catch it.

I’ve been off work since 10th Oct with full pay for 6 mths, not getting any benefits, told I wasn’t entitled at moment but did get MacMillan Grant, got new fridge freezer and money for clothes.

Angela- I agree with your other half about being more expensive on Valentines, its a money making day. Hope you have a lovely time.

I’ll let you all know how I get on tomorrow.

Jo- keep smilling and chilling for frid, but you’ll be fine :slight_smile:

Speak to you all tomorrow

Hugs Sharon xx

I hope the lunch encludes wine hehe

Och, did I not say that, I thought i mentioned it heehee

Morning all…
Sharon…hope you get on ok today.You are so way ahead of me in the chemo stakes.Surgery for you may be not that long now.Have you considered a lumpectomy as opposed to the full bhoona,me talking about scoff again.
When I was initially diagnosed with a mother of a tumour it was suggested to me to have a bilateral mastectomy plus or minus ovary removal.Now that chemo has shrink the tumour by half the spr @ the Rah thinks I should have a lumpectomy & see what the outcome of that is.It’s a hell of a hard decision to make I think.
I have a really rubbish family history…my dad died of breast cancer in 2004,& my mum was diagnosed with BC in 2002.Thankfully my mum is in remission now.I have had numerous breast lumps removed over the years ( all benign) & was told to go for genetic testing which I never took up.Now I am thinking about getting the test done privately so I have a better picture…& more informed.Need to see how much it costs though!!!
Sorry for rambling on a bit there.
Jo…remember to eat something before getting your treatment tomorrow.Is ytour husband taking you?
Ang…When do you meet up with the benefits people?They are coming to see me @ my house this afternoon to fill out the rest of the form.
I have taken so much medication that I am hoping I don’t have to run to the toilet…just casually go & pretend there is nothing wrong…haha
Tracey…any ideas about further meds for GI upsets?I have taken buccastem,domperidone ,immodium,codiene phosphate & good old fashioned K&M.Hope fully,I will know this afternoon if it C-DIF.In which case full antibiotic therapy.
Looks like I have written War &Peace there.Thanks all for your time.
Sending you all a huge cyberhug xxxxxx

Hey girls…
Just an update…Specimen TESTED NEGATIVE for C-dif .So the culprit is 5FU.Atleast I know now.
Take care

Hi ladies

I am up for the lunch with lots of wine of course!!!

I had the inlaws up for dinner last nite which wasn’t too bad but i ended up drining a bottle of wine…A bit tired this morning, just as well my little girls didn’t have nursery until 1pm today…

P… yeah hubby is taken me over to the beatson at 2pm, the girls are at nursery all day. Had bloods taken yesterday as usual the clinic was running late, does my head in all the waiting about wasn’t too bad as my mum had cae along with me. Thats good news about your results.

My arm that i had my surgery on is giving me a bit of pain again, spoke to chemo nurse she says i need to go back to physo for a bit… cant stretch my arm out full.

Oh i have been off work since Sept 08, only getting ssp pay as my boss said that because i wasn’t terminal that i wont get full pay …what a complete tosser. will need to ask maggies about any other benifit i can get, got a Mcmillan grant back in Nov to cover heating bill over the winter

Hey Angela you thought your boss was bad !! thats a shame they wont give you half pay.

Got to go and make the girls dinner catch you all later

lol jo x

Hi Jo

No my Manager and Ass Manager have fought all the way to try and get money for me, they have been great. The desission to stop paying me came from the company owner. I did get paid in full for 8 months. Just it had to stop at some point!! I just have to work out other ways round things. Have the application for a McMillan grant as I havent applied before now. I have a meeting with Maggies on the 4th march so I will see what happens then.

So… When are we setting up the lunch with wine!! It would be good if we can get a day when everyone is in their good weeks.


Morning guys…
No snow up here…what a bummer.

Hope we are all ok.
Meant to say that I would be up for lunch too @ some point…Still suffering with SE @ the mo…but getting better.
Take care
Love P X

Good morning

Hope everyone is feeling good today !!!

Had a long lie this morning and feeling good got my chemo at 2pm so iam just geting ready.

lol jo x

No snow here either Pauline… Its starting to melt waya what was left too.

Jo, hope your chemo goes OK, Will see you Monday. Are you going to feel up to it if you have chemo today… how long does it take till you feel rubbish?


Hi Angela

I should be ok for monday i was only feeling sick for a couple days the last time. Then just felt tired, fingers crossed xx

lol jo x

Thats not too bad Jo, I had about 10 days of feeling crap everytine it had chemo… not fun



Jo…Hope you got on ok yesterday.Keep taking the anti-emetics.

Ang…Did you enjoy your dinner last night?

Sharon…Any dates for surgery yet?

Pretty murky out there this morning…can’t wait for some sunshine.
Sending eveyone hugs from the cyberworld.

Hi Pauline

Yes I had a lovely meal out. The food was really good, I had a king prawn with ham and pea risoto which was just yum for starters, Fillet of beef with red wine onions and mustard sauce for the main and strawberry cream and passionfruit shortbread stacks for pudding. It was all really nice.

Jo, are you still ok for tomorrow, do you want to meet up before it?

Sharon, hows things, hope you are feeling better than you did last week.

Tracy, is everything ok, we havent heared from you in a while?


Angela…food sounds good.Was it 2 Fat Ladies that you went to ?Never been in it before…I was not up to going out as still suffering from to much 5FU.Hoping to get this sorted out this week.Due for hickman line on wed too.When does your rads start now?
Just lying up on the couch chilling out.Tom,s just munching away @ the chocolates I have been given-cannot face them @ the moment.

Jo…Hope you are ok & able to go to the workshop tomorrow.The weather seems to be alot milder today.Hope it stays dry .Is your kids ok?

Sharon…Have not heard from you for a while.Are you ok?

Tracey…How long have you worked in the NHS for?Pharmacy technician sound a very interesting job.Hope you are ok.

Well girls all take care of yourselves and spk soon.


Pauline -X-