Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Good afternoon my fellow JJ’s how are you all today?

Well 2 down and en-route to No.3 I know that is still 20 days away but it helps to know that No.3 is closer…positive mental attitude kicking in eh girls? So yesterday I took the step of saying to my OH I can do this on my own, he wasn’t happy and said it didn’t feel right but as I am sitting with a nurse all the time injecting me it seems a little easier. I wasn’t aware that a nurse would be puting each vial individually as I just assumed it would be a drip but in my unit they do it manually as they can make it slowly and that helps with the sickness - does anyone else receive their cocktails like that?
So I was awake at 2.30am until around 5.30 this morning so the internet usage took a battering on my mobile through the night as I was wide awake. So down to the nitty gritty, no nausea until around 11pm and two ginger snaps fixed that, this morning I have felt ok and just had my anti sickness and steroid tablets and SO FAR so good. I had a slight bit of indegestion which is what I think woke me up but it seems my SE’s are mirroring my pregnancy…although during that I loved Bombay bad boy pot poddles; not sure I shall replicate that choice ha ha.
So yesterday was nowhere near as bad as the first time and it flew over and also helped having lunch there, it passes the time although it is not easy attempting to eat with your left hand but I managed. Does everyone else have that in their unit? I wasn’t aware of that happening either, nice touch I think as last time my session was 2pm so I’d had my soup prior to going in.
Well as I was awake last night I was laughing about hairy toes, big udders and liking very much the humour that you lovely ladies still have. There is a lot of laughter in our house and I am liking the fact that some days now Cancer is not mention - long may that continue!
Hope every one who has had their 1st or about to have the 2nd have minimal SE’s. I am up for the neublasta injection tomorrow, not looking forward to it at all as it caused me the most upset last time around but hey if it makes the bone marrow work and less risk of infection then 24 hours of pain is worth it to try and make sure the rest of my treatment gets done when it should be!


Great to hear you are doing really well Karen. You have opened a can of whoop ass on chemo.
Hope Im as brave as you on Mon

Good evening, well thats 1 down and 5 to go, not quite as harrowing as I thought it might be, so glad its over though.
Mine was the same as yours Nazgirl, I had a lovely nurse who injected the 6 huge syringes into my saline drip and she really took the time to explain how each would feel going in and what the SE were of each one. felt really at ease with her.
I already feel sick and very achey with a bit of a headache but otherwise not too bad, came home with 5 boxes of tablets to deal with things over the next few days so hoping to not be too bad with it all. I have even managed to eat a little bit tonight with feeling sick so thats really good for me.
Thanks to everyone for all the laughs and support I get from here, you all make this easier to deal with… hugs…xxx

Well done Marion!! First and worst out of the way, so glad the experience wasn’t so bad, I felt same, have spent nicer afternoons but was bearable, hope your SE remain small, and try to get a good nights sleep later , I have had to stock up on prunes ,plums and sennakot , something has gotta shift soon lol

Good evening fellow junkies. Had meeting with onc before having picc line put in. She was lovely, as has everyone who’s dealt with me so far been to be fair, and answered some questions. Most reassuringly she said that I would have ultrasounds as well as mammograms in the future. Hadn’t realised how much the fact the mammogram didn’t pick up the cancer was preying on my mind. Had the picc line put in this afternoon and although it wasn’t pleasant it’s now done and dusted. Darling OH is going to clean the wound every day and flush the line every week so I don’t need to rely on DNs. But it looks like I’m going to have to be stabbed by 86 year old after all.
Funnily enough now that I know about future ultrasounds and the picc line being in I’m not so bothered about first cycle of FEC tomorrow. All the professionals I’ve met seem to think that because I’m fit and not overweight (thank you Horizon and Michael Moseley) the SEs shouldn’t be too bad and that anything that does crop up they can manage and minimise. Hmmn, we’ll see …
Wig was here when we got back and must say it looks pretty good. At lease feel that I’ll be able to step out the door with confidence.
Welcome russetapple. One week in to your journey. Hope it continues to be a smooth path. I’m trying to take the view that my old life is on pause for a few months, and I’ll press the start button again in the new year. That’s not even six months.
Juliemb and pollyanne I had an incision in my armpit and 5 weeks on the scar hardly shows. Although I’ve still got what feels like a golf ball in my armpit. I’ve also carefully shaved it with OH’s wet razor, although he doesn’t know that!
Orangecat 2 down, only 4(?) to go. Hope the SEs are minimal.
Hattie you are brave. You’re reacting normally to what is a totally abnormal situation. Of course losing our hair is traumatic. I can’t face shaving mine off completely, well done.
Nazgirl what is the neublasta injection? Is it something we can all look forward to ha! Your OH sounds like a star, so is mine. It makes a huge difference to have that support.
Marion 09 well done on getting through the first one. As you say only 5 more to go. We came home with a big bag of stuff today for the picc line, so looking forward to another one of drugs tomorrow lol!
Pollyanne if you’re still stuck try some linseeds. I was bunged up for nearly 5 days after surgery because of the codeine but a combination of shredded wheat and tinned prunes liberally sprinkled with linseeds (Holland & Barrett sell them) sorted it out. So I’ve made sure I’ve got a couple more tins of prunes just in case. Be just my luck to have the opposite problem.
Can’t remember who was asking about pick a picc line but if you type “pick a picc line cover” into the search engine of your choice you should get a link to them on facebook and other sites. I’ve bought a multi-pack of 3 and they arrived really quickly.
Off to bed now, need to gird loins for tomorrow. Sweet dreams my fellow junkies. x

Thanks Piggys , haven’t tried linseed s, I was thinking more a stick of dynamite the way im feeling , the seeds sound a bit more appealing lol, good luck for tomorrow , may your SE,s be tiny xx

Hi ladies, i haven’t posted poor a while but it’s now been 1 week since my first ec chemo. I’ve unfortunately had quite a few side effects, the most recent being cystitis. Has anyone else had this or know how to get rid of it?

