Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Ha Herceptin I am HER2 + also so Herceptin for me in addition. I had a lumpectomy but didn’t get clear margins so had skin saving mastectomy with immediate implant. I am cold capping and pleased with results thinning all over and particularly at crown and above ears but I can disguise at moment. I do have a very nice wig if it gets too bad. I haven’t been given my reoccurence results and I haven’t asked and don’t think I will. I feel happy that all the tissue and node clearance with mastectomy came back benign. Love to all have a good weekend. This is the best I have felt 3 days post Round 3 let’s hope it continues. I did notice my blood results where very similar to my first set pre Chemo 1. Xxx

Hi lou, just checking in to see how hour doing? Hope things are going OK? 

I had 2nd Tax yesterday as bloods ok but oncologist has said if I have another episode of neutropenic sepsis  with this he will change  me to weekly taxol for the remainder. Either way the end is in sight and it seemed so far away at the begining.


Flopsy welcome,  sorry to see you had a difficulties with the fec,  it really is rubbish. Hope next round is kinder to you xxx

Hi Helly all good thanks. Been busy working from home doing appraisals. Round 4 and first T next Wednesday. Got appt re radiotherapy on Monday so with bloods Tuesday and Chemo Wednesday that’s 3 trips in 3 days. Hope you have no issues this time your nearly done now. Xxxx

Round 4 and first T done today. Was a delay as liver function test was high following yesterday’s blood tests. Thankfully it was lower this morning so it eventually went ahead. As a cold cap I was there 6 hours in total. Feel ok at moment haven’t had a nap so hoping to sleep well tonight. Hope everyone ok. X

Hi Lou glad it went ok. I’ve found the t easier than EC. I’ve got one more to go, still cold capping too. My side effects have been feeling tired, oral thrush (yuk!) and everything tastes awful. But no sickness or dizziness been much more able to function. Hoping steroids don’t keep you awake xx

Glad to hear that Sarah well not the thrush bit obviously but I will be pleased if the tiredness and nausea don’t kick in. Round 3 for 3 was my best one minimal side effects so I am hoping this one may be the same albeit I am aware some people get body aches and pains. Slept well but wide awake now. Have a good day. My building work has started so I may head to my Mams with the dog. X

My sleeping has been shocking best night last night for a while only awake once. Keeping everything crossed you feel ok xx

Yes I was red with every set of steroids!! What fun it is!! Heading out tonight to book club which I’m really looking forward to. Nice to do normal things. Seen oncologist today radiotherapy starts 17 August X

Nearly there Sarah my last chemo is hopefully 17th August. I saw radiotherapy Consultant on Monday signed consent planning appt should be first week of September with treatment to start last week of September. Planning to go back to work, well the office as I have been working from home, 30th August. Xxx

Hi Lou I’m working from home also and hope to go back when the new school year starts. I will have a phased return over 6-8 weeks I believe. I can’t wait to get back to normal!! Sarah X

Know what you mean Sarah. It is like a parallel universe. There is normal me and my little side kick me undergoing the treatment. Have a good weekend I am tentatively awaiting for the side effects to kick in from the T but hoping they don’t.
Lou x

I’ve been much better on this than EC. Tired and sick of everything tasting yuk but no terrible aches and pains. Have a good weekend too X

Lou, hope thinks or ok and se continued to be minimal. Unfortunately i ended up in hospital again after 2nd tax (grr) do only just starting your pick up which is frustrating. Oncologist brought appt forward  so seeing him Wednesday, we did discuss weekly taxol for the last bit if I reacted again so see what happens. Either way on home stretch now, woo hoo.  Take care xx

Oh bless Helly thats not good. Hope your on the mend. The aches and restless legs kicked in yesterday so I am keeping up the painkillers. At least the sun is shining. Xx

Been to hospital this afternoon as very sore throat and high temperature. Sepis Protocol kicks in straight away whilst they await blood results. Thankfully bloods ok given only 6 days post chemo. Been allowed home with 2 x antibiotics and mouth wash and have to keep eye on temperature. Throat sore and mouth tastes yukky.

Hi Helly I came back in hospital last night as temperature spiking. Had chest xray ECG and more bloods they suspect it is the throat and a bad case of thrush and that is what has caused the temperature. Didn’t sleep too well but managed some weetabix this morning so feeling a little brighter. Looks like a sore throat is a common side effect of T. Hope your ok. Xxx

I had thrush both times not good. Hope you are feeling better today xx

Lou,hope you are feeling better snd have managed to get home today xxx

Just got home been treated for pneumonia can’t believe it. I honestly thought it was a sore throat but that is from the thrush apparently. Been discharged with 3 lots of antibiotics so hopefully rest sleep and relaxing will get me through this. It’s a blip and to be expected given what we have been through. Xx

Blimey!! Hope you get a good rest in own bed xx