Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

I only took my steroids for 3 days. Haven’t had any problems with constipation at this stage thankfully. Feel ok at moment planning to go to my son’s football presentation later this afternoon. Lou x

My head feels like it’s on fire, so so sore. I’m shedding all over the place, I’m day 17 post first FEC, I didn’t cold cap. Any of you ladies having same discomfort? Did it improve when you shaved if you did? I’m literally pulling my hair out! X

Oh no Zoe…Doesn’t sound very nice at all.
Hope you are feeling OK otherwise.
I also didn’t cold cap so have all this to come. My scalp is sore but manageable for now x

Oh Zoe that doesn’t sound pleasant. Hope it eases for you. Big hugs Lou x

Hi Sunshine I hope you get some relief from the sore head. Do you have any other side effects at this stage?

I just don’t feel myself and am getting tired on and off. Some days seem better than others.
My tummy feels a bit delicate too…certain smells and tastes make it churn.
And my tongue seems to curl up when I eat/drink something not quite bland enough lol.
How about you? Xx

Hi Zoe, mine started shedding at day 16 after my first FEC, id already had it cut shorter by then, however I got fed up with seeing it every wear so ended up cropping it to a grade 3. It felt a lot less sore and itchy once I’d shaved it. Sissy xx

Hi Sunshine so far my side effects minimal. Apart from the initial sickness on the night of Chemo I would say I a little woolly headed or headachy and more tired. I am managing to sleep but do wake up. Trying to drink plenty of water. Appetite ok I’m addition. I know my immunity will be at its lowest from tomorrow for a few days so will be careful. I hope you start to feel better shortly. Little naps or even lying down with eyes closed may help. Xx

Laura, I’m feeling fine other than scalp, my was sore from bout day 4. Other symptoms went in a week. Hope your other symptoms improve soon.

Thanks Lou.

Sissy, I’m is in a pixie cut already but don’t think it will be long till clippers need to come out.

Juliette, I have my second lot on Tuesday and although the first went OK I’m still anxious again. Hope Thursday goes well for you x

Hope everyone has managed some decent time this bank holiday I finally feel more human today, hoping the improvement continues. Lots of hugs to anyone suffering with stomach, head, hair, anything else xx

Wanted to share this a make up artist who had BC shows tips and make up tips, baldly beautiful on YouTube x

Julie, glad the nausea is under control, do you have any audio books or a stand up dvd, limited concentration needed and may help distract you. Hope head settles soon x

Hi Julie I’m same after my chemo, the steroids are what causes the restless fidgeting I’m told. I went to bed with tv on but closed my eyes was easier just to listen. Didn’t help much but passed some time. Hope you soon feel better xx

Just started to surface properly after 2nd fec! Although much better this cycle due to the emend the tiredness has crippled me, terrible constipation despite taking tabs and i have the concentration of an ant! Think i will give audio books ago as i read for england normally.
Hugs to everyone xxx

Helen you have my total sympathy I’ve been same am now on movicol for the constipation which is helping xx

Might ask the gp to change tabs Sarah had an easier time bringing twins into the world ?

I would and got colpermin for the spasms which really helped too xx

Helen, I know what you mean about reading. I love reading but haven’t managed to finish one book since I was diagnosed in Jan. For me Audiobooks have been a saviour. I use the Audible app on my phone.

Thanjs Diddy i will investigate app :relaxed:.

Trivial in the scheme of things but finally cancelled  holiday we had booked  for August and feeling p! ed off.  We had already made the decision that it was to tight a time frame just in case treatment was delayed for whatever reason  (insurance didn’t cover us as waiting for biopsy (4th!) at time of booking that no one thought a problem otherwise would have took a chance !)and were going to move the date which would have cost another £160. However, timeframes, insurance etc been too awkward and it was stressing me out so decided to cancel and look at later on.


Also sent my deferal of studies for MSc. had just started dissertation  in feb, hey ho.

Oh Helen sorry to hear about your MSc I was doing mine and put off for a year when I had my second then BC happened so stopped as didn’t need the added stress of studying as well. Years and half work down the pan! Did you get all your money back from canceling holiday, because the holiday company should have and exceptional circumstances dept who as long as you send proof of diagnosis should give you full refund. Hope everyone is feeling a bit better. Just sat in the shade of the hospital garden waiting for wig appt. Keep having visions of it blowing off in the wind or toddler yanking it off in public ? x