Lottie I’m a big fan of Waterfall D Mannose from a company called sweetcures. It’s a natural sugar and it clears cystitis immediately . They also do Xylotene another sugar that cures mouth ulcers which I’ve stock piled for chemo. Google them. Check with your onc before taking them but if given the go ahead I promise they will sort you out. All natural so I hope I can keep taking them xxx

Thank you so much Tasha I’ll google it now :slight_smile: xx

Lottie I have PM’d you. Ladies I have no affiliation with sweetcures whatsoever but I have found the cystitis cure and the Xylotene for mouth ulcers to be miraculous, for many years now. As long as your onc says ok then feel free to try them, they are naturally occurring sugars and the results are amazing. Well they have been for me and the people I have recommended them to xxx

hi Tasha I haven’t had a pm come through x

Good luck Pigsy for today

Morning JJs from cloudy Hampton Court,
Everything crossed for you Piggsy, drink lots of water brfore you get there, Naz says 2 1/2 litres helps to dilute all that Strawberry Daiquiri, and help you pee it out!
Surprisingly slept well last night only up at 1.30 for drink and visit to the loo and then again at 6 and that was with me taking my last dex at 8pm! I feel so much better this time round now they have tweaked my anti sickness/heartburn meds.
Lottie I dont have cystits but have lost the urge to pee!!?? so take myself off every 4 hours and am always surprised I have a full bladder, but i do still drink 2 1/2 litres a day, loads of water, lemon barely, oat milk and tea.
Pollyanne I was bunged after round 1 and All Bran and Prunes did it for me, then I went the other way !!!
My concern is for my teeth after the red gums and painful tooth last time. I have my soft tooth brush and aloevera toothpaste, floss and no alcohol mouth wash. i clean my teeth 3 times a day. Hygeniest said to do what they recommend for my daughter and her braces and that is to eat a cube of cheese after meals to cancel out the acid in your mouth. Piggsy you are so going to go against everything Michael Moseley says!! saying that despite eating carbs and cheese i lost 3 kilos between chemo cycles.
My Pixie Happy bags arrived yesterday and they are lovely, i have bumped Juliana’s post up in case anyone else wants to support her amazing work raising money for cancer research from her kitchen table.
Love to all Kat xx

Sorry ladies but I really need to have a bit of a rant this morning, I have totally finished with my ex after he let me down at the last minute about taking me to my first Chemo appointment yesterday and had to get my Daughter to go with me making me late as I had to re-arrange things and being really stressed once I got there when I wanted to be there in plenty of time so I was ready for what lay ahead.
He promised me on Tuesday he would take me and I said I wanted to leave before 9.30 so I could have 10 minutes at the hospital to prepare myself, he was ok about it then. Yesterday I had to phone him at 9.40 to find out where he was and he said he was just making a phone call and would be another 10 minutes so that would have been at least 9.50, it is just over an hour and 10 minutes to the hospital because of roadworks and morning traffic and my appointment was 10.45 and with last minute changes I was late, extremely stressed and upset once I did get there, I am a bit OCD about time keeping and after being with him for 30 years he knows this.
They procedure went ok as it happens although I really felt ill and was sick 3 times last night and just feel really ill this morning, this is hard enough to get through as I live on my own.
THEN, this morning after not only upsetting me and my children as he let me down he has come and cant understand what the problem is, I have just had the pleasure of throwing him out of my house and if I had more energy I think I would have punched him when he said ‘I knew this would all be my fault, these appointments always run late so what difference does it make’
I dont mean to go on but I needed to post this, rant over…

Good for you girl!!! What an absolute a…e!! He is being, I’m the same about being late so can see where your coming from and right now you really don’t need that sort of extra stress, so sorry to hear you have been sick, but try to find some calm cos being so wound up really isn’t helping you at mo, be kind to yourself , rest and try to focus on the good people you have around, big hugs, hope you feel better later Lynda xx

Got the prunes kat, and plums and senna, next step will be linseed s and albran then it will be world watch out!! Lol , well my Oh just stabbed me in belly with a needle and I think it hurt him more than me , his face while doing it was a picture! Hope the ladies up today are doing ok. Only prob I have now is with “smells” mainly cooking ones so far have only been able to face cold food, and am running out of options now, so hoping this passes soon

Hiya piggsytrotter,
The Neulasta injection is given by my trust 24 hours after chemo and it produces bone marrow to help the body fight infection and guard against neutropena…I believe it is very expensive so not everyone gets it.
So no nausea this time but horrendous heartburn so now have Lansoprazole and Gaviscon; so lets hope I get some sleep tonight.
Go Marion, you don’t need that kind of cr*p, try and relax and hopefully that will help


Hey junkies so I step up on MOnday for number 1
Now that some of you are a couple into it a quick question
are any of yu taking supplements? Confused by what t’internet says so much conflicting advice some says yes green tea, antioxidants etc whereas other sites say it counteracts effects of chemo
what to do???
Piggsystrotter how was it???

Hey junkies so I step up on MOnday for number 1
Now that some of you are a couple into it a quick question
are any of yu taking supplements? Confused by what t’internet says so much conflicting advice some says yes green tea, antioxidants etc whereas other sites say it counteracts effects of chemo
what to do???
Piggsystrotter how was it???

Chezz, not really much point planning too much, you might find you just can’t stomach certain things, already I’m eating stuff I don’t usually touch, and not managing things I have always enjoyed, go with what you fancy, think your body tells you what you need mostly, I’m trying more fruit than usual so prob that’s what I need x