Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

cheers Lynda

Marion you have so done the right thing chucking him out, if he can’t see that you are the most important person at the moment with all you are going through…well you just don’t need him. Stick with those that love you and us here the Junkies we are here for you. Now stop being sick, if it continues phone you hotline number, sit down feet up watch TV or read a book and drink what you fancy, water, coke tea, just lots of fluids. If you want another rant we are here xx
pollyanne don’t forget the toilet paper!!
Naz I had really bad heartburn last round drank buckets of oat milk with ice. Onc tweaked my meds this time and so much better, I’m taking Lansoprazole.
Chezzap, i agree with pollyanee you go off so many things and they smell and taste weird. I have a cupboard of green tea etc that I cannot imagine drinking and i usually love them. I took a liquid supplement Floravital liquid iron and vits when I had finished week one of all the tablets, i have taken it before when I was pregnant so i know it agrees with me and as a veggie I was worried about anaemia.
Hope all is well out there with everyone. Hope Pironm in California is OK and getting over all her SEs.
Kat xx

thanks kat am veggie too so that sounds like a good idea and especially if you are taking it once the chemo drugs out of your system each cycle

Good evening. Thanks for all good wishes fellow Junkies. Well one down and 5 to go. I got a bit upset when the first red chemical was about to go in and the nurse asked a very good question. “What exactly are you upset about?” I’m really not someone who looks inwards but I thought about it and realised that it was a whole host of things. Mainly that up until now I’ve been really healthy and the drugs that are going to help save my life are the things that are actually potentially going to make me feel quite ill. And despite god knows how many anti-nausea pills I do feel a bit sick. I’ve been drinking loads. I also just feel a bit odd. Not in pain just not well.
Can’t remember who asked about supplements, I’ve been taking some for years and my onc is happy for me to continue so I will, if I can. Not sure I could keep them down tonight tho.
Marion09 sounds like your ex is unreliable (!) so best not to involve him. Sounds like you have good friends so perhaps you could to rely on them instead.
Off to bed now and hope I feel better in the morning. Sweet dreams and minimal SEs, junkies. xx

glad to hear it went okish. Can relate exactly to what you saying as I have spent last 2 weeks saying exactly same thing ie I object to fact I have to be made so ill to feel better it goes against every bodily instinct.
For some reason the reason its red has freaked me out as its more visual

I hope the relative quiet from us tonight means the junkies are out enjoying Friday night and maybe sone of us are managing a glass of wine or 2
Tamsin are you ok?
I know I just joined this thread late on with being at back end of July but you ladies and the amazing Augusts have already pulled me out of the dark places several times so a massive heartfelt thank you to you all

hi all, feeling better today, felt sick all day yesterday, nice, as its my 3rd today today hoping the sickness done with!!! Love Julie xxx

At least first one is out of the way Piggys. And like you have always been fit and well, I too can’t say I’m ill, but just generally out of sorts , not impressed!!! I have even left off the anti sicky things in order to try and get rid of this damn constipation, but as I have seen many times its a small price to pay, for the gift of the rest of our lives, hope you feel better tomorrow , sleep well x Lynda

Morning, I have to say I dont feel too bad today and long may it last.
I have woken in a really positive mood and am currently searching for things to make and sell in my shop with ALL the monies being donated to Breast Cancer, I run a hand made gift shop and had an idea after seeing the post about some little bags, I think the items should be pink and very pretty, any ideas?

Hi marion09 just popped in from June Jewels I also have my own small embriodery business and I am looking for ideas,because I have already lost hair and only wear scarves/bandanas I ve been doing myself some slogan bandanas with stupid sayings examples being "BAD HAIR DAY " "DO MY EARS LOOK BIG IN THIS " and other stupid things more quotes welcome but got to keep a sense of humour going only done these for myself upto now .will be intrested with any ideas you come up with.
All the best Jill

oh what size are the bandanas jmeg?

