August 2024 chemo starters

It’s certainly comforting to hear the anti sickness meds are effective. I will yield to the process. Good luck to you too xx

Hi Hayley hope you are doing the best you can.
Just wanted to say hello, my names Jemma and im 33 with a 2 year old!
If you ever need to chat im here. Mine is HER2 Positive about 2cm lump with around 3 nodes.
I am having 6 cycles of chemo and i had my second one on weds. Not feeling too bad!
Just tired today, its not as bad as you think… i think its just something you never expect to have so you build yourself up.
Im new to this my self but any questions feel free to ask xx


Hi @songbird1 Welcome to our group! Can I add that I had anti nausea meds before my chemo infusion, then tablets to take for the first two days with more to take as and when if I needed them. This worked well as I didn’t get any horrible sick feelings (and I am prone to it - was really sick after my first op).
So hopefully you’ll be fine - jus5 make sure you get anti nausea meds to take hime :blush: along with all the other preventative meds! Take care :two_hearts:

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Hey ladies. I was diagnosed in June with HER2 pos at 33.
Had my second round of chemo and feeling not too bad just tired mainly.
Hope you lovely ladies are all handling it the best you can! We got this!
Im having 6 rounds in total.
After my first round i noticed a massive difference in my breast… no swelling at all… felt softer and no pain.
My second round i had a feel yesterday and it feels even more softer etc.
No one should ever be here at all… but here we are. We got each others backs!


Hi @songbird1. Sorry you are here but nice to meet you. My chemo starts on 30th. I’d not heard about fasting either but its my birthday tomorrow so I’m going to eat all my favourite food all week while i can enjoy them! Husband is baking a Victoria sponge with blueberries and fresh cream, and I am out for 3 meals this week. When the chemo starts it’ll be ice lolliies and beige food! X


Make the most of it and happy birthday. Food wise, the steroids have so far definitely done the job for me and I’ve not noticed a drop in appetite as yet, but ice lollies are Def a nice treat, can highly recommend the rowntrees orange and blackcurrant ones which looks like callipos :rofl:


Thanks for the info @anne3 that sounds like good advice. Glad it’s worked for you. I’ll be getting first round of treatment this Thursday. I have the steroids and I think/hope they give me anti sickness prior to infusion and some to take home. Xx


@bluesatsuma Happy Birthday! :tada::cake: Make the most of it. My appetite hasn’t really changed (except for the days I had stomach gripey pains) but maybe that’s just me!

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@bluesatsuma have a lovely day tomorrow. The cake sounds delicious!
I think I’m just going to eat what I can when I can. With all the meds I think it will be hard to navigate on bone broth and tea. I am yielding to the process but finding it very hard to give up total control so I downloaded the yuka app so I can pretend I have a little control, although some might say that sucks the fun out of everything we eat, I like it but do choose to ignore and just eat cake :blush:

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Hi @haymc

Sorry to hear you have this also, your so young and your baby is so young, I’m 48.

I am having the same treatment as you, also have a large lump in my right boob. I’m hopefully not having a mastectomy.
Mine is also her2 positive but negative for hormones.

Are you cold capping? I’m
Still not sure on this.

I have lots of appointments this week. 5 hour kidney function tomorrow and echo and bloods on Thursday.

They can’t fit me in to have my Picc fitted this time round.

I start my treatment on 26th.

Please let us know how you get on xx

Glad to see most of those who have started are mostly coping ok.

Welcome to everyone else joining, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish and all that so hoping round 1 is kind to you all.

Round 1 was ok for me, some nausea in the two days after but nothing too horrendous. I felt totally back to myself in week 2 and now I’m ready to go again on Wednesday (as long as bloods are ok tomorrow)

Hoping cycle 2 is as manageable and I can enjoy some of the kids last week off school (mine are 5 and 8) xx


Hi fellow august starters.

I had a post chemo check up today. Apparently they like to check on me between 8/10 days following every session. It was quite in depth. Discussed side effects, blood pressure (I have awful white coat syndrome :see_no_evil:), diet, exercise, fluid intake, temperature, checked my mouth and throat, asked about my bowels and pee. Then checked my blood to see how my system is bearing up, as around now white blood cells may be compromised. Very pleased to say that my levels are fine. I have not yet been given the daily injections at all yet, so so far my old body is keeping its end up.
We got this :+1:


Hi Jemma, that’s really kind, thank you! Sounds like you’re doing well :muscle: I’m sure I will find myself asking/ reaching out on here, more once I’ve got started. It’s the big day tomorrow!

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Hi Lilly, thanks for your message. It does suck but just gotta get on with it and focus on the end of it all! Ahh okay, so interesting how everyone’s treatment plans are different/ tailored!

I’ve been very changeable in my thoughts about cold capping. Originally I thought ‘ why bother’ (maybe a bit pessimistic of the research results) and it felt like one extra thing to have to worry about but I’ve done a bit of a 180 and decided to just give it a try! I think I have more head space now that my other appointments are done and I just thought I’m going to be there for like 4 hours or whatever anyway so what’s a bit more?! :rofl: and if I don’t get on with it, for me it helps to say I’ve tried! It seems like there’s really no way to predict who it works for and who it doesn’t so it’s just weighing up the gamble I guess.

Good luck with all your appointments( blimey 5 hours is intense!) and your start to treatment. I’m not getting a PICC done for the first one, going to see if they think I need one first.

yes you too, keep me updated xx

Good luck Hayley. You will be fine! Its the start of getting better again thats what i had in my mind.
Make sure you eat regular snacks if your feeling sick. Plenty of rest and water. If your tastebuds go pineapple juice is good. X

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Well it’s official…i am in August group and I start Friday. After my CT came back, dr decided we should bring date forward a week.

So I’m in tomorrow for pre assessment and Friday for 1st EC chemo. Having it through IV this time as picc is being fitted for next cycle.

Can anyone help with these questions?
What do I need to take?
How long will it take? (Not cold capping)
What happens at pre assessment? I’ve already had ecg.
Will I need to ask for a sick note for work?

Thank you x

Hi @bluesatsuma I’m in for my second one on Friday too so will be thinking of you!
I would say yes to getting a sick note.
i think the first one often takes longer but I was there about 4-5 hours (not cold capping). Might depend on your particular drugs though - mine is paclitaxel at the moment.
Hospitals might vary but mine brought round tea and biscuits, sandwiches, crisps etc.
I took some fruit pastilles, a drink, snacks etc but might not take so much this time! Also a book, my ipad or magazines etc or anything really. A blanket if you feel the cold? or a neck fan if you don’t (like me!)
Plus phone of course to get a lift home and maybe some cash. Wear comfy clothes but with your arm free. I had mine via cannula and it was absolutely fine.
Good luck anyway, it’s actually quite relaxing (especially with a good dose of antihistamines!)
Take care :two_hearts:

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PS re preassessment - not sure as I had an echo, CT etc well beforehand. Had bloods when I saw the oncologist plus height/weight.

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For my first I made sure I wore leggings. As you have to take the drip with you, if you need the loo, it is easier than buttons, zips. etc. I took some sherbet lemons with me as the “c” part of EC can give a metallic taste. I took juice and water, iPad and headphones, phone, tissues and hand gel. They bought round hot drinks and sandwiches. I was there 4 hours, not cold capping. The first hour was after having taken an anti sickness tablet, before they begin the infusion.
Hope it goes well.

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Thanks @bigpickle and @anne3. That’s great. I’m going to take drinks, a tablet and headphones, book, blanket and maybe a snack. I’m nervous but i feel ready for ir. Doing a big house clean tonight. Xxx