Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Chez I have forgotten what are you having weekly ? KAT XX

Bumping up for all the hiding JJ’s.
Hope everyone feeling OK?
Kat xx

Alls going good with me!!! Sat with nette and bumblebee today coffee and biccys after rads!! Hope everyone else is doing well too xx xx

Hi, lovely to read your long post Piggsytrotter, dont know how you remember everyone!!

Its been lovely having coffee and biscs with Nette and Julie, we have a right giggle about everything-well we have to laugh about all the wonderful things happening to our bodies!!

My legs are still not up to full strength, but apart from that i must say i have felt so much better this last week or so, am now 5 weeks post Tax…and rads are fine - ive had 9 out of 20 so far, no waiting around, straight in and out. Not felt any more tired, a bit sore in the crease under the boob (which has swollen a bit) but not painful or anything.

Went out for lunch today which is the first meal out since June, hence i really enjoyed it! We are also going to visit son in manchester this weekend as havent seen him for months. No doubt i will feel shattered and wont be able to walk far however it will still be nice.

The only bad thing from this week was finding out that ive gone onto half pay from work now as been off for 6 months already…booohooo!!! How time flies when all the days blend into one!


Anyhow, going for a nice soak in the bath now, take care all and hope nobody is suffering too much at the moment.

Annette. x


HI l;ovely that you ladies met up for a brew and chat it really heps doesnt it

kat hpoe you having wonderful time with your son.  In on weekly paclitaxel.

BOF great you are feeling brighter and emerging from chemo fog and gloom

Nette how are you?


Hope Lynda still keeping well not heard for a while


Piggsy good luck with your rads


I was told today that when i have herceptin on Monday gonna be sub cut version gulp!!

Hi All JJs
I am still not getting email notification of posts, that I used to get, so it is brilliant to read all the posts at the weekend these days.
The caravan is still working well. Beverley is a lovely old town and last Sunday we attended Evensong in the Minster. They choir was excellent. This Sunday is the Advent possession.
It is great meeting up with Julie and Annette. We have also got to know the chauffeurs, Bumblebee’s OH, my OH, Julie’s mum and her OH. The chauffeurs normally have a chat while we are being zapped, then it is off to the Health Centre for a drink, biccies and more chat. We have also picked up lots of Macmillan leaflets on alsorts of interesting and helpful topics Inc a rather good recipe book.
I am now 38 days post last T. I still don’t have full taste, I have tingly feet and finger tips. I can walk fine but when standing feel like I have no bone marrow. I am despite these minor SE feeling great. For the Rads I use a cold pack (£4.99 from chemist) to reduce any burn and this week I flack out for40 winks when I get back from the hospital. I am back to driving but I am going to have to ween OH from behind the wheel again.
Rads finish on Tuesday so only 2 more sessions. I have now been on Letrozole for a week and no bad SE yet, so fingers x.
It is great to hear that everyone is coming out of chemo and moving into rads. I know at least one of us was going to be on chemo for a few more months, was that Tasmin? If it was Tasmin pls know we are all here to support you through these next months. It must be horrid to read how we are all progressing and know you still have some way to go. If it is Tasmin may be that is why she is quiet. Is Whiskers iI the same position? Sorry I lose track.
For those going into rads I take a small pot of cream with me to put on straight after the Rads and the ice pack is great.
God luck to everyone wishing you all a wonder!ful weekend lets hope the weather is kind. Particularly in Manchester for Bumble and Whitby for Jules.
Bye now I am off to catch up with the neighbours.
Nette x

Gosh everyone
No postings since Friday!!! I really hope this is because everyone is feeling well and up beat. We are just about to set off for the caravan again and 2 more days of rads. I really can’t believe I am so close to the end of this section of treatment. The major topic of discussion is whether my hair is beginning to grow back. I am not sure but really desperate for a head of hair again.

Wishing everyone a positive and happy week. All thoughs still doing chemo and heciptin may your drips be uneventual and SE free. Everyone on rads may non of you burn, remember the cream and ice packs.

I have been told that E45 is more moisturizing than the aquas cream or diprobase or doublebase creams and also perfume free so I am thinking of using it when my rad doses finish it is also better absorbed. You can wash with the aquas cream it is nice over the burn area.

That’s it back later in week. To all a great weekend and week

Nette x

I am here, haven’t forgotten my lovely JJs :smileyhappy: just a bit preoccupied with surgery thoughts on Tues. I just want a positive outcome and no nasty surprises, i guess we are all want the same thing! Of course, long term chemo SEs are not helping either! I shall be back soon. Till then, take a very good care of yourselves…

:heart: :heart:

Have had an amazing break in Whitby, cottage was perfect, really didn’t want to leave. Seems like my life is pretty crap at the mo, hosp everyday till Dec 10th and working too many hrs in a new job I don’t really like that much. Here’s hoping next year will be the start of new and better things. Love to you all xx xx xx

hi all

BOF that comment resonated with me about obbsessing with hair.  I must get the mirror out and look at back of my head ten times a day desperate to see more growth!


