Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi all

Good luck BOF for your last poisoning next week.

Where is everyone???


Piggsy hope you enjoy London.


Ive nothing new to report Im afraid am just checking in really.

Hello lovely Ladies


Nothing much to report here either, it has been 2 weeks since last T but looks like some of SEs are going to be with us for a while. Right now, fatigue and numb toes are what causing trouble. Same as Piggsy I do run out of breath, sometime just by talking on the phone. Anyway, hopefully this will pass too. We finalised the surgery plan yesterday, just going to WLE with SNB. Of course, if SNB shows positive cells, then ANC at the same time. He said lets hope we’ll get a clear margin first time. So keeping my fingers crossed…  I am not looking forward to the radioactive injections day before op and wire insertion on the day. I don’t know why they can’t do this sort of things whilst you under! 


Piggsy, wish we could have arranged to meet up when you in London. Have a great time and enjoy the show.

BOF, good to see you are planning Xmas. Last T on Tues, hooray…


I am now getting worried about Tamsin. Whiskers disappeared suddenly too! 


Hope everyone OK and just having a break from BCC forum.


I shall love you and leave you for now, will be back soon.


Lots of luv,

M. Xxxx

Chemo done T#3 day 25 rads 3

Piggsy all this time I have thought Daisy was your daughter, that will teach me to come late to the party.
All you SE are so familiar except the undercarriage. Most have now gone but the eyes still weep and the taste buds are still AWOL but sweet not nasty.
Rads are aesy you just need to relax and lie VERY still while they work. My firsy 3 they have done imagining as well as rads they have said it will be quicker from 4 onwards.
Have meet up with Julie, of the big smile, she went in just behind me today but was out and dressed before I hit the dressing rm. Hopefully I will be as quick on Monday.
We meet up with Bumblebee on Monday. It really is nice.

Chezza what colour our your henna brows, it sound like a good idea. Black henna it very toxic I have heard. I am sure they don’t do it in Scarborough but maybe in Hull or York. It would be worth checking.

BoF It sounds like you will get a decent break between chemo and rads. Christmas in a cottage in Suffolk sounds lovely. We planned to visit friends in Suffolk this summer but it was a casualty of the big C this year like Devon, Cornwall and Northumberland last year. Look out 2014 I have big plans. Fingers crossed all goes well on Tuesday. Although you are not done until the SE are over you can celebrate the last blood test and say good buy to the chemo unit. Bit by bit it does dawn that this bit is over and the end is nigh.

So far the tiredness we are warned about has not hit so fingers crossed it has been exaggerated.

It really has been quiet this week I hope it is because everyone is busy and SE free.

Nette x

Hi all, 22 days since last chemo - rads starting on monday for 4 weeks.

same for me, nothing much to report but just popped on to say im still around and ok etc. Feeling a little better each day, still got the numb fingers, toes not as bad. Still need to collapse on settee after being out or doing some housework but generally feel more posistive that things are now improving…fingers crossed that rads dont give me any side effects!

As per Nette, we had planned a  holiday this year for my 50th but of course never managed to have one due to the finding of ‘Larry the lump’! We have booked for Cornwall next year as its hubbys school reunion (he was brought up down there). We only get down every 5 yrs or so to see rest of his family. A long drive! Have only been to see only son once in manchester this year too, and he’s only been over here twice so a bit of a stranger at the moment but he does come for a couple of days at crimbo.

Mahsa, i had the wire inserted before the wle, it wasn’t too bad - they do numb the boob, but she had trouble getting one into the hard enlarged lymph node in my armpit and that was a tad uncomfortable!!! Didnt have the dye injected as we knew the cancer had already spread to lymphs… they got clear margins and removed 11 nodes in total. T hats about as much i know of the op!

