August 2024 chemo starters

Yep, you hit the nail on the head @anne3 , normal ok sounds soooo fantastic right now. Thank you kindly :smiling_face:.

Spoke to the nurse and it’s a very common side effect that she described to a T, so for now Gaviscon and there is no improvement then talking to the oncologist is the next step. Still feel like rubbish, but feeling better because now i know I’m not losing my wits.

Wishing everyone a good day with kindness xx


Oh dear that sounds rough.
I am first chemo plus 4 days now and at the moment doing ok.

Hope everyone feels reasonable for the weekend.

Lots of love xx


Today I had the CT scan. When i got home there was a letter with dates for my chemo and picc line! I have just made it into the August group! 1st chemo is on the 30th August. Most of you will be on dose 2 by then. X


What great news @bluesatsuma, you made it , glad that the ball is rolling for you :grinning:

Hugs and best wishes xx

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@bluesatsuma So pleased things are moving forward for you now and good news you can stay in our August starters group. Xx

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Great news @bluesatsuma! Yes I’ll be between 2 and 3 by then but at least you’ll know we’ve managed it that far. Only two weeks then :+1:. Even if you have symptoms I think you feel better for getting some out of the way. Have a few days going places before then and look after yourself :two_hearts:

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I’m still not sure what the CT will show, but I guess even with secondaries, chemo would be the plan. The recent biopsy on the missed area was cancerous, so I have to have a masectomy after chemo. My 3 lumpectomies and cavity shaves were a waste of time. Still, I’m ready to join you brave ladies now. Hope you’re all doing well and managing all the side effects. X


…and you’re right there I think, it is a case of managing any symptoms as best you can. Shame about your extra surgeries but I guess put it behind you and look to your new plan. Guess you won’t be teaching next term? Good to have you with us :two_hearts:

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No i wont be back at school for a while. Maybe not even until late summer term. Can’t imagine teaching bald with one boob! X

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I’m so pleased you now have a plan @bluesatsuma but so sorry for everything you have gone through to get here :two_hearts:

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Hope things are improving for you now @dhmb xx

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@bluesatsuma I think teaching must be hard enough as it is without feeling compromised like that :flushed: I’m not even going back to volunteering at the museum while I have no hair! (Still have hair but actually my new wig looks better!). We’re getting there slowly :blush::two_hearts:

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Hi everyone, I’ve lurked in this forum quite long enough and yesterday had my first chemo session so thought it was time to post!

I was diagnosed end of April with er+ invasive lobular tumour in the left side. Had a mastectomy on 17th June with sentinel nodes biopsy. Got the results 3 weeks later and showed no lymph node spread (happy days) but the algorithm calculated that preventative chemo would be useful to take away the lymphovascular invasion risk.

Oncologist recommended 3 cycles EC and 3 cycles doxectacal on a 3 weekly time frame. After much umming and ahhing back and forth I went ahead with the first session yesterday after having my picc line fitted Wednesday. I feel like I’m tempting fate by saying so far so good apart from some heartburn and tummy cramps but will see how we go over the next couple of days. Also worth mentioning I’ve decided to cold cap to see if it makes any difference, first ten minutes were tough but then totally bearable for me.

Long post apologies and in no way conveys the emotional rollercoaster I know you will all be all to familiar with!

Nice to meet you all


Welcome Beckya

I am on the same regimen as you and had my first session last Monday. It is definitely less scary than I thought . I felt like I had a bad hangover for the first couple of days, a bit tired but now walking the dog again, and gradually doing a bit more although at a slower pace.

All the best

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Thank you! That’s exactly how I described it my husband, a not great hangover!

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Hi @beckya. I’m also doing same chemo regime but don’t start until 30th. Hoping that, like you, i can manage side effects too. I’m a bit scared, but it’s good to see everyone on here doing so well. Hope you continue to feel well. X

Honestly I can say hand on heart for me the anxiety before I went for the 1st session was off the charts and the anticipation was worse than being there. The nurses were amazing at reassuring me and you have a 24 hour line to call if anything seems wrong

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Hi @beckya and welcome to our little group. I’ve just started paclitaxel but will have ec next so will be watching out to see how you get on! After some tummy issues I feel fine now. Quite a gang of us now :two_hearts:


Hi all, late joiner here. It’s devastating that so many of us are in this situation.
I was diagnosed mid May, grade 3, her2+, multi focal. Had a mastectomy 5th July. C has spread to one lymph node. Have been told I’m stage 2b. Plan is six rounds of chemo every three weeks along with heceptin injections but those are to go on for a year. Radio therapy planned after chemo.
In for pre assessment today and treatment should kick off this week (not much warning). It’s very helpful to see how you have been managing. I’m anxious to say the least about being ill and really wanted to try the 24hr fasting before and after treatment as I understand it protects white blood cells and they can come out fighting and that some people haven’t felt so sick. Any one on here tried it? My onocologist is very dismissive about it but I’d do anything to avoid throwing up because I suffer from syncope. I’ll take the anti sickness but worry it’s a lot for our livers to cope with.
My need to do something/anything to make this a smooth as possible is overwhelming as I’m sure it’s been for you all too.
Inspired by you all!

Hi songbird 1
This group seems to be getting quite big sadly. I haven’t heard about the fasting but I know I would have difficulty doing that, I feel awful if I miss food. Whilst I felt nauseous the anti sickness meds worked well and the feeling only lasted 48 hours. I was able to eat little and often.
I too am having 6 cycles followed by Herceptin and radiotherapy. I just think that it won’t last forever.
Good luck with your treatment xx

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