Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Chezz, Happy Birthday, hope you are enjoying your birthday weekend! good luck for tomorrow too… x

Hi Chezza, hope you are having a wonderful day. Good luck tomorrow, I am sure everything will go well. Is it your first T?

Whiskers - haven’t heard from you for a bit, hope it is because you are doing other lovely things and too busy. Hope all goes well tomorrow, no reason it shouldn’t.

Sun still shining in Scarborough, there is a surfing competition next weekend with loads of vw camper vans lined up on the prom. Great fun. Hope I am se free then we can go down and watch.

Enjoy x

Orangcat - drink plenty I had to go on a drip and felt so much better. I was drink what I could and hadn’t realised I was dehydrating. Only lasted 3 days so if you avoid thrush you should be on the mend soon. X

Hi all sorry haven’t been on for a few days, have been enjoying a relatively normal life the last 10 days. I have suffered from extremely sensitive teeth and very achey legs but have been coping very well.


Had my 1 and only appointment since befor I started chemo with my onco doc and she is happy to keep my dose of T at is is so I’m relived at that but not at the prospect of the same se’s all over again. Back in tomorrow for round 2 of T and to be honest I am feeling very postive as the end is in sight. Bring it on I say and this time tomorrow I can finally say only 1 left :smiley: started my steriods today and I think I must be an exception to the rule as they send me tierd lol.


Wishing everybody up this week the best of luck, we are nearly there ladies :smiley:

Personally I don’t use Facebook. I do have an account but don’t get it.
I think this site is great it lets me know when a post is made and I click straight in. I has knock me out a couple of times after I have write a long post but all site do that occasional.
Good luck whiskers and Chezz tomorrow. Big hugs winging there way to you both."

It is 2 am and I am awake with Indian meal heartburn despite take extra omeprazole and being propped up in bed. Had a wonderful night so it was worth it. Friends left at 9.30 so it wasn’t so late I was falling asleep on them.

I think its a good idea for a fb group! Xx xx

Hi Junkies


Thanks for all birthday wishes had a great time and felt almost normal for a while!


had cycle 4 today of the Ec which was the last of that red b**ta*d!!!  So now I can say Im halfway through yippee!!!

I now have 12 cycles of weekly paclitaxel to look forward to starting in three weeks time.


Piggsy so funny that you went to wrong venue but glad you made it in time to see him and that tax has been quite kind to you


Tamsin hope that bathroom is going ok.  Does that mean you are having to use neighbours for showers etc?  Glad you seem on the up in terms of SE now.


Kat hope you ok and not still on the loo!!  Did you hear back from Naz at all??


Whiskas let us know when you are back from tax 2 and glad you had some normal days


Nette happy anniversary!!!

I concur with Tamsin re facebook.  I think as we are such a small group is easy enough to keep track on here.  However Im happy to go with the flow.  I use both the August thread and their FB group but Tamsin is right when she says people then disappear and exclusively use FB.

welcome back Senga

sounds like you had it really rough.  Dont worry bout making us miserable you rant away if you feeling crap and need to let it out thats what we are here for.  God knows I do it often enough


Yes quite a few of Jewels have now graduated from  chemo college with a masters in chemo.  Chelle is making them all graduation certificates with the date on etc thats dead cool isnt it.  She finished hers last week but is still feeling rough.


Kat you made me laugh about the pub quiz and your specialist subjects!

Hi ladies I’m still here!!! Stuck in limbo whilst my heart recovers from chemo. So havn’t done much else, just the usual boring household chores!!! Did go to pub fri night tho and sunk a bottle of wine, bad head on sat tho lol. Hope you’re all doing ok, feel a cheat really as I had to give up chemo after only 2 sessions and you’re all still suffering xxxxx

good on you Julie.  Hey 2 is better than nothing its still more than a hell of a lot of women could cope with

Just spoke to onc nurse and found out before treatment my muga result was 41 now its 38. She said 41 is low regardless so am seein cardio doc for further tests. Just praying this doesn’t mean I can’t have herceptin xxxx

My appt is the 16th oct with the cardio doc then an appt with my consultant the week after xx xx

Gosh manic amount of posts.
For everyone with rubbish mouth chewing gum has helped and also I am sucking a 1/4 Berocca tablet this was recommended by a hospice viana post, and does seem to work but I only use one per day. Cider vinegar and lemon slices in water also help. I can’t help with food as very personal but I am avoiding some of my faourites in case I permanently put off them. I am also drinking weak black tea. The flavoured teas are best. Also fruit teas.

Bruce01 please don’t worry about having problems with se. They are horrid, have you been back to your unit as they are reducing mine by 25%, I have thrush tablets and diarrhoea tabs. I think the tiredness is normal I was in bed for 3 days and washout for 5 days. Hope with the tablets the se might be less. No thrush will do.

The Good news is over these last 5 days I have worked in the garden, done 4 Good walks of 5 to 6 miles, visited the grandchildren in fact life has been back to normal. I am however still taking at least one siesta a day and sleeping like a top so not completely back to normal but near enough.

Start again tomorrow.

Whiskers hope all went well tomorrow. They are going to watch me they said in case of second dose reaction.

Fingers crossed all is well.

Best wishes to you all and anyone else being dosed this week

Juliem hope you get sorted I am sure 2 is better than Non. My neighbour didn’t get that cos of heart problems and she is doing fine. So hope all goes well for you.

Chezza great news on last E now your vein can start to recover. I have had a bleed on the vein they use so I expect they will be looking for a new one tomorrow. E is the horror to receive. Well done.

Sleep,well,everyone I am still on the slippery elm and it does seem to help.


T#1 - Day 11


Evening Ladies, is so good to come back and see so many new posts since this morning! 


We don’t really know one another in person, but have managed to laugh and cry together, share our experience and support each other. I do hope one day next year we’ll be able to arrange a meet up. With Kat’s newly found knowledge, we’ll have a chance to win pub quizzes too… :wink: we just have to make sure Piggsy turns up at the right place! Chezz so happy to hear you managed to had a BC free weekend, you’ll soon have a BC free life ahead of you with your boys. Tamsin, hope your SEs remain manageable and be able to have a good night sleep every night and stay in bed as long as you want. Thinking of you Julie, keeping everything crossed for you. Hope everyone else OK and managing fine, sorry for not mentioning your name individually!  


I have found T much more manageable than EC, not being nauseous is a good thing. I am suffering a bit emotionally, really finding it hard to motivate myself and stay positive. I’ve always been the strong one amongst family/friends, and I feel they expect me to carry on as normal without much of an emotional support. I guess I need a shoulder to cry on, instead of a phone call every now and then, or even lunch/coffee that I end up organising myself. Like some of you I need to have a meltdown, but haven’t been able to cry much. Perhaps in the next counselling session…! Anyway back to business, blood on Weds, T#2 on Thurs. 


Wishing you all lovelies beautiful dreams.


Lots of love,

Mahsa xxx


P.S. Try chilled sparkling water if your mouth is suffering and your tastebuds playing up…

Goodnight lovely ladies, meeting up one day would be so nice, hope everyones ok and not suffering too much, hugs and love julie xxxx

Today T#1 day 21, taste nearly back. Eaten chocolate real treat.

Mahsa - have chilled a couple of small bottles of sparkling water, thank you for that one.
Have taken sleeping tablet for the first time in a week and 2 paracetamol so hope to sleep through.
At unit at 9.30 should be home for lunch.

Do hope Whiskers was ok today.

Nite all x

Hi ladies, well I’m afraid I’m going to make the post I was hoping not too. I unfortunately had a bad reaction,  bad enough it seems they will not be continuing with Docatoxal in fact they doubt I will be continuing full stop. The reaction itself I kept very calm throughout and the nurses were spot on a very quick to react. My heart rate and blood pressure did stay very high for a while and I still now feel out of sorts. My main stress is the change in my treatment and the fact I was so looking forward to reporting only one to go tonight. Feeling very fed up which is very unlike me but hey tomorrow’s another day.


Fb I do agree with everyone and will say it was great to come on here tonight and see so many posts. Just thought I would get peoples thoughts. As to all the guests like myself in the past that look in please get intouch as the support we give on here to each other is invaluable and helps so much more than you can imagine.  We are here for each other so come say hi :smiley:


Good luck to everyone up this week and good luck today Nette, sorry to be the bearer of bad news and hope I haven’t made you worry, we all react differently and even if the worse does happen they know what to do and it is over in a matter of minutes :smiley: x

Hi Whiskers,
Sorry to hear about yesterday I was warned that it could happen with the second dose, it is like a bee sting allergy the second one is the problem, but they will be watching me like a hawk to check so I will take it as it comes. Giving T at this point is fairly new so I don’t think you need to worry too much if it stops. It is part of belt and braces.

Keep me posted on how you get an and what they recommend next. A friend of mine got a drug imported from America, cost a lot but came out of the cancer drug fund. You could ask about alternatives available because they are out there.

Thinking of you today.

I got up early but not dressed prefer to be a bit rush so less thinking time.


Thats brilliant Tamsin you must be so prud of her.  You sound pretty upbeat baking and everything hope the refurb is coming along swimmingly!


Whiskas as Tamsin said you managed the best part of the chemos 5/6 aint bad going so dont feel too disheartened about it.  I know I would feel the same as you as you feel oyu want to throw everything you can at it but they have to weigh up the benefits and risks and they must be satisified you have had enough.  Have you other treatments to come such as tamoxifen or herceptin or are you triple neg??


Nette 6 miles blooming heck how do you do it??  Belive it ior not the day I was diagnosed I had ran yes ran 6 miles now I can barely manage one!  I had promised myself i would still run and keep active through the chemo and on second cycle I did but the first and third I was in hospital so have found Ive not been able to do what I had intended. 

Mahsa you seem in really good spirits too glad the tax is better for you than the FEc as you had awful time on that


A meet up sounds great we need to coordinate where abouts we all are.


I know tamsin is Sheffield, Im Manchester , Piggsy Wiltshire and Mahsa London so it looks like the midlands will be best bet.

Where is everyone else from?

 Lynda have you disappeared again???  Hope you ok



Hi no he is at school so at least I have some peace and quiet

DN just been witht he injection so I imagine from tiobigh for the next few days will be the horrendous headaches and bonepain ioh what a joy to look forward to