Looking forward to meeting Julie and Nette at hosp on monday. xx

Night all. xx



ha ha Nette that made me laugh thinking Daisy was Piggsys daughter.  My henna is a medium brown

Hi Chazzap, I know all that walking. Mid Brown sounds goods I am going to research.
Nette x

sorry been mia for a week…last one floored me. have been so tired with everything, ratty with everyone and generally pi**ed off. as has been said by others yes it’s great the final one has now been done and i’m sure people that care don’t know what else to say but pleeeease it’s only phase 1 thats complete now have the bloddy surgery the bit i’m dreading to get through!! aaaarrrggghhh!!!

my teeth are screwed from chemo i’m certain they feel dreadful and i’m getting my final rash all over so the anti-histamines aren’t too clever.!

next jaunt to hospital is just for clinic to review this cycle and then the ct scan prior to surgery…still waiting for date! just wish they’d let me know so i can decide how many pre xmas’s to have!!

love and light to you all jj’s xxx


HI all


Biggley dont be too daunted by surgery if poss I find the chemo harder than surgery as its so long.


kat you sound very upbeat and excited about sons return good on you.

Tamsin where are you???


Hope everyone else doing well

Im fine just done 5/12 but bloods very low so after next week when have got to half way stage gonna ask for a week off so neuts can come back up

First rads done, kept still as ordered lol!! Met up with Nette and Julie which was nice. Hope to have a coffee with them another day when hubby doesn’t have to get to work.


orangecat, hope your rads appt went ok.

Not a lot more to report really, just want to keep the thread alive tho we are all either finished with chemo or approaching the end.


bye for now Annette xx

HI all Junkies


lets keep the thread going!


Piggsy good to see another W and P from you my lovely.  Yes the onc has agreed to give me a week off after next Monday at halfway stage.  the way i see it is Im gonna get delayed anyway as bloods wont hold out and its not like hb levels where you can actively do something to get them up.  I just hope they are high enough on Monday to get number 6 under my belt as I will know Im halfway through then.


Good that a few of you met up at the rads appointments.

Starting to get very worried about Tamsin now she hasnt posted for ages and its not like her.

thanks guys for words on surgery and that it is easier than chemo…hope thats the case!! having mastectomy and re-con (the flat diepe) and lymph clearance in one hit…still waiting for a date with baited breath.

rash subsiding…teeth and gums killer - really wish my mouth felt normal again! also lost two toe nails yesterday…i knew they had split quite low down but now they’ve dropped off! great!

got the wednesday wilt today - that midweek feeling!

hugs to you all…xxxx

Hello ladies


Sorry I have been missing and not contributing. I was a bit rough after final Tax and have another external pile to deal with. Was agony for around a week but seems to be settling now.


In for MRI on Tuesday to see how much lump has shrunk and then its operation time.


Just off to read back and catch up on what’s been going on with you all.


Box of frogs - I had the temperature spikes usually on day 6 after chemo. Would go slighly mental even though I didn’t feel ill. Went into unit the first time but temp started to come down by the time I got there and I didn’t need any iv antibiotics etc, so next time it did it I just monitored myself and it went down each time.


You do need to keep an eye on it though :slight_smile:


Edited to add - I also have the most amazing red cheeks this time. Looks like I threw a pot of blusher on each one!


Deb xx

Hi Nette
I have reset your notifications so do get back if it doesn’t work
Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hello my lovelies,