Kat good luck for scan tomorrow

Mahsa good luck with the surgery


Nette hope you have had loively time in the van


Had my 7th chemo today 5 more weeks to go!!!

hi all

good news Kat on the scan results.


Piggsy yes I had sub cut herceptin not as painful as I thought it would be


Mahsa hope op has gone well big hugs


hope all ok and the rads are being kind to the skin Piggsy xxx



Evening Ladies, just a quick note from my hospital bed! Had to have a full nodes clearance because one of the 3 LNs they removed during SNB was cancerous.  Now have to wait for pathology report to find out more. Didn’t want to go home with drains, so decided to stay in for few days, perhaps until Friday. Feeling very disappointed,  but what can I do, just have to go with the flow. Thanks for all your best wishes.


love you all,

Mahsa xxx

hi all


Sorry to hear that Mahsa but as BOF says they are gone now.  Hope you manage to get those drains out soon.


Hope evryone else doing well in the windy weather

aw bless you piggsy with the delays, how annoying. Ive had my 15 rads, just the 5 booster sessions to go from monday. Me, nette and julie have been lucky with our appoinments at castle hill, they are never delayed, in fact ive got in early nearly every day! Apts are set for 8.40 every day but i usually get there around 8.15/20 and get called in almost straight away. There are 6 machines there. Have some swelling and hardness of the boob but radioogists say thats normal. Still no more tired luckily, and yes i still have weepy eyes and a runny nose!! Had to get some of the magic gel for the sore crease under the boob, the skin is breaking up apparantly but should hopefully get better soon.

Cant believe after next week i will have finished all treatment. I will feel v odd and a bit abandoned i think not having regular appointments - no herceptin or anything for me as triple negative. As far as im aware i dont see anyone until next mammogram next june…quite scary really.

Have a good weekend everyone, we will be putting the crimbo tree and decorations yipee!!


Morning lovely JJs, thanks for all your messages and comments. I was discharged yesterday with one drain, they won’t take it out until is less than 50ml in 24 hrs. Physically I am ok, no major pain from ops and have reasonable movements in my shoulder. Mentally I feel like I am waiting for diagnosis again, really scared of unknown. I’ll go back to the clinic for result on Friday 13. I don’t really like hospitals,  but I didn’t want to leave. Some how I felt safe there, and was also letting out my tears without thinking if I am upsetting my mum or anyone else. For the time being apart from very few people, I have shut everyone else out. Just want to be left alone and not keep repeating myself over and over. I am sure you can relate to this feeling! 


I am glad to see you are OK, apart from some chemo hangover which we all have. I don’t really know what’s going on with my hair, no sign of new growth.  


I shall be back soon.


Have a restful and relaxed weekend.


Lots of luv,

Mahsa xxxx

Mahsa pleased you are home now. As others have said better out if any infected.
We were told they zap lung because it is in the way but they try to hit as small an area as possible. I have a copy of my ct slice that shows it is only a very small area. I am sure they would show you if you asked. They were quite happy to explain the image to me.
My beauty therapist has advise E45 as the richest Non perfumed cream out there. I was perscribed diprobase as better than aquas and you can use round your eyes.
My face skin is very dry but the eyes and nose has now stopped running unless I am outside.
When I got back from my last rad on Tuesday I was amazed by the number of posts. It is lovely to hear from everyone. I was going to take notes for my reply but did not get round to it.
On Wednesday I had my seroma drained from last yrs recon. It turned out to be a hematoma which means it was blood not clear fluid. I understand this gives it a better chance of healing. So I have been wearing a pressure corset to keep the tummy as still as possible. Lets hope it works.
I am currently feeling very lost. It is a weired feeling after such intensive treatment to just be told off you go. I will ring my bn on Monday I eed some reassurance.
I have just tried to get annual travel insurance and been rejected. I will look on the Macmillan site. Has anyone any ideas?
Well it is late now so I am going to try to sleep.
Julie only 2 more and Annette only one more week. Thinking of you and miss our morning chats. Hope the dragon in the HC is treating you well.
Nette x

We miss you too, the dragon lady has kept her distance, meeting with bumblebee mon for a natter, then tues and I’m done yay xx xx

Hi NetteW
Here’s a link to the travel insurance thread where I hope you will find some helpful information:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Thanks Lucy
Kat we are flying to Holland for a week. If I am reading it correctly I can get single flight economy cover without health screening. As we will be staying with family with hand luggage only it gives us enough cover. We were hoping to do winter sun so I will try one of the bespoke agents. Really I got quite depressed as I keep being told that all my treatment was belts and braces and the mx and ln removal meant I no longer have cancer I find it very disconcerting that the insurance companies don’t want to know.
Julie all the very best for Mon & Tues and we see you in March.
Bumblebee you will be done very soon just 5 more.
All the very best to everyone.
Nette x

thats a real oain Nette.  We make ourselves feel better by telling ourselves we had cancer in past tense and then insurance companies and choice of jargon just makes us feel rubbish all over again.


Still no sign of Tamsin.  Wonder if she has had trouble getting on or she has decided to leave forum.  Think she would have said something though so am worried about her