Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

So sorry Helly and Zoe that you’ve had to postpone/withdraw from your Masters courses. Is there any way the credits you already have can be used for another qualification, for example a post graduate certificate? 


Isabelle xx 

I’ll see if I can find out, thanks Isabelle x

Zoe,have you discussed it with the uni as depending where you are on the pathway depends on the time left to complete so potentially you wouldnt lose credit for what youve already completed?
I am looking to start again next year just got the dissertation to complete.

The sun is shining, up showered  and walked kids to school, woo hoo on the up. Highlight of the day a trip for picc line flush and dressing change ?.

Glad you on the up, I’ve just taught my Skype lesson so lovely to feel a bit better isn’t it?! X

Hi all,

Not posted for a while… have enjoyed the whole feeling better thing, but now due in for round 2 FEC tomorrow am… goo luck to the other ladies that are on today and tomorrow… think it was Becky, I may see you in the general… I am in chair 3!!

I have had some really rubbish feedback from the PET scan this week, outlining a possible spread of a tiny spot of B.C. in the liver… absolutely beyond gutted…

I have been told it has been caught so early that it is very highly likely to respond to the FECT, and if it doesn’t then there are a lot of options to sort it out immediately after chemo… really **bleep** news to try to digest, and a bit angry that they felt it needed sharing so early on in the chemo process…

Feeling very low about it, so any cyber hugs or support are very needed at the moment…

Oh yes, and still no wig option for this big head of mine, sniff and sob!!


Night night all xxx

Oh Leo that’s really rubbish news. But really positive they think they have caught it so early!

I hope tomorrow goes OK for you and the SE are minimal.

You will be in my thoughts. Massive hugs xxxx

Have you tried out head scarfs? They come in loadsa sizes :wink: xx

Hi everyone, Lou, yes we can do this we just have to keep reminding each other. Leo, sorry to hear about the spot, good news it’s just that, a spot and the chemo is going to blast it to kingdom come. I remember the sinking feeling I had traces in 2 lymph nodes and remember being more upset than when they told me originally. Lots of hugs and love, imagine that chemo as ninja warriors killing off your spot!! Xx

Hi Leo, sorry to hear you’re feeling a bit low at the moment and the **bleep** news you’ve had. I imagine everyone is trying to tell you to remain positive but I know how difficult that is. I’ve got to have an X-ray this morning pre-chemo on my arm which I still have pain in so not looking forward to that. Will be in chemo chair 1 though from 10am so hope to see you at some point. Sending you lots of hugs xxxx

Oh Leo that is **bleep**e news for you to have to think about at the moment! Heres to the fec-t making everything fec off! Sending huge hugs xx

So sorry to hear that Leo but as the medical team have told you the chemo will likely sort it out. It so hard getting news your not expecting but you will deal with it on out own way and we are all here to support you. I will be thinking of you. Lou x

Hi Leo, thinking of you this morning & BIG hugs your way ?
Loolyboo xxx

Awww thanks all, what a fabulous support to log on and read xxx

Chemo all done and back home chilling out now…

Bex, lovely to put a face to a name… we will probably see each other again I am sure… I am going to ask for that time slot as it helps with school run etc… Hope your x Ray went ok xxx

Much love to one and all




Take care xxx 

Love leo

Thanks Leo, I’ve been booked in for 9.30 in 3wks time. Looks as though you had a bit of a nightmare with the canular this morning. Hope you weren’t there for too long after me. I’m at home now a bit spaced out & waiting for the sickness to kick in which I think will be around 5ish! Just trying to make sense of all the meds again! I know I have to take the Ondansetron around 10pm this evening but I’m sure I took another anti-sickness tablet when I started to feel sick last time. They’ve changed them though for some reason. I had Metroclopramide last time and have got domperdone this time, although I imagine there are pretty much the same thing xxx

… Hi back

Yes, they couldn’t find a vein for a while but got there in the end! 

I was just thinking the same thing on the sickness drugs front… Hope you feel ok, I am starting to feel a bit rough so have taken the eve one and going to have a kip now… kids home soon, volume control up!

Bit fed up that the next one is just before bank hols weekend … we are booked in for common people!!

Mind you, I could always do it on a picnic rug I guess?!




Leo xxx

Sorry to hear you’re feeling rough already. I’m feeling really tired but am too scared to move from the sofa incase it starts the nausea off (like last time)! Hope you manage to sleep some of it off. My 9 year old has busied herself making cakes in the kitchen whilst my mum supervises remotely from the lounge as she was insistent on doing them by herself! That’s a shame about Common People. I think my sister has tickets for that again this year. Like you said a rug and a good friend/husband to look after you will hopefully make it possible still xxx

Leo, bex that is number two done a step closer to finishing, I hope you are both having minimal side effects, just to note one of the side effects of ondansetron is constipation so make sure you speak to them if needed.
Leo sorry to hear your news and I hope chemo kicks ten tons out of the tiny little s#t!
Bex hope x-ray went well. Take care and hope you get some sleep tonight x

Mmm,now the weathers warmed up the sight of a picc line seems to generate more interest than headscarves, off to esty to look at a cover :slight_smile:

Boiling weather today,cant seem to tolerate it like i normally do. Walked the dogs on the beach, kids swam in the sea,ice cream and garden centre which has a fab play area. Now that shattered i cant move :slight_smile: x

Sounds like you’ve had a good day helly! My hairs started sheding today…not sure how I feel about it! Wasn’t Expecting it for a few more days as I’m only on day 11 x