April 2024 chemo starters

A friend did 2 weekly and it was brutal. 3 weekly should be wayyyyyyy better. You’ll get one whole good week (some have been great, some have been just okay but I’m in awe of anyone who does two weekly!).

Just to be clear, I’ve managed nothing throughout EC. I’ve basically been the definition of muscular atrophy. The wedding was a must do and I bitched like a 2 year old all the way there. :joy:

The surgery is cathartic because they cut cancer out so it’s easy to see the upside. I’m a little scared of the radio for 15 sessions if I’m honest. It feels silly but I’m scared of it discolouring my skin despite hating my scar anyway! Again, I stupidly googled and saw horrible burns.

I had a tantrum and said awful things about myself before the wedding about looking like a freaky cancery frump who doesn’t even look like herself. My kids heard me and my 15 year old said to me “Mama, you look still more beautiful than most of the women here”. So I cried and felt like a complete twat for putting that on them. Weirdly though, I think my cancer may make them better humans and I glimpsed a man who will say the right thing when he’s a husband one day. Which makes me happy as he’s not always been a straightforward boy to raise.



@swk1981 What a beautiful photo, gorgeous children , well done you!!!
I have had a three hour sleep this afternoon so am little out of sorts, and just the one mouth ulcer under my tongue, I’m using the mouth wash so hopefully will keep them at bay, still no nausea so I’m so pleased with that but still unfortunately can’t taste properly, but still a lot better than i felt day 2 of EC, will keep you posted . :heart: xx

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Your photos are lovely @swk1981 and well done you for getting up there and out only a few days into your last chemo! We always worry about our kids and I think you’re right whilst it’s not what we choose it does shape them into even more compassionate young people. Hope you manage a nice breakfast tomorrow and that your journey home is smoother. Helen x

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@swk1981 your photos are beautiful and you’ve such a beautiful family you should be very proud you done it x
Hope everyone else is keeping well, I’m day 5 and feeling rough again with sickness and fuzzy heads.
I had a horrible day yesterday and told my family I’m not doing my last cycle as I can’t stick it anymore but feel so bad now as I know I will do it I was just feeling so ill and emotional. This stuff really messes with your head.
I had my surgery in February and have a planning appointment next Thursday for radiotherapy which they think will start end of June.
I was speaking to someone last week who had been through the same treatment and said Radiotherapy was nothing in comparison to Chemotherapy. She said yes she felt very tired but no sickness, so I’m hanging on to that.
Pauline xx


@pollyanna1 I completely understand it’s a situation none of ever wanted to be in or expected for ourselves at least that’s how I feel! The end goal is in sight just focus on that. Just a few more weeks and then chemo will be done. Hang in there you can do it!


@swk1981 - lovely photos! Your son looks a similar age to mine? Are you also dealing with GCSEs at the moment? So glad the weather was good for you too x

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@hc1973 - I mourn the loss of my morning coffee too. The thought of anything strong tasting whilst I was on EC was just bleurgh!


@pollyanna1 - you can do this - just one more! We are all rooting for you. We know how awful it is but you need to push on through so you have the best chance of fully recovering. Huge hugs to you, it’s so, so hard going through this xx

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I understand how you feel, keep looking forward you are nearly there @pollyanna1 just one more to go!! You’ve had a tough journey but you’ve got through each day so don’t start thinking you can’t do it because you ARE DOING IT, and you are doing it marvellously, and along your personal journey you are also helping all of us by sharing your story (ups and downs) and encouraging words to keep us focused. What an incredibly strong, brave, courageous, caring human you are!!! Now keep kicking cancer up the arse because you’ve got this!!! Sending you lots of hugs, love and strength 🩷


I can’t face coffee either :nauseated_face:

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So proud of myself- it was tough but I was not going to be beaten- Running for Cocktails half marathon done :+1:


Well done again @gromit12, super star :star2:


Absolutely amazing @gromit12 !!


Well done you!! You’ve motivated me to do spin today lol I wasn’t feeling it and feel a bit meh but now I’ve seen this I’ll be making myself get on the bike for a bit instead of making excuses​:joy::see_no_evil:


@belle1 go for it :+1: I tell you when I looked out the window and saw the rain hammering I was v tempted to stay in bed!!! But so glad I went and did it


Hey @ivy-cat,

Ollie has just turned 15 last week so is Y10 so we’re up to our eyeballs in correcting an entire year of apathy towards work to catch him up and set him up for Y11 to meet his potential hopefully. I’ve found Y10 a challenge with hormones and girls and general boy-ness but he seems to be on track to pull it back. Are you in Y11 hell? X

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Yes @swk1981 - Oscar is 16 and currently doing GCSEs. The school has been great tbh - put on loads of extra tuition in the evenings and at weekends. He’s my youngest - I have an older son and daughter too so can totally relate to the hormonal mayhem! It does get easier x

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It’s hard isn’t it! My son Josh is currently sitting A Levels and it’s so hard as you want to try and keep everything as normal at home as possible for them! I hope the half term revision goes well! H x

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Congratulations @gromit12 amazing accomplishment xx


@gromit12 You are a LEGEND!!! I am blown away by you. I self congratulate if I hoover them house and empty the dishwasher and here you are, running a half marathon! You look so very healthy for it too! I would still be a stroke shade of purple (or lying died at mile marker 1!).

What an inspiration! X