Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Thank you nel, it really does help loads to know I have people rooting for me XX

Thank you ladies and good luck today Pollyanne, I will be thinking of you xxx

To Pollyanne, good luck, will be thinking of you today x x x x

Hello all
Hopefully this will post - I was diagnosed last month
Grade 3 12/16 lymph nodes so am with the other lady who was worried about the number of LN involved!!!

I start chemo next Monday 29th July. Gotta have 4 EC and 4 tax and start herceptin with the tax for a year. Absolutely terrified.
I am only 39 and have a 4 year old and a nine month old. Had to have left MX and fullnode clearance and feel like poo!
Hate having one big udder and then nothing on other side especially in this weather everyone has their cleavage out reminding me how I used to look rubbing salt in the wound!!!

Am concerned that I have to have 8 cycles of chemo rather then 6 what most women seem to have
TRying to be posotive and think I will beat this bar stward but its completely knocked me off my feet - fl like a pinball in a machin being buffetted from side to side.

Like you Naz am gonna sahv head when is starts falling out - dreading it but am prepared got 2 wigs and a load of scarves from anna bandana and some nice hats.

Really peeved as have chemo cycles on my sons first day at school and the day after my 40th how rubbish is that
Been reading these posts all weekend trying to join in and introduce myself. Im in Manchester if any of you ladies are in that neck of the wood maybe we can go through this together.

OH is great but I find I can ionly gather strength from others in same position or those that have come out the other side and have stuck 2 fingers up in face of cancer
I still keepthinking they will tell me they made a mistake with diagnosis - I ran marathn few years back, never smoked, no family history , dont really drink and hav been veggie since I was 12. HOw unlucky am I?? Wish Id have had kebabs and smoked woodbines now!!!

Looking forward to being with all you ladies over the course of this. Most of you are a cycle ahead of me so it will be good to know what to expect at the cocktail bar. Tell you Id rather be having a sex on the beach than a EC but hey ho!

Tasmin - can you please add me to the list if poss

Speak soon
Cheryl xxx

Morning Junkies,
Everything crossed for you pollyanne, it’s silly but i was surprised I actually walked out after the chemo, not sure what I was thinking and you sit there and watch everyone else having theres and you are the newbie and no one is worreid just reading, listening to music, chatting and having a cup of tea
My dad has just turned up. I will be back.
Kat xx

Orangecat - know exactly what you mean…it was “so thats it, I can go now” kinda feeling. Was sooo proud of myself for keeping calm all day, as I had the PICC line fitted in the morning. Then got home and what with the stress of the day, the drugs etc I just wanted to crash and sleep, but was worried about sickness etc. Anyway, can honestly say that week 2 and feeling so much more with it this week. Waiting for the District Nurse to put in an appearance to flush PICC line. DN refused to come out to do wound check when I had drain fitted following surgery, despite the hospital requesting it. So if DN dont make an appearance today then someone at their office will remember who I am by the end of the day :confused: Honestly as an ex NHS worker you would think that a quick telephone call to say “hi” and “will be with you this morning…or be with you this afternoon” would leave me with at least half a day when I am feeling ok to get myself out for half an hour if I wanted to!!
Rant over :slight_smile:

Hi everyone!
Nell42: You rant away! It’s so difficult to suddenly find yourself at someone else’s beck and call. I’m waiting on yet another call from my BCN at the moment and it’s the irritation of just waiting… and waiting… I’m having a PICC line in as well (if I ever get round to having chemo) and fingers crossed I’ve got various friends lined up to flush mine out cos I couldn’t face the weekly waiting.
Pollyanne: You’ll have done by the time you read this! Go girl!
juliemb: Hugs for tomorrow. And Kat, are you still on course for tomorrow?
So, revised list is as follows.
22nd: Pollyanne - lynda FEC - T
23rd: juliemb
23rd: orangecat - kat FEC-T CYCLE 2
25th Bimble TAC
25th marion09 FEC-T
26th piggsytrotter FEC-T
29th chezzap FEC-T
I don’t have a date for your second cycle Rhubarb, but know it is sometime nowish. Good luck and fingers crossed all goes well.
Hang in there, Junkies
Tamsin x

Is it common to have a PICC line fitted, I have a real needle phobia and have read up about the different options we have, is it offered to only certain ladies???

julie xx

I too am wondering about picc line or central port thing as Ive gotta have the hercaeptin for a year after too. You cant go swimming though with picc line. What do you ladies think is it worth the hassle or is it best to persevere with veins if you can???
Im a runner and like my zumba so wanted if poss to try and keep doing those things to stop me going completely insane.

Just been out with my OH and two children and was watching them play and just broke down. OH asks me what is wrong!!! Doh has he been asleep the last month what does he think is wrong for crying out loud. I might not see my kids grow up , the baby might not remember his mummy. Having a bad afternoon it must be said hopefully will get my head straight in a bit and be positive again!

