Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

If anyone is wig planning at the moment I can really recommend the bamboo wig liners rather than the netty/nylon ones much more comfy and you don’t get as hot.  You can also wear them under scarves etc 

Thanks for the tip Helly. I am going to try the cold cap but will also get a wig. I am taking my hairdresser with me when I go shopping to make sure I get some advice re style and fit. Chemo 1 tomorrow for me. Lou x

Good luck Lou!!

It’s my first round tomorrow too!! Eek!! Xxx

Good luck to you Sunshine. We can swap notes. I am having pre- assessment first so anticipating a long day especially as I am cold capping. Thanks Misty my hairdresser as been through breast cancer herself she didn’t have chemo but she is very supportive and a good friend in addition to being a fabulous hairdresser. I will save some money next few months not having my colours done. Have already gone a lot shorter in anticipation of losing my hair. Xx

Hope all goes well for all chemo rounds tomorrow everyone! I’m on round two tomorrow, cold cap seems to be working I’ve lost a bit but very little compared to the amount of hair I have, I’m hoping it continues xx

That’s great news Sarah. X

Good luck to everyone  starting/having treatment tomorrow. After a bit of a rough ride having picc in today  (it took 4 goes! ), hoping all goes smoothl.

Sarah  thars good news, have to say that although mine was coming out in handfuls  when I had it cropped  I was amazed at how much was in the bag.

Thanks, sorry to hear that wasn’t great helly. No pic line been suggested to me yet they got the Canula in first time last time lets see how it goes today xx

Good luck today, it’s doable, drink loads X x

Woo hoo oncologist has prescribed emend so hopefully won’t take feel as bluh as last time. On the positive no problem lemon getting eyebrows repigmentation just need to get another patch test done first,yey x

Haven’t a clue what the lemon is all about!

First FEC today and cold capped. The cold cap was not pleasant akin I imagine to have my head in a vice. I was aware of a cold feeling just heavy pressure that continued the whole time. I did it though so hope it was worth it. It was very tight I was a size medium. I have thrown up once but feel so much better for it. I have a slight headache and feel tired but can’t sleep. Sunshine how did yours go. Sarah what was round 2 like. Lou x

Glad yours went OK today Lou. I didn’t cold cap…good job as it was delayed quite a while as my drugs were still in transit to the hosp!

The feeling of not having any power over my hair falling out now is a bit rubbish. Hey ho.

I feel really quite disgusting now. Been fine all day…but starting to have waves of sickness and feel a bit woozy. Makes me feel better that being sick made you feel better! Hopefully if I barf I will feel better lol.

I’m shattered…trying to hold out till a bit later in the hope I will actually sleep…fingers crossed!!

Hope all is well overnight xxx

Well done lounge you are braver than me.
Sunshine,I am feeling a bit rubbish now so will be heading off to bed,with my bag of precious things ie meds for morning so I can take well before getting out of bed. Kids were off last cycle so time was a luxury now they need to be ready for collection tmorrow x

Lou even! the predictive text is driving me potty

Hi everyone I managed cold cap again well done sunshine and Lou for getting round 1 over, helly that’s 2 for us we are a third of the way through. I just feel tired and a bit fuzzy my daughter at a friends she will be home soon it’s pjs and sofa for me for now. Hope everyone sleeps, we will be creating our own 4 o clock club when we can’t sleep thanks to steroids! Xx

Hi all

Haven’t been on the forum for a while as I have been at work all week… it has flown by!

Well done to everyone who is on round 2… hope you do all mange to get some sleep,steroid buzzing is no fun… I did it a lot last time round…

Hope everyone starts to feel a little better and less fuzzy too…

I am due round two next Thursday, but out of sync with everyone… you’ll all be feeling better by then, the power of positive thinking!

Big cyber hugs to those in need… xxxx




Morning everyone, kids collected for school so back jn bed with a ginger tea? can’t believe what a difference the emend has made to the nausea.  Last time it was unmerciful but part from the odd episode just feel tired and foggy and did sleep fairlywell. I did have an odd episode before hubby  came to bed as woke up shivering and couldn’t get warm and t 35.4. We use summer quilt all year (i have fleecy blanky on my side) so after quick panic put on sleep hat  as thought head may be cold and added another blanky, it was back to normal in about 1/2 hrs so decided not to ring triage line. This disease really annoys me as I seem to be robbed of descion making abilities,  worry about the slightest ache/pain it’s not me, it used to be unless your heads hanging off you will be fine in this house!


Leo, the time does go quickly doesn’t it, Thursday will bc hear before journey know it.

Sarah, Lou, Sunshine (and anyone i have missed!)hope you are feeling fairly reasonable today xxx




Helly I completely agree about the panic over simple decisions, I seem to be debating over everything. Glad you ok hope everyone else is too. I’m feeling ok a bit foggy and tired but not horrendous xx

Totally on board with panic station mode, the slightest thing and I feel I have to run it by the hotline. Paranoid everytime I hear someone cough or sneeze, feel like I should be wearing a hazard suit in the first ten days post chemo.

Leo I’m round two next Friday so we can be in hangover hell together.

Glad your anti sickness is working better this time round Helen.

Hope everyone else is feeling better too x