Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

That’s 3 down Helly well done. Hope side effects aren’t too bad. Lou x

Feeling a bit better today Lou, hope you ok? X

That’s good Helly. I am still at hospital for my last antidote. I am the only one left in the Chemo Unit. Feel tired and looking forward to getting home. I do hope I can round 2 next week. Have a good weekend everyone. Lou x

Lou, thinking of you this week, hoping you get number 2 out the way x

Hello everyone,

I am joining this very late - having had two doses of chemotherapy already and due the third one this week.

Does anyone know - will each one feel worse? I thought the first was bad but the second hit me much harder.

I am on Docetaxel, Carboplatin and also Herceptin injections.


Hi Jane I think maybe some of the effects build I’ve just had third EC and knocked me for six. I’ve got 3 docataxil to come. Hope you coping ok X

Hi, had first herceptin today & seems to have gone as it should also had my first lot of 8 steroids today ready for first T tomorrow - don’t think I will get much sleep tonight, hyper! ?
Big hugs to everyone ?

Lou, good luck for today :).  This round seems to have floored me a bit not sure if it’s cos it’s the halfway mark but seem to be picking up a bit x

Hi Helly
Thank you ? didn’t managed to fall asleep until around 2.30am and then up with my little one at 6.30am but I was awake anyway, I’m hoping I’m not so hyper this afternoon so I can have a nap ? On the up side, it feels so nice to have a little energy!
Loolyboo xxx

Round 2 Complete no problems this time. I did find my arm ached but given drugs being pushed through a small vein not too surprising. Glad you feeling better Helly. Well done Loolyboo I have Herceptin to look forward to. I don’t feel sick this time but I have had Emend this time round. Hugs to all. Xx

Brilliant that round 2 done & dusted, you really have been through it Lou ?
I got home at 2pm after my first T & fell asleep in bed until 6pm, only second time I’ve gone to bed in the afternoon throughout treatment, hopefully with my second set of steroids taken at 1.30pm today I will sleep better tonight, I love sleeping! ? Loolyboo xxx

Woo hoo loolyboo, hope Mr T is kind to you :).


Lou, glad you had an uneventful time, I had to take the other anti sickness tabs as well as the emend  but found the emend fabulous, only thing I would say is it really made going to the loo far more challenging than the first cycle  (which was bad enough! ) !!! X

Thanks Helly ? will keep you all updated - so far so good, no sicky feeling which is a relief! ? xxx

TC and Herceptin round 3 done. Woohoo only one more to go. Now waiting for the Se to start. Hope everyone else is doing well and not suffering too much xx

Thanks Loolyboo I agree sleeping is the best remedy it is just getting to sleep. Xx

Hi Helly I am taking the other tablets as well. I had no issues first time re toilet but thanks for the heads up on that. The tablets all seem to counter one another. X

Well done Diddy one to go is fantastic how many treatments are you having as I noticed you said you had now had 3 TC and Herceptin. I am having 6 in total FEC T with herceptin to start with the T on round 4. Had heart ultrasound yesterday all ok so they have a baseline to work from. Lou x

Luckily for me I’m only having 4 treatments. I think they’re blasting me with heavy doses so that I only have 4 rather than 6. I think that suits me although the side effects knock me out for a week to 10 days. Starting to feel them now. But in 3 weeks I’ll be finished. I hope you’re finding it OK. The Herceptin seems to be fine for me. The injection didn’t hurt at all today, although the 1st 2 did. I guess it depends on who does it for you. Good luck & enjoy the sunshine if you can xx

Lou, just checking in to see how you are? X

Ok thanks Helly. I had a trip to hospital Sunday as had a seroma that decided to leak. All ok now it’s dried up of its own accord. I was given antibiotics just in case of infection but they knocked me for six. I couldn’t keep off the loo. Have been a lot more tired this time. Day 10 now so should pick up next few days ready for round 3. Got my wig yesterday it’s lovely. I am thinning all over and particularly on my crown. How are you getting on. Xxx