FEC-T Cycle 1, Day 2
Evening all
Juliemb and Marion09 glad you’re having a better day. long may it continue.
Pollyanne, hope you’ve finally got some relief.
Chezapp, the red freaked me out too. And it’s the b****** that’s going to make our hair fall out. But I drank loads and it was out of my system by this morning.
As I was going to bed last night feeling more and more nauseous I suddenly remembered the ginger biscuits I’d bought just for such an occasion. Less than 5 minutes after chomping one down the nausea disappeared. Magic. So that’s my top tip as it also worked mid-morning today.
Have felt pretty good today, although my Jerimiah friend reminded me that’s it’s only day 2 and things will get worse! She really cracks me up - when I don’t want to kill her that is. I know she’s trying to keep me grounded, she went through all this 10 years ago and has been a source of solid information and support.I also know she loves me. But sometimes I just want to be able to be totally unrealistic about this journey.
Anyway a good day today. Started with our usual dog walk, then I had a shower and did a pedicure and manicure. My chemo nurse told me to wear two coats of solid coloured nail polish to stop the sun getting through to my nails as it can affect them badly. This might only refer to the T part of my FECT-T treatment, but as I can’t quite remember I thought I’d start today. And it’s already started to chip off. Which is why I don’t usually bother with colours!
OH took my aged parents (who live with us) shopping and then we all (inc dog) went to the village flower show for an hour or so and saw a few friends and acquaintances who all know my situation. Without exception they all said how well I was looking which was lovely. I asked them all to tell me that in 2 months time regardless of what I looked like.
Although not very sleepy, steroids I expect although I took the last one before 2, I shall go to bed with the same audio book I’ve been falling asleep to for the last 3 weeks and hope I can get through more than the half a chapter I’ve been re-listening to for days lol!
Hope Priinm and Beneditcus are both OK, and the rest of the JJs.
sweet dreams all. xx

glad to hear you are feeling so well - were you given those injections to boost the white blood cells???

Hiya ladies, well can honestly say today I feel sort of normal, queasiness gone, actually ate fish n chips!!! First hot food since last Sunday strange thing is tho haven’t taken anti sick tabs for 2days, because that’s what I think was bunging me up, don’t seem to be having any effects from the tummy stabbing stuff either, agree with Piggys about the ginger biccies they have helped a few times , also fresh orange for some reason seemed to help, but might be getting a problem in mouth all the skin across palate has gone rough. . Glad you both sound well Marion and Piggys , hope the rest of our lovelies are feeling ok too . Lynda

good news Lynda. It would seem this chemo business isnt as bad as we all thought it would be. Hope Im not tempting fate here and Monday will be hell when they will have to strap me down kicking and screaming!!!

Aww bless you chez , no one could be more of a wimp than me, never been in hospital before all this crap , never been ill, I thought I would freak out at chemo, but the people in there patients as well as staff seem to take it all so much in their stride almost as tho they are at a coffee morning, so please don’t worry, can truly say I was expecting so much worse, had a bit of a crap day yesterday but mostly down to constipation but today I feel fine , I think the fear of the unknown is what scares the hell out of us , so after Monday you will feel far more in control . We will all be sending good thoughts for you on Monday x Lynda

Thanks Lynda you enjoy the rest of weekend. Think I might have to treat myself to a veggie carvery tomorrow
night junkies x

Morning Junkies,

Hope all that are keeping a low profile are having a fun time somewhere??
#2 FEC is being kinder to me but I did over do it yesterday, so feet up a bit more today. Def listen to your body. I have now finished the steroids and most of the anti sickness pills so should feel better for that.
Pollyanne my gums and roof of mouth became rough before they got sore, I did get them back soft tooth brush alcohol free m’wash, aloe vera t’paste, drank from a straw. Glad the other end has sorted!!
Chezzap good luck at the bar tomorrow, drink lots of water before you go and a veggie carvery sounds yum.
Kat xx

Morning all. I have continued to feel well. Had a mouth ulcer which has slowed down mealtimes enormously, but used Gelclair and it was marvellous. Took the sting out of the ulcer and really calmed it all down.
Friends husband took the clippers to my hair this morning and I now have a “number 4” which looks great and its so much cooler than having hair in this heat :slight_smile: Was going to put a scarf on my head, but actually like it so much am going to go round the shop minus the scarf.
Hope all are managing well, and those that are going for treatment next week fare well with it.

Morning all. Feeling a bit better today, just on the steroids so thats good. When does the hair fall out?

Morning all, or maybe it is now afternoon!
How are you all? I am on a bit of a downer at the moment. This bloody injection hurts and every bone in my body is aching, has been since yesterday morning and no sign of stopping. I’ve been taking nurofen and para’s alternatively every two hours and even woke at 1, 3 and 5.30 - talk about your body taking it’s own cue eh?
So on Friday night whilst putting my little boy to bed he got upset that he can’t brush my hair anymore and that started this sprial…I hate that he can’t do it too and saying oh by Easter you will be able to when I can’t see past the next cycle never mind Easter!!! When I went to the unit to get this injection on Friday also there was a lady who was saying that she now had secondaries and I am SO scared of that it just won’t go away!!!
I know that on most days I can and need to keep it under control but on Friday when it is smacked in my face I cannot help but be scared about leaving my little baby and my OH - christ I hate this out of control feeling. I do think that hormones, pain and fear have caused this but I cannot and wont live like this so I need a plan to help…anybody else get this scared???
Sorry to bring anyone down but I am really fighting this today :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: