Anyone from East Kilbride/Glasgow area?

I haven’t been sleeping much at all, I haven’t had a long lie since I started treatment. I used to love sleeping and lying in bed :frowning:

Somedays I just don’t get out of my PJ’s just sit on couch all day!!

Oh Pauline, watch out for the dry mouth on Tax it’s been a nightmare for me, although I am managing to eat, the mouth ulcers are sore, have had mouth wash and gel from the hospital. They tell you to drink lots but I have been it just hasn’t helped xx


Sharon, its not long now till you are finished with the chemo, it will all be over and done with before you know it.

Pauline, sorry things are not going too well for you.

I think the lunch will be good for all of us… get us out of the house and having some fun…


Hi everyone

I had a great day at the maggies centre, it was a shame me and Angela couldn’t get drunk but i will be drinking on the lunch.

Was shattered last nite so didnt log in, been really tired today as well.

What time did u get home Angela?

lol jo x

Oh also what did the hair dresser say about your hair, did she give you any good tips…

Glad Angela and jo had good time yest.

Angela - I may need more chemo after op, they don’t know yet, they said they won’t know until they see the area, test the tumour.

As Pauline has chemo this week and I have chemo next week we should arrange lunch for week beginning 2nd March if that’s ok with Jo? I think Jo may have chemo that week?

We’ll need to arrange something ASAP, be good to get together and have a good natter and put the world to rights, I’m dying to go out, none my friends been doing much recently, bloody credit crunch!!

Hugs Sharon


Jo , the hairdresser didnt tell me very much, the girl that was just about to start her chemo that was sitting accross from us was there too and they landed up using me as a head moddle to show her how to tie scarfs. I got home a bit after 6.30

Sharon, I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you dont have to have any more chemo…

Week begining the 2nd of march is good for me…

Hi How’s everyone today?

Jo - you feeling any better?
Pauline - Good luck for today.
Tracy - hope you can make the lunch also

Angela - that’s a bit crap you went there for advice then you ended up being the model

Hugs Sharon

I’m off out to the cinema tonight, can’t actually remember the last time I was at the cinema!!!

Hi Sharon, What are you off to see? I havent seen anything in a while.

I went into my work today to say hello to the guys, they are trying to set up a night out that I can go to so that should be good.

Apart from that… I havent been up to much


Hi to all

Yeah sharon I am feeling a bit better today, my hubby was off today so I got a long lie, didn’t get up until 11am. Hope you enjoy your movie tonight. Ive not been for ages…

I can do the week of the 2nd March, I have my bloods on the Wednesday and chemo on Fri so I am free Mon,Tues or Thurs if everyone else is OK with those days… Any suggestions on were to go for eating or drinking!

Tracy you stay not far from me I am in stepps…

Pauline I know what you mean about reading, I’ve not been reading at all since hospital no concentration, I am also loving my little girls DS its great !!! Keep having to pinch it off her…

Take care everyone lol

jo xxxx

Hi girls

I went to see ‘He’s not that into you’, it was quite good, a few laughs were had by all.
Had a rotten sleep last night, felt as though I was just looking at my eyelids all night, got a sore head this morning cause of it.

I’m off into work today give them a visit, haven’t been in since a visit back in Oct. My boss joked he’s going to look work out for me, if he does i’m right out the door again!!

Jo I keep meaning to get a DS

Speak to you later

Sharon xx

I didnt sleep well last night either, must be something in the water… Hope your headache eases.

Glad the film was good Sharon. I could do with a good giggle.

I have a DS too but its been abandoned at the moment for Animal Crossing on the Wii. Im addicted. ITs sooo sad!!

We should go during the day when it’s cheaper.
I don’t have any computer things, hasd to buy laptop as I was so bored


How does Thurs 5th suit everyone? Maybe about 12.30 ish

Thought I would start the ball rolling!!

Good morning girls

Hope you are all keeping well today.Iam afraid i will miss the lunch stupid me is going back to work next Wednesday.Just going back on a short week though and if i find it too much will just go back off again i just feel that i am keeping well just now and might as well be in at work just now as i might need the time off later.Maybe take the time off when getting rads.I will be off on a Monday and Tuesday so if any other plans are made i will join in.

Jo if you want to meet up for a coffee any day maybe at the Brewers Fayre and bring the kids let me know as your right i am just down the road from you.

If anyone wants to watch a good funny movie you should watch step brothers i watched it the other night with hubby and kids it was hilarious. Take care everyone going to b&q this morning with my dad how exciting speak to u all soon Tracy xxxxxxx

hi girls

Tracy that would be good to meet up for coffee some time! what age are your kids again.?

I am feeling ok today, went to the fort shoppping for a bit then got the girls from nursery. Got a gift for my friend who has just had a little girl, going to visit them on sunday for some lunch also best friend is up from london this weekend so I will be out on the town on Sat nite for a few bevys… Think were r going to the Merchant City.

I got great news today from my sister told me she pregnant again, so I am going to be an auntie !!! cant wait… This is something to look forward to, at the end of my chemo and rads.

I am free the Monday & Tuesday if you want to change the day !! So everyone can come.

Ant ideas were to go !!! anyone

lol jo x

Afternoon everybody…
Hope you are all ok & you all have been busy…puts me to shame.
Got my hickman line in on wed followed by the taxotere.Eating lots of pineapple chunks & juice for dry mouth.Its great being able to eat…fair missed out on the scoff with that last round of the FEC.
Main problem is can’t sleep…although I am so tired…steriod induced insommnia.Got some bone pain from G-CSF injec but counteracting that with voltarol.
Lunch on the 5th march @12:30 sounds good to me.I am going to the LGFB workshop on the 2 nd march.My mum is coming along to the workshop too…she loves all that pampering.
Where do you want to go for lunch?Any kind of food suits me.
Take care
Pauline xx

Any ideas about what helps with the bone pain with those hellish g-csf inj.Had 2 before on the fec but another 7 with the tax.Paracetomal and voltarol don’t make any impact.
Hope you are having a nice weekend.

Hi girls

Had a busy weekend, curryoke on Frid night then pub for dinner on Sat then back to friends for drinks.

Had Herceptin today so more chemo tomorrow.

Pauline- have no suggestions as I’m only taking paracetamol for bone pain also, doesn’t work at all. I’m also eating loads pineapple, bought ice lollies but they are too cold for my mouth and teeth hurt now, haha. Wish I had known I could have put my mum on the LGFB day with me.

God bloody appointments, I’ve just noticed my surgery has booked me in for my zolidex injection for 2moro instead of next week!! I’ll need to call them.

I’m free for lunch Mon, Tues or Thurs
I like Cafe Andeluz(spanish tapas) on St Vincent Street or there should be nice Italian’s round about or there are a few pubs that do good food also.

Hope your all well
Big hugs Sharon xx