Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Yes, it was a very good day. Thought it would be useful to post for others  starting out that read the thread that there are good times during chemo :relaxed:.

Pants about the hair, I found slow shedding started probably around same time but really picked up a week later. Xxxx

Good morning ?
Hope everyone are feeling little side effects today, we’re all one day closer to the finish line ?
just a quick question - has anybody else got aching legs from the filgrastim injections? My legs were so restless last night, pfffft!
On the flip side, I turned 40 yday ? & had a lovely birthday with my family and keeping the champagne gifts on ice until my treatment is finished for a big celebration! ?
Loolyboo xxx

Happy Birthday for yesterday Loolyboo. I did get a little pain in legs for a few days didn’t tie it in with the injections at the time but it could have been. Sorry to hear about the hair sunshine. I did Cold cap and I am now on day 13 and all ok so far but I am under no illusions that it won’t suddenly start sheding. Hope everyone as a good day. I am waiting for IT to ring me back as I can’t get logged onto my laptop. Lou x

Happy birthday for yesterday loolyboo. Not on injections so not sure.
Ah Leo that sounds like a lovely day, I must admit I’ve hid indoors all weekend, bar the odd walk round the block, managed the school run this morning so getting my exercise. Hope it lasts.

Sorry about the hair hun, hope it lasts as long as possible for you x

Thanks Helly. Yes I have been ok. More tired and when I get tired I get headachy but all mangeable so far.I have managed to work from.home albeit I have taken a holiday today as my eldest was sick during the night so I have kept him off school today. Can’t believe it’s round 2 next week. Hope everyone else is ok. X

Loolyboo…I have had bone pain from the jabs.
My back, pelvis and thighs were bad…mostly my pelvis. Was really uncomfortable. Not looking forward to having that again! X

Hi Sunshine
Me neither ? I’m on the last day (7) of injections today and I’m aching in the exact same places you mention, pffffft! I’m hoping it eases now until the next round.
Thank you to everyone for my bday wishes.
Loolyboo xxx

Mine was bad for day 6/7 of injections and the day after…but then it eased and is ok now xx

Lou, hope you doing ok? I can’t believe it’s nearly time for another treatment  cycle, the weeks do seem to go quick. Take care xxx

Thanks Helly. Oncology review and bloods this morning then all being well round 2 tomorrow. Hope everyone feeling ok. Lou x

Good luck for tmorrow, cant say I’m looking forward to it but once this one over will be halfway through. Hope this cycle is kind to you x

Session 2 not to plan. Got first syringe of the E in then decided to recanculated as drip was slow. Recanulated at wrist and as soon as the syringe was pushed I felt it. Obvious risk of it having leaked so I had to go to another hospital for antidote which I have to have tomorrow and Friday. Been at hospital 9am to 6pm so not a productive day bit blips happen and it’s nobodies fault. Hope to get remainder of Part 2 chemo tomorrow. Still had 5 syringes to be administered. Hope everyone else ok. Lou x

I meant remainder next week not tomorrow obviously because I am having antidote. Mobile phones predictive text.

Oh no!! What a drama that you don’t need!!
Are you feeling OK?

I had no2 today and am feeling a bit pants. Not as bad as last time yet tho!! Xx

Oh lou, how awful.  I can’t remember if it’s fec t your having but it us so much easier with a picc. I had 1st fec through  cannula and have got a damaged vein from that which is so painful , something to consider? Hope you get back on track soon  xx

I am fine Sunshine thanks. Glad yours went to plan although not glad your feeling pants obviously. Helly that was my second I was so comfy on the recliner and the cold cap was much better this time. But as I
said blips happen onwards and upwards and fingers crossed I will be having Round 2 next week. X

Lou sorry you had issues. I had round 3 yesterday and got first time felt really sick last night despite the meds. It’s eased off this morning thankfully. Just feel tired and foggy. Hope you get sorted out with the rest. Helen I’m half way now too a bit of a milestone. Hope everyone else is feeling not too bad xc

Don’t know whether it’s cumulative Sarah,  but I had a crap night, normally have late morning session so steroids before 12 didn’t get them till 3.30 so awake most of the night, feeling nauseous which was awful but God  knows what it would have been like without the emend.

Hope everyone feels a bit more improved today.

Anyway big milestone reached  and onto docetal next time xxc

I think it is cumulative I’m beet red from steroids too. This time next week we will feel better xx

Glad round 3 done Sarah hope the sickness improves. Lou x