April 2024 chemo starters

@ivy-cat Thank you, just a bit anxious about the Doxecetal, and the dread of the cold cap. But hey ho 4th of 6 :+1:


@gromit12 - on the plus side you wear the cold cap for less time with docetaxel. The post infusion cooling time is 20 minutes instead of 90. - which I was very grateful for!


Do you know if thatā€™s the same for Paclitaxel re timing and cold cap.

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@SL255 - the nurse told me and then I double checked. Thereā€™s some info here which is taken from the Paxman website: https://www.england.nhs.uk/midlands/wp-content/uploads/sites/46/2019/05/scalp-cooling-for-adult-oncology-patients.pdf

It looks as though itā€™s 60 minutes for paclitaxel x

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Iā€™m on paclitaxel @SL255 and they administer the first two cycles very slowly, due to the possibility of allergic reactions- mine took 3.5 hours. The nurse suggested that it was the scalp cooling time would remain 30mins before and 60mins afterwards which was the final nail in the coffin for me! Iā€™d found it extremely hard but had an also pretty much lost my hair by cycle 4 of ECā€¦the possibility of upwards of 6 hours was too much for me. Iā€™m glad i did 4 session of scalp cooling but coming home today after 5.5 hours in the chair without it, was also good :blush:
They told me today that as Iā€™ve not had any reaction to paclitaxel it will be administered quicker next time - around 2 hours, plus the time for the antihistamine/fluids etc :blush:


Referencing back to our weight gain chat before- excelled myself today :muscle:t3: Iā€™ve managed just over 2kg weight gain in the past fortnight, biggest ever! :sob: I too have two parties coming up this weekend and next, initial issue was covering the PICC line but now Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™ll even fit into this (elasticated waist) dress :crazy_face:


@altoan Iā€™m dreading weigh in tomorrow - have put on at least half a stone since starting chemo :face_holding_back_tears::scream: she says, eating a bar of chocolate :rofl::rofl:


:joy: Iā€™m heading for double that @gromit12 , having has the mastectomy in February prior to chemo :confounded: The nurse was lovely enough to remind me of the ā€œmassiveā€ doses of steroids- but she doesnā€™t know of the cakes and treats that may play a role also!!!


@ivy-cat Im determined to go! Just hoping my temps stays under control. Iā€™m manifesting wearing my dress! Hope you are OK too H x

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Hope everyone is keep well and side effects arenā€™t too bad. My first week this cycle was a lot worse but yet this last week has been so much better. I think itā€™s a day by day thing as it can all change so quick. Iā€™ve a touch of sciatica also but this seemingly is also another lovely gift from chemo lol.

I had another radiotherapy appointment this week and have got my mini tattoos and MRI done. What I have found is my arm and chest a little tender the next day after my test run. (Arms above head) they said this is normal for anyone thatā€™s had surgery already as youā€™re stretching those muscles. Itā€™s nothing a few painkillers wonā€™t sort out. Radiology has been amazing and answered lots of questions and explain everything step by step. They also said after chemo this is the easier part. I thought Iā€™d share this for anyone that has to get radiotherapy. Itā€™s strange that Iā€™m really not anxious about this at all ( maybe Iā€™m naive)
Next Wednesday is my last chemo and Iā€™m just praying I get it through it with no complications, I do expect the horrible side effects but at the same time looking forward to getting it finished.
I went wedding dress shopping with my daughter this week and she picked her dress so this has given me a wonderful boost.
@hc1973 I really hope you get to wear that dress this weekend itā€™s these small things that keep us going.
@ivy-cat i hope youā€™re feeling much better I had bad diarrhoea and sickness this cycle and now back to being constipated, you really canā€™t win lol. Iā€™m currently laughing as I write this as who would have thought a few moths back weā€™d be on a forum talking about these things.
@belle1 i also donā€™t have a picc line as i had so many infections starting chemotherapy they didnā€™t want to risk it. I am on blood thinners also as last chemo it took 4 attempts as my veins were collapsing.
Sorry if Iā€™ve missed anyone but I do hope everyone is ok or as well as can be accepted. :gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart:


Thanks so much thatā€™s very helpful!


@elle16 This just came up on my newsfeed and it made me wonder whether it was coincidence that youā€™d been hit by e-coli?

Hope youā€™re feeling lots better now x


@altoan and @gromit12 you both kill me :rofl:laughing so much , glad itā€™s not only me that dreads the weigh in :woman_facepalming: by hook or by crook @altoan get in that dress :dress: , Iā€™m planning (have no choice :sob:) to join the local slimming world aka chub club in august once chemo is done and dusted . And thank you @pollyanna1 im quite looking forward to radiotherapy in a strange way as it means chemos finished, one more step forward and youā€™ve reassured me in thinking Iā€™m not crazy with these thoughts :thought_balloon:
@swk1981 thatā€™s really interesting, wonder what the food item was? My nhs app has a letter from a&e doctor saying my suspected diagnosis was neutropenic sepsis :woman_shrugging: just glad to be feeling better, just tired and no taste now,
@hc1973 really hoping you can keep temperature under control and you get to rock your dress and have a great time :crossed_fingers:šŸ©·
Also hope chemos gone well @gromit12 @swk1981 hope you are on the mend now too :mending_heart:


Afternoon everyone- 4th of 6 chemo done :+1:first Doxecetal and herceptin. Did the herceptin first which got it out of the way as I was dreading it- not as bad as anticipation - thereā€™s local anaesthetic in the first ml so numbs, but 5 minutes is quite a long time. It all then went a bit confusing - as Iā€™d started 20mg dexamethasone, had had herceptin and had the horror of the first 15 mins of cold cap- with no antiemetics today. I began to feel really ā€œoddā€, so nauseous and v flushed and ā€œfloatyā€. Bit of a panic - steroids slowed down, observations all ok. Iā€™d taken metoclopramide with me so the nurse told me to take one. I remained nausea all the way through the session- thank God the cold cap was only 20 mins post chemo!! The Doxecetal didnā€™t make things any worse which is a positive! Couldnā€™t eat or drink anything whilst I was there, but since coming home I have managed a choc ice and some melon. They advised I think seriously about continuing with cold cap- I get it but have kept so much hair- also have 2 ice burns on my forehead!! But itā€™s done :+1: PS my weight- another kg on :scream::scream::rofl::rofl:


@gromit12 glad it went well in the end and you managed to eat after! How long did it take today to give the chemo? Iā€™ve had two nurses tell me very different timings! Iā€™m the same as you next Friday so just curiousā€¦. Looking forward to less after capping time too!!


@belle1 Steroids about an hour, but had to wait 30 mins after herceptin given. Doxecetal was only an hour, and then a flush at same time as post chemo cooling - 20 mins. Weā€™re getting there. Good luck :crossed_fingers: xx


@gromit12 - bet youā€™re glad thatā€™s over! Given that youā€™ve come this far and kept your hair surely itā€™s worth persevering with the cold cap? Iā€™ve kept most of my hair too and I absolutely HATE the cold cap but Iā€™m determined to keep going now. The 20 minute post cooling time is definitely a bonus on docetaxel though. Hope you continue to feel well and experience minimal side effects :crossed_fingers:, Emma x


@pollyanna1 - thank you, I am finally starting to feel a little better today. No diarrhoea and stomach cramps easing a little- itā€™s been 8 days so I really feel like I need some time to get properly well before my next docetaxel dose.
Thanks for the reassurance about radiotherapy- itā€™s good to know itā€™s nowhere near as bad as the chemo! Hope you continue to feel better ahead of your LAST chemo next week, Emma x


@gromit12 that sounds tough. Well done for persevering with cold cap in those circumstances. Amazing. Hope you get some rest and appetite soon x


Glad it all went well @gromit12 and itā€™s another one done, hope this week is kind to you :heart:

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