August 2024 chemo starters

Hi all, hope you are all doing okay, I also had my picc line fitted today which was very quick and easy, I didn’t feel much and was so surprised that you can’t really feel it once it’s in. Was given a note for a water proof cover which has to be ordered via my gp, which they said would take 48 hours and then the pharmacy has to order it in, so had a very interesting bath with a carrier bag tied round my arm covered in cling film :woman_facepalming:t4: it seems to have kept it dry though.
I am also counting down till Thursday morning to start…….hoping the anxiety settles down once it all gets going.


Thank you @bigpickle I’m glad you are doing ok. The first one seems pretty scary doesn’t it cause we don’t know how our bodies will react. I will also start on EC. It seems from what I’ve read in our group so far is to stay hydrated and take meds when suppose too :crossed_fingers:we’ve got this :heart:

@mz45 i also had to go to GP to order waterproof cover, was told 5 days :flushed: I’m feeling pretty anxious too about the whole thing. Can’t wait to get to Friday right now. Sending you lots of luck and hugs. X

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So sorry to hear this @bluesatsuma, I hope they don’t keep you waiting too long. Sending good luck vibes and lots of hugs x

Hello everyone! I’ve been reading this forum most days since I was diagnosed on 4th July and have found it a lovely space. Thought it was about time to introduce myself! I’m Hayley, 32yo, diagnosed with hormone positive and HER2 positive breast cancer with a big lump
In my right boob. I have a 17 month old daughter and am also going through egg stimulation and collection in advance of starting chemotherapy next week. I’m just about making it in this August group as I’m starting on 21st. Being given Docetaxol, Carboplatin and Phesgo injection every 3 weeks for 6 cycles initially. Mastectomy and radiation to follow. Feel like I have learned a new language since this has all started and although I’m feeling nervous about side effects ( hair loss especially), I just feel the need to get started now, the wait has felt so long and organising the various appointments has been difficult.
Lovely to meet you all xx


Yes it is a nice group. I know what you mean about arranging all the appointments and they come thick and fast. I am hormone and HER2 positive, but much older than you, so haven’t had the egg stimulation, harvesting etc.
Had my first of 6 cycles on Monday, it isn’t as scary as I imagined.
All the best xx

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Hi @haymc - welcome to our little group! I’m also hormone positive but am 68 (that sounds way too old to be me!!). Started chemo last week and so far main problem is stomach ache but the process itself was fine. I’m with you on the hair loss thing, think most people feel like that. We can all get there together! :two_hearts:

Hi @bigpickle. Thank you for your reply. I’m glad to hear that it wasn’t as scary as you’d imagined, that’s also reassuring. First one done for you :white_check_mark: I’m looking forward to ticking that box next week. Take care x

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Hi @anne3! Thanks for your message! Thanks for sharing that, I’m wondering which of the list of side effects are going to bother me! Glad the process was okay for you. Thank you, step by step we’ll get there💕

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Hi @haymc welcome. So sorry to hear your diagnosis. I’m glad you joined the group, I have found it so helpful. I saw my nurse yesterday and have been referred for a wig appointment. I wasn’t going to bother but I thought at least I have something on the occasions I need it. From the chats I’ve read there are some really good ones. I wish you lots of luck on your journey :heart:


Got my wig today. Not sure I love it but its ok. It gost £285, but NHS voucher covered £185 and then 20% VAT is taken off too so it cost me about £60.

Also, CT appointment came throuh for Friday and my pathology from the extra biopsy is back too. I’m going to call about that tomorrow. Might make it into August group yet! X

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@bluesatsuma glad things are moving a bit. What’s your wig like and is it comfortable? I have an appt tomorrow and have a £150 voucher towards it. Not sure how much I’ll wear it or how I’ll feel. Hope you manage to join us, at least you’ll feel you’re getting somewhere. Good luck with your call tomorrow :two_hearts:

Hi @anne3. Thank you. The BCN said they dont give results on the phone, but that given my situation it would be ok. My wig is longish, straight and brown, with layers around the face. My normal hair is a similar length, but more cherry red. They cut a fringe into it for me. It looks very natural. Good luck with your wig appointment. X

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@bluesatsuma Sounds ok then! My own hair is brown, straight but a bit shorter, also with a fringe. Was actually fancying a bit of red in it somewhere but will see what’s available. I’ve never dyed my hair and so am going to be gutted if it falls out and comes back dark grey! Still, all in a good cause! :two_hearts:

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Hi @anne3
I too have had stomach ache since starting my chemo last week. Has your doctor given you anything for it? I got prescribed Omeprazole and some cocodemol yesterday for it which has definitely helped. Have a chat with your BCN if you havent done so already as there is usually something they can do to help. Xx

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Hi @sievehead I did get to speak to a bcn yesterday and have got some buscopan now which has definitely helped with the gripey crampy stomach pains. (I already take omeprazole for acid reflux). Today I almost feel more normal :crossed_fingers:t3:. I’ve realised it’s a case of taking whatever you need as thankfully it’s for a limited period! Glad you’ve managed to ease the tummy issues too. It can be so debilitating. Also used my heatable wheat bag I got in the Little Lifts gift box. :blush:
She also advised more ibuprofen/paracetamol to ease the bone pains - whatever it takes to get you through! Take care :two_hearts:

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So the pathology from the missed area came back as grade 2 invasive hr+, like the 3 tumours already removed. The area is large but not a tumour. Its more like cancer has just weaved its way through all the breast. CT scan tomorrow will check for secondaries but after that its systems all go for chemo. Might just make the end of August. Feel very upset as I should have had a masectomy for my first and only op, but now my masectomy will be my fourth op and has to wait til after chemo. The hospital is going to try and have the CT results ready for monday. At least they are trying to speed things up now.

Hope all of you are doing well. Well done to you all so far. Super strong! Xx

Hi @bluesatsuma oh you have been put through the mill a bit :confused:. Hopefully now they have a clearer picture at last. Hope you can join us soon (not wishing chemo on you exactly but the sooner you start the sooner you’ll get it done etc) Sending hugs :two_hearts:


Hi :wave:

How is everyone doing? Didn’t feel that geat yesterday so today I’m ringing the nurse, my stomach hasn’t been kind, my face has bursted in boils and my gums feel like sandpaper.

Wishing everyone a good day xx

Oh no @dhmb sounds awful. Definitely worