Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Morning all after 2 bouts of throwing up last night and nausea and headachy I have woke up this morning feeling normal. Managed to sleep for around 6 hours on and off. Took steroids and anti-sickness tablets this morning . Took youngest to school enjoyed the fresh air. I am now doing some work from home and trying to drink plenty of water. Long may it continue but anticipate I will go down hill at some point. Sarah I looked like the mad professor when I woke up. Was told to rinse the conditioner out of hair last night which I did. I combed it through with my fingers and left it. It was very curly this morning and sticking out so I put a hat on when I walked Kate to school. Right back to work for me. Hope evertone has a good day. Lou x

Misty I’ve got the rib pain too and have to regularly convince myself it’s not cancer. Lou I’m pretty mad professorish myself!! Can’t wash til Saturday God knows what the tesco delivery man will think tomorrow!! Xx

Oh misty don’t get me started on  blood clots  lol. Since the picc went in every twinge  in the arm has had me in a panic!  I had a painful spot on my forearm last time and was convinced I was done for, have come to the conclusion  the it was were my arm was resting on the bed rail for hour not half when they were Tring yo get it in as it ok this morning ?.

Sarah I have washed mine tonight. Read the Paxman book and said to wash it up twice a week. I will probably get away with one. Was yours a Paxman cooler?. So far so good for me today. Did have a Nana Nap for about 30 mins. X

I also have my 2nd round next Thursday. Leo, are you having your treatment at Southampton General by any chance? I agree with you Misty about the aches and pains. I’ve had a pain in my left arm for about a month and am convinced that it’s linked! Just annoyed really when they did the CT scan that they don’t bother to do the whole of your body which I just think is really odd if they’re going to go to the effort of getting you in the CT scanner! x

Yes mine was paxman I wash it twice can’t manage once! Xx

Hi all, started fec treatment on Wednesday, used cold cap not sure about next time.

I haven’t had any major discomfort but even after all the anti sickness tablets that are taken, my tummy feels quesy, can’t seem to eat although I want too. The constipation, not good!  ? X

Hi all…

Hope all the round 2 first round group are starting to feel a bit better now…

Just wondering how everyone is doing on the hair front at the moment? I didn’t cold cap and don’t seem to have started shedding yet, just thinning out… getting a bit worried with all this windy weather though!

Round 2 round 2 I will be thinking of you all, hope you have good bank holiday weekends planned? We are going to a summer festival and a YMCA family fun day, I must be mad!

Bex… I am at soton… am session inC3… how about you?x

Hi Ceri, glad to hear you’ve got your first one out of the way! I felt sick for about a week after. Hope they gave you the Emend tablets as part of your anti-sickness ones as they do help but they only tend to give them to you for the first 2 days. I found Dulcoease helped with the constipation!
Leo, I started shedding noticeably (as in constantly picking strands off my clothes) today and I’m on day 16. I’m spending the weekend in Swanage and am trying to avoid the strong wind but it’s rather difficult being by the sea! I’m also in C3 at Soton for chemo on Thursday at 10am… Think I’m in chair 1 so I might see you there! Hope you have a good weekend xx

Feeling rather washed out here at the moment and the steroids make me feel jumpy and like I can’t concentrate. Hopefully next couple of days will improve. Have a good day all xx

I’m feeling incredibly washed out too. I think I’m OK…get up to do something…then feel like I’m pooped and need to lay down again. So annoying.

Glad to hear from someone who’s made it to the end Gillian. Feels like that day may never come at the moment. Time is going so slow x

Thanks for the words of encouragement Gillian. It’s always good to know that people have made it through to the other end, especially when you’re feeling a bit low.
Hope you feel better over the next few days Sarah. I know you’re on your 2nd round but I certainly couldn’t concentrate on anything other than a bit of TV for a good 10 days after my 1st!
Just woken up and the shedding of hair has properly started now… there’s loads on my pillow! Good job I brought my wig with me on my weekend away! xxx

I love the Mohican idea! I had a short crop a few weeks ago in readiness for the chemo and now I think I will go for the clippers. I agree about the control part and making the choice, rather than waiting for it to fall out.

All this talk of shaving heads is making me feel like doing mine.

The waiting around isn’t fun x

Hi Sarah, that’s exactly how I felt for 2days after I finished my steroids - it was awful, jumpy, anxious, tearful, no concentration … I told my oncologist and he was v concerned because we shouldn’t feel that way - he has reduced them down from 4 a day for 3days to 3 then 2 then 1 for my next chemo on Tues (3rd FEC) so hopefully this will work.
I think if you speak to your oncologist, they will do something v similar for your next chemo ?

I only had to take the steroids for day 1 to 3. So haven’t taken any today. Just anti sickness which I take to day 5 and my injection from day 3 to 10. I am a little headachy and a bit tired but otherwise ok. Do they increase the dosage after the first treatment ?

Hi, no they didn’t increase my dosage - still only for 3 days starting day after chemo but mine have been reduced for next session to 3 tablets on day1, 2 tablets day2 & 1 tablets day3 x

Gillian lovely to see positive  stories thank you for popping by, although you know there is light at the end of the tunnel sometimes its hard to see x


Ceri, the emend made such a difference this treatment cycle compared to the first so do raise it with your team I am having to add  in domperidone as the emend finished  yesterday, but still getter than first time round.

I feel totally  knackered today  the least thing is making me sit down and today is the first time my hair has really upset me as there are now visible bald patches in the short crop ?.

Sarah what dose steroids  are you on?


Cyber hugs to all xxx


Ha got Loolyboo I take 2 per day. One morning one afternoon mine are 2mg Dexamethasone. I have Ondansetron for anti sickness and some back up that I haven’t needed Metoclopramide. Plus the injection. Feel like a waking pharmacy prior to the BC bombshell I would have only taken paracetamol or ibuprofen. X

I’m on the same steroid, 2mg 3 times a day for 2 days then twice and then once a day on 4th day. 2 lots anti sickness meds. It’s the constipation (sorry) that’s got me at the moment and have taken some laxatives which seem to just be giving me awful stomach pains. Not a happy camper this weekend at all. Hope everyone else is managing. Xx