Morning Ladies,
Sharon - Yes, we do live on the Paisley Patch. Hubby doesn’t work in APC though, He is OC for Recruiting and works from Hotspur St, Maryhill. Trying to organise our next move back to Edinburgh. Should be moving end May/beg June. Its a very small army world!
Whats the Young Womens Forum? Don’t want to be missing out on anything!! Good luck with your scan Monday.
Happy Birthday to Maggie, hope you have a good day. Glad you’ve finished rads and don’t have to go to beatson everyday!
Well, its just me and wee Murdo today. Cliff away to work with Meg and Lewis at school. Still not dressed and the house is a tip, need motivated! Had one of the worst nights yet last night, tossed and turned, window open, window closed, covers on, covers off, need a wee, window open, covers off, need a wee, walk round the bed, mind racing with irrational thoughts… it was endless!!! I know I would feel so much better for a full nights sleep.
Can’t believe is snowing again! Was going to go through to Edinburgh with other half to have a look at the army houses but I’d have to drive home myself and I had visions of being snowed in on the M8!
Kim, hope you new charge is settling in. My collie follows me about all the time too. If I put certain jeans on she knows i’m taking her a run but if I pick up my handbag she knows shes going nowhere! They are so clever! I walk them everyday, huge big long walks but each time we go, you would think they had never been out ever before, they go mad!
My wee boy, bless him, is all happy cos cheryl cole is single again! He fell the other day, waving at a friend passing in the car and split his elbow open! He was very brave, didn’t cry. Me personally would have been screaming!
Anyway, I really should move myself, I’ve got a Jedward going on with the old hair. Hope theres not an emergency!
Love Sarah x