Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Hi Diddy and Helly I had a good day yesterday and felt normal so hopefully now on the good days prior to number 3. Good Luck with T Helly. Diddy hope you pick up shortly. I am doing the same with my hair at the moment. It’s a lovely day today enjoy. Xxx

Hi ladies, i’m from the May 16 thread but wondering whether anyone can give me some advice. I had my 2nd cycle of FEC last Tues & since the weekend have been very light-headed. I’ve rested & kept hydrated but wondered if anyone else had experienced this? X

Hi Gerif,i have completed 3 fec cycles and felt like this on all of them, for me it tended to start that day and the muzzy/light headed feeling lasted at least a week. The last fec took longer to come round from think its a cumaltive effect. Its one of those were you just need to ride it out (obviously in the absence of anything you would need to contact yr team about) and be kind to your self. Hope you feel better soon x

Hi Gerif I would echo what helly says, my nurse tells me the steroids also make some people feel dizzy so that could be part of the problem. I have 5 days feeling like that then start to pick up. Good luck with the rest of your treatment X

Lou are you due treatment this week, I can’t remember with it bring delayed  xxx

Hi Helly yes round 3 Wednesday. Bring it on and then I can say I am half way through. How are things with you. X

Good luck Lou for Wednesday xx

Thanks Sarah x

Good luck for wednesday Lou nearly half way done :). I am not to bad apart from i have been in hospital since saturday night with a temp that settled but am now neutropenic! Have to say tax is a different kind of bleugh but to now prefer it to fec!x

I prefer it too not the dizzy fuzzy sick feeling. Hope you soon home Helen xx

Oh blooming heck Helly sorry to hear that. Hope you get sorted. Xxx

I don’t like it he dizzy feeling. I didn’t get the nausea round 2 thankfully but I was prescribed Amend. I hate seen Oncologist today so no Amend for Round 3 and I am anticipating the nausea will return. How has you hair been Sarah. I have patches of very thin hair above my ears and at my crown but managing to cover it up and haven’t needed my wig yet. Xx

I’m not too bad thanks the tax hasn’t been anywhere near as bad. Hair wise I’m ok I had an awful lot of hair so it has things st the crown but only people who know me well and who are tall and so look down on my head can tell. Very good luck today xx

Good luck lou the emend make already be prescribed,if not insist on it theres no need to feel that nauseous. Hopefully coming home today blood permitting :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah and Helly. Round 3 now complete I got the extra nausea prescription. Feel ok very slight headache from cold cap. I hope you home Helly. Glad to hear T hasn’t been too bad Sarah. Xxx

Hope you sleep Lou and don’t feel too rough xx

Just nipping in to say “hi” to everyone on this thread.


I am new to the forum but started Chemo in April. Was too sick and weak after FEC to be able to use a computer. Ended up in hospital once and then treated infections at home after that.


Now on week 2 after my 3rd FEC. This is my last one. The side effects were so bad and I am relived to be finished


Now onto T and H


Anyone in the same boat?

Hi flopsy I’m one treatment ahead of you it seems, had first T a week ago. I also suffered badly after EC although not as badly as you it seems! T has not been so bad. I’m very warm constantly and have oral thrush, but no sick dizzy fuzzy out of it feeling which I’m so relieved about. I hope you find same xx

Hi Flopsy welcome. I had my third FEC yesterday fortunately I have found the side effects mangeable and have been working from home most days save for a few holidays the days after treatment. I will have 3 T now. What is H I haven’t heard of that one. Sorry to hear you have had a bad time with the FEC I hope the next treatments are kinder to you. Are you cold capping. Have you had your surgery? Sarah pleased to here you have found T kinder than FEC. Xxx

I’m cold capping too and I think Lou is, I’ve got about 80% hair left and I too had loads so it’s doing ok. Noticed today eyelashes on one eye only are thinning. I’m not on herceptin as I’m her2 beg, will be on tamoxifen as am ER + with a high score 7/8. Surgery was first for me, lump was 18mm so small enough to not need shrinking chemo is an adjuvent therapy, puts chances of no recurrence to 92% so much as I’m hating it, it’s worth it xx