Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

evening lovelies,


chezza - thanks for good luck wishes hun x


nette - had a good chat with surgeon and filled me with confidence after answering qu’s. good tip about johnsons shampoo, have plenty of that in the house!! didn’t consider it before x


boxofrogs - virtual hug coming your way hun x


mahsa - great quote! roll on that feeling! x


benedictus - ah, shopping on the sofa, god bless the internet! x


piggsy - thinking of you tomorrow hun…final rol call - woo hoo!! x


love and hugs to you all, :heart:

nicola x

ps - if you know anyone going to spain ask them to pick you up UREADIN CREAM for use before rads xx 


cream to use before rads…heard of great results! maybe worth a try if you can get from spain x

T#3 day 19
Well done piggsy this really is the start of the end. Where I always dreaded chemo and the change from fec to t was a real test of staying power I am actually looking forward to starting rads. I have always massaged bio oil over mx and today used E45 over mx and shoulder the rads area. I think the main thing is to get the skin as supple and moisturized as we can. I am sure that the fact that chemo was over has bad this last lot of se easier and my recovery better.

Day 19 and for everyone following the amazing news is I walked to the beach, round the headland and up into town. We stopped of for a bacon & egg buttie but it was 5 miles. Strava app. On hitting town the legs gave way and we caught the bus home. I hit the chair and fell asleep but I did it. I am nearly normal. Just need my eyes to stop weeping, I used 6 tissues, and my hair to grow. I am sooo happy. Still need to get my taste buds back, preferable before I am house size trying to find something that tastes Good.

We will all get back to normal. I will meet 2 jj during rads so that is great too.

Hope everyone is se free for the weekend or at least the se are manageable.
Nette x

T#3 Day 20
Well the walk was day 18. Still feel chuffed that I managed it but must tell, collapsed yesterday was so tired the tv and book had the most exercise. Been for a short walk on the beach and a pre rads shop. The beach was lovely tide just on the turn winth the sun shining on the waves.

Putting the aqu… cr in the fridge sounds good. With an early appointment I am taking a small pot with me to apply as I redress. I will never remember to strip off again later. I am also going to use aloa verde if it gets too hot.

Really do feel like I am geting my life back. Booked seats to see Will Young in Cabaret in Hull during rads and ordered a mx swimsuit and swim form. Got it from pink ribbon,com I really didn’t think chemo had effected me so much.

Here is to everyone else feeling as good. BoF honest we will get our lives back. Maybe a bit at a time but maybe better. I would not be going to see Cabaret without the rads.

Taste still off and tears still flowing but nose sore has healed.
To all a lovely weekend
Nette x

I want to see Will Young, so jealous xx

Julie, we only booked yesterday night there are still tickets. We go on 21st matinee. Go girl life is back.
Nette x

ha ha Senna that made me chuckle.


Well Im ok just back from weekly number 4 and second herceptin.  Feel bit light headed neuts were only 1.7 but it still went ahead.  been feeling touch down last couple of days just cos can see end of chemo in sight and Im a bit scared of what next.


Hope evryone else ok.  Congrats piggsy and Biggley you came through it in one piece!!

tamsin are you ok you gone bit quiet???

You know you are in the horrid T dip. Whatever causes it hormones or just fatigue it does pass. You are going to have a break now to regroup. We don’t know how the tablets will affect us. Hopefully the se will be minimal.
You need all the big hugs winging there way to you. Meltdown can also be good. During my last one I rang my gp and my bcn and got a load off my chest. Had a day of tears and felt better.
Funny thing yesterday I was at a neighbour and because my eyes are tearing all the time at the moment I pretended to cry. I was shocked to find I went from joking to real tears in a breath. Made me realise how close to the edge I still am. So everyone still caught in the nightmare that is cancer. We will get out. It is horrid to face Christmas weak and tired and I have been warned again today by my gp that tiredness will be a problem. We will get there. Lynda is right we all need to ask for and accept help whenever and where ever it is.
Senga In our house o are hugs. So OOOOOOOOOOOO. 12 hugs to get you through the next 12 days and more available just ask.
Nette xoxo

ha ha Senna that made me chuckle.