Anyway hope yours went ok today Pollyanne and good luck tomorrow for kat and Julie
Julie I too am crap with needles pass out every time I have to have blood taken etc - let me know how you all get on

Hi JJ’s. re Picc I asked for one as I have a fear of needles and have been known to pass out having a cannula put in! Also my veins tend to hide when I’m nervous! So its worth asking for one. Not all hospitals do portacaths but if you’re having heceptin its worth asking, if not a picc is great. I’ve had mine 5 weeks now and don’t notice or feel it anymore.
Good luck all those having treatment this week xx

I am new here and will start my chemo in August I think. I had right mx on 15th May with lymph clearance. I had a 3cm grade 3 and a 2cm grade 2 invasive with one lymph of 28 affected. I also had a foci of lymphovascular spacial invasion. ER and HER2 positive. They wast to start 2 weekly ACT but I am very against any chemo o have refused that but have agreed to FEC or FEC T as she wanted to use Taxol for me. Waiting to hear what they want to do and will start in August. CT showed speckles on my lungs but too small to tell if it is mets, so I live in limbo still.
I have 2 children, a son of 18 in the RAF and a daughter of 16 still at home and just left school. I try to stay positive and I think it still hasnt sunk in because I feel so well still. My partner is brilliant and he makes me feel completely loved still. We laugh as much as we can about it all.
Dreading chemo it goes against all my holistic values and I know that feeling as I have all my life is going to end inn the next couple of weeks with all the drugs I will not have to take. That is the scariest bit for me.

Thank you all you lovely ladies for your good wishes, it helps more than you could know X, well one down and so far so good been home about an hour not sure if I want to chance eating at moment tho, felt a bit woozy and wobbly when I left hospital and still do if I walk about, not sure if that’s the chemo or the cold cap. The cold cap wasn’t half as bad as I expected, got my doubts if it was working properly to be honest. By the way tamsin I am having FEC-T. Julie and Kat all my best wishes for tomorrow I will be thinking of you both. And nice to meet you chezz, just wish it could be under better circumstances, next hurdle is I have to give myself injections on 5th day for 5 days I think, anyone doing this and any tips please, good luck to all those getting cocktails this week, and best wishes to those going through SE xxx

You did it! Well done Pollyanne! Injections will be a doddle! I had to give myself one on Saturday morning and was dreading it. It was to combat DVT after the op and the twice previously I’d had it done in hospital it had been quite painful. I was given the option of waiting for the DN to come and do it for me, but decided I must take control of my situation rather than wait around for hours for the DN to turn up. So I took my courage in both hands - and found it was completely painless when I did it. Not sure whether it was just taking a little more time, or being in control of the situation, but that’s another fear allayed. You will be fine!
Another very sticky day here, but pleased to have got loads of washing dry before the promised storms arrive.
Good luck to Julie and Kat tomorrow. Fingers crossed it goes ahead, Kat

Hi Pollyanne, glad its all over for you, cant believe how many different types of chemo there are out there, mines just EC, dont understand it all!!! Have a lovley, chilled night, you deserve it, love julie xx

yep Julie mine is just EC not the F part for some reason and then the tax for 4
Wish I hadnt just watched Corrie but as a Manc its the law!!!

Well done Pollyanne first one done and dusted - get some well earned rest

Let us know how you get on tomoz Julie and Kat will be thinking of you both

Thank you, just had a nice bubble bath, chiil for a bit then try to sleep, xx

Gilly so sorry to hear your diagnosis, must be very difficult to go against your beliefs, for me it was a no brainer I wanted to throw every damn thing there is at it, just read on here what it all entails and go with your heart, bt also listen very carefully to your head, and of course your partner, good luck in whatever course you take and be assured you will get a lot of support and knowledge from all these lovely people that take the time to post their invaluable advice. Thank you Tamsin I was considering chickening out and asking for a DN to do it but I too don’t want to have to wait around, so will give it a go. Good luck again ladies and let us know how your doing if your up to it tomorrow, I’m still fine, just had ham sandwich and its still where it should be at moment lol

Chezz thank you for your good wishes, your sure to have a few wobbles, and when you look at your kids just think, I WILL beat this bloody thing because there’s no other option, you sound like you have a lovely family and that’s just another insentive to kick BC,s ass! Hope you find your mojo soon tc xx

Well done Pollyanne, good luck to Julie and Kat for tomorrow, hope it all goes well for you both.
I am off to see the consultant in the morning and then to get my wig fitted on Wednesday and then treatment on Thursday, I am starting at No. 6 and working down to zero so after Thursday I will have only 5 more to go

Great way of looking at it Marion , it’s good you have things to do in the lead up to Thursday it helps to be distracted I think, I was so surprised at how smoothly it went and as I have said so far all good, only really alarming bit was the bright pink wee I had, but even that looks more normal now, will be thinking of you on Thurday, just having a cup of tea and ginger biscuits before bed ( ginger biscuit’s purely medicinal Lol) tc xx. Lynda