April 2024 chemo starters

Lovely photos Laura! You chose the perfect day, not too hot but lovely and sunny. Hope you manage to get some sleep x


Hi ladies, just getting a catch up on here now. Iā€™ve read all the updates and hope everyone is keeping well and side effects arenā€™t too bad. Iā€™ll not even try names as brain is mush lol.
I had a lovely week away at the coast and really enjoyed catching up with family as I think Iā€™ve lived like a hermit from January. Iā€™ve come back with a nasty cough & cold but it was worth it to have some normality.
Iā€™ve been reading all the tips and advice on exercise everyone has shared and really need to make a start as when I was away I realised how unfit and weak Iā€™ve become.
Iā€™m due to start radiotherapy on Wednesday and tamoxifen same day. Iā€™m just praying this cough goes by then.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend
Pauline xxxx


@pollyanna1 so glad you had a lovely week away Pauline-just what you deserved. Get on and sock the next stage now. Laura xx


Another day, another event, family BBQ today. Wigless today, really pleased with how much hair Iā€™ve kept 5 cycles in, but it is really only at its best the day itā€™s washed. But very grateful for how much Iā€™ve kept


Wow @gromit12 your hair has done amazingly well, Iā€™m extremely jealous :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: beautiful photo xx


Yes, I echo @elle16 ! Your hair has done amazingly well - but thanks for sharing as itā€™s made me realise that I was right to stop the scalp cooling as Iā€™d lost far more than you, even while still using it.


@altoan itā€™s thinned on top but has actually kept growing in length. It will just be my luck that it all comes out post chemo!!! :rofl::rofl:

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Your hair looks great @gromit12! Mine has thinned considerably in the last 3 weeks or so but Iā€™m consoling myself that my parting is still OK and Iā€™ve not got any bald patches (yet) not overly keen on the colour but I can touch it up with a root powder, Emma


Also - I have no eye lashes at all now! Iā€™m trying an eye lash serum to see if I can get them to start growing a bit :crossed_fingers:


@ivy-cat Iā€™ve got very thinned eyebrows, and half lashes on one eye gone- didnā€™t realise till I tried the mascara at the workshop on Wednesday! And then it was very obvious :rofl::rofl: but as my hayfever so bad I donā€™t generally want to put stuff on my eyes. Your eyebrows looking good. Laura x


Maybe, but your eyebrows look good!


Oh no, @gromit12 that would be too cruel! Iā€™d love to know why cooling didnā€™t work for my hair - not only was I bald on top but also in huge parts at the back and sideā€¦and the rest was see through thin. But my wig is great, so many people donā€™t know and tell me how nice my hair looksā€¦. itā€™s actually quite funny now :sweat_smile:
Neuropathy is definitely setting in though, especially my feet which are quite sore at times and around my mouth/cheeks which feel tingly almost constantly.


@altoan how many more to go? I wear compression socks 24/7 for 3 days and then overnight all the time which seems to have helped neuropathy x

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Last one Wednesday :raised_hands:t2: When do you put them on and are they the sort Iā€™ve got from my surgery? Thatā€™s a great tip, thank you!

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@altoan oh so close now :smile: Wear them to chemo and then just keep a pair on for 24/7 for 3 days so bought a pack of Amazon. They need to be certain pressure, Iā€™ll have a look

20-30mmHg xx


@gromit12 ans @altoan - my eyebrows are drawn on :rofl: thereā€™s only a few sparse hairs left!


Youā€™re good at it then!! :rofl::rofl:


Thank you Laura, online I go!


Anyone else finding the filgrastin injections getting tougher to give? I have 7 after each chemo so tonight was number 31. I just feel Iā€™m trying to push into elephant hyde now!!! :rofl::rofl:

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@gromit12 and @ivy-cat you have both kept a lot and your hair looks great. I am coming up to treatment 7 of AC-T and have no bald patches yet either but has thinned considerably. Hoping I have enough to go the distance.

Question on Root powder as I was afraid to use it for fear of build up but grey bits are as bad as the thinning. How did you find it and what brand did you use. Did it affect your shedding?