Hope everyone doing well, SEs are manageable and light at the end of tunnel is more visible! Is such a beautiful day in London, sunny,  blue sky, but very cold. Planning to go out with mum later on today to see the xmas lights, of course on board of a red double decker bus, otherwise pavements are too crowded to walk. It has been a good week in terms of catching with some of my friends, one treated me to champagne afternoon tea to mark end of chemo. It was such a nice treat, I am glad I have 2-3 good friends. Tastebuds are coming back, can have a glass of water without the sweet after taste. One thing I missed was having cereals because I couldn’t tolerate milk’s after tastes, but that’s seems to have subsided too. One thing is getting worse is peripheral neuropathy in my feet, lost the feeling in one toe completely and have burning type of pain all the time from ankles down. Unwanted Taxol legacy will continue! Had a chemo brain moment when I turned up to see my GP 1 day late, I got so upset. I never missed appointments, or turn up 24 hrs late. The receptionist was very kind, got me to see the nurse to just calm down and reschedule my appointment. It looks like I have delayed reaction to chemo, I should have realised that because it took 5 cycles before tumour started shrinking. I am all set for WLE on 3rd Dec, will also have SNB and if they find cancer in LNs then will have to have a clearance. I am just hoping for a clear margin first time round, can’t face additional surgeries. No sign of any hair growth either, not sure if i should shave the left over fluff in order to stimulate growth!  Work been fine so far as they hadn’t force me to take sick leave, but they are now getting itchy feet and they want to know when will I return to work full time. I think they will start my official sick leave from January, 16 weeks full paid, then £89 statutory government sick pay.  Anyway nothing is confirmed, I think they are waiting for me to have my surgery first before finalising arrangements.

Glad to see Nette, Julie, and Annette have finally met in person. I do hope sometime in spring we can arrange a wider group meet up somewhere in the middle of this isle, would be lovely to put faces on the posts and names. Tamsin still missing, hope she is OK and just suffering from lack of motivation to post! 

Wishing all JJs a lovely, trouble free weekend. 


Mahsa xxx

Hi Moderator
I have not received any notifications today either for your post or Mahsa.
So it looks like it is not sorted. Can you help my email address looks ok.
Thank you

Hi Piggys I have just read the Daily Mail article on Duavee it doesn’t read to me as a subsitute to Letrozole but maybe for Tamoxifen. It sounds lije it is for pre menopausal not post. And pre cancer not post. I certainly think mydaughters will be interested as one has already been offered Tamoxifen. They have both been told they are at risk from approx 50 so they have a bit of breathing time as both are in their early 40s.
Thanks for head the heads up though it is a very interesting development.
I started 5 years of Letrozole yesterday that means I will finish November 2018 just before Christmas. Nothing like looking ahead. No side effects YET!!!
All the best to all the Junkies
Nette x

So here we are, last week of November and i havent bought a single christmas prezzie yet.scary! Will have to stop browsing the internet and start buying!

Well done boxoffrogs and piggsytrotter on the final ‘t’. You will improve as the weeks go by. Ive now had 5 out of 20 rads, and am 4 weeks post chemo and do feel reasonably ok. Still got weak legs but thats the dermatomositis i think. However i can get up the stairs better and out of the bath now.

Mahsa, the peripheral neuropathy is annoying, it my fingers though rather than feet…keep dropping things! The nurse i spoke to at the hos  told me it can take a long while to ease off, or never, and that its quite unusual to get it after our regine of fec and T. Hmm i beg to differ.

Nette and julie, will defo have coffee time this week at hosp - yay no rushng off this week!!

I have noticed that my boob has swollen up a bit plus the side under armpit where lymph scar is,  and so that boob is now bigger than my good one, its not painful, get a bit of tingling when its warm and its slightly pinker. Did mention it to them and they are not concerned but will keep eye on it. And yes i am slapping on the cream religiously!!

Feeling stuffed after a huge sunday roast beef dinner, enjoyed it but still not a great sense of taste yet, hope it returns properly by christmas!


Enjoy the rest of this miserable grey sunday all you j.j.s, and hope the week brings no nasties just improvements!



HI junkies

Wondering where Tamsin is.  Really hope she is ok. 

BOF congrats on getting through the finishing line and hope SE start to subside quickly for you.


Not much to report here hoping to get my sixth weekly done tomorrow and then a break for a week

Hi orangecat,

I’ll send you an email!  The best way to contact us usually is to email

Best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi guys


Chemo went ahead yesterday and bloods were higher than last week so therefore not gonna have a break next week.  Instead will crack on for as many as I can.  Im officially halfway through the weekly ones now 6 more to go!!!