Well Im ok just back from weekly number 4 and second herceptin.  Feel bit light headed neuts were only 1.7 but it still went ahead.  been feeling touch down last couple of days just cos can see end of chemo in sight and Im a bit scared of what next.


Hope evryone else ok.  Congrats piggsy and Biggley you came through it in one piece!!

tamsin are you ok you gone bit quiet???

take care all

Evening ladies

How are we all? Looks like we have meltdowns, get ourselves up and start again. I am certainly losing it more  now chemo is over, mentally very exhausted. For me chemo was like a torture, mental scar may not remain in the surface but will always be there no matter how this journey or as Senga said nightmare will end. Now I am going to concentrate on surgery and keep my fingers crossed for clear margins first time round. MRI went OK, my faith in human kindness was restored. The nurse who came to get me at the end was a true human being, I felt I was cared for, the way I am supposed to be cared for when going through such a horrible time. She hugged me, helped me getting up and was so kind. You know why, because this was once her journey, she knew exactly how I felt. Having ultrasound on Wednesday and seeing the surgeon for his final decision on Thurs. I am looking forward to LGFB session at Haven tomorrow and young women support group on Weds. Thanks everyone for thinking of me, sorry for not mentioning everyone by name. 

Take care for now.

lots of luv,

Mahsa xxx


P.S. Tonight’s dispatches was scary…!

Good morning ladies, well have a very busy day tomorrow!!!

Rads at 8.30, echo heart scan at 9.15, have an interview at 11, then my look good feel better session 2-4!!!

Have my huge tub of aqueous ready, going to begin today rubbing it in, also hoping results of echo is ok so i can go ahead with my 2nd herceptin!!! Even though it will be a week overdue with me having to chase up echo appt!!!


Hope everyone is feeling not too bad, sending hugs and love to those of you suffering still with chemo se’s.


Love Julie xxxx:heart:

Hi All JJs
Busy packing caravan for our trip to Beverley. Rads start tomorrow.
Saw GP yesterday and have an appointment with a Scarborough/York surgeon at 14.00 today, to see if he thinks it is worth draining tummy seroma. Amazing service I left gp at 11.30 and had appointment by 13.10, NHS does work sometimes. GP thinks it should be done as if nothing else it will give me an idea of benefits before major surgery.
GP also gave me diprobase cream as she said some people react to aqueous cr. Worth noting all those who have reacted to everything. I have used the diprobase on my eye lids and boob area it is lovely. It is also in a pump bottle so more hygenic than tub.

Julie see you at CH. Have a nice time at LGFB today it will expect to see a glam you.

Will have no WIFI in caravan so will check back in on Friday.
Hope you all have Sun shine and no SEs and all appointments run on time.
Nette x

Hi everyone, not posted for a while as nothing new to say, same old side effects still felt…fell over in kitchen yesterday when legs gave way and banged my head…ouch! Very stiff legs and neck today. So annoying that strength not getting any better. The peripheral neuropathy in finger tips worse too, rang oncology dept and nurse just said to be patient, it takes time to wear off…or never will!! B***** hope it does as its awful. Talk about being clumsy and dropping things! Hey ho, wait and see.

NetteW and Julie, good luck with rads tomorrow, please let me know how it goes or any tips etc so i can prepare for mine on monday. Julie, i have been wanting to go the one of the pampering sessions but as im not strong enough to drive myself yet i havent been. Intersted  to hear what its like as i may book for decembers as i hope to be a bit fitter (fingers crossed). I need to find out how to give myself some eyebrows as they seem to have suddenly almost fully disappeared lol!! They were only fine and fair, but ive never bothered ‘filling them in’ and dont really know what to use!! Doh!!

Are either of you having the rads to your neck and collar bone like me, i suppose i should use the cream all over that area too.

All other JJ’s, seems like we all sound a bit fed up at the moment, treatment taken its toll and i feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel…however maybe im just having an off day…or 2! And to think i will have to get back to work sometime in new year…doesnt bear thinking about at the moment.

Anyway, better go and start preparing shepherds pie for tea, (well it will no doubt taste like cadboard or cotton wool pie!!).

Take care all, xxx Annette



Castle hill have just rung me and moved my appt from 8.30am to after my look good session so after 4pm now!!! They told me to rub in cream up to my collarbone and under the arm too. Xx xx

Hi Annette,  


I’d definitely recommend LGFB workshop, I went to one today. I do normally wear make-up, but got few useful tips about drawing eyebrows and wear eyeliner when you have no lashes. The atmosphere was good too, had a good giggle.  People who run the workshops are beauty advisors, the guy we had today was from La Prairie working at Selfridges. You also get a goodie bag with all the products you need, from cleanser to lipstick. Everyone left looking glamorous and happy. 


Hope all my lovely JJs are reasonably OK and not suffering too much.


Tamsin, where are you my girl? Miss you…xx


lots of luv,

M. xxx

Nette & Julie, good luck with your first RT. Hope all goes well…


Thanks Mahsa xx xx

Hi All
Awake in cvan ready for rads. Annette i will bring my eyebrow pencil and show you Monday.
You would get one at LGFB but you might not want to wait. I have heard brows come back first. I keep looking. Pencil about 7.00 so expensive but worth it.
I was so tired yesterday i was in bed by 7 and asleep by 8 probably why i am awake now.

Saw York surgeon yesterday re draining seroma he says number of choices before more major surgery. Will organise simple drain first for when rads are finished.

Will post tomorrow on first rads. I am having two rays to breast and neck nodes and shoulder collar bones. Creaming whole of that side. Forgot last night as so tired. Hay ho

Will post later. Here’s to all our SE being gone very soon.

Rad 1 done
Took a bit to set up as they took images first they say that it gets progressively quicker so by 4th session it is very quick. Had a girl and a boy, I know showing my age but really how they have had time to become so professional in such a short life I don’t know. They were excellent though. First had to change into a radiotherapy shirt with lots of poppers then taken down corridor to machine. Then it was much the same as the set up session. I am starting a campaign to get the tattoo to be in Brown or red ink that way we get left with a beauty or blood spot not a blackhead. I took a pot of cream so that I could cream up after as I don’t think you are meant to cr for an hour before. Or in all it went well. Wore my softie and when I got home put on silicon prosthesis but I began to feel a bit of heat so I think I will stick to softie for the 5 weeks of treatment and the 2 weeks after. No point in taking risks of making it worse.

Julie and Bumblebee - you go through door to radiotherapy reception then straight down past sofa seats turn left and each machine has its own waiting area. Julie I am on machine CL2 tomorrow & Friday so need to know where you will be so we can link up. Bumblebee I am on CL 4 on Monday. I am wearing pulpe check shirt with fluffy purple gillet black trousers. See you both there.

To everyone still on chemo I hope you r all SE free and those entering rads you just have to lie still and let them do their job.

Nette x

Hi all just a quick one as am trying to get tea ready

Bumble I just had my eyebrows tattoed on with henna dye. It cost £7.50 and its meant to last three weeks.  I did it at tesco.  If you go to one of the big ones near the make up they should have some beauticians there to do them for you.  Im really pleased with mine.


Piggsy you will be getting more energy as each day passes so big hugs to you.

Mahsa I can relate to the meltdowns as I feel Im going to self imploide when chemo finishes think its cos everyone will expect you to be really happy which on one hand yes its a relief we got through it but on other hand the uncertainty of the future.


Tamsin hope you ok you gone quiet

kat how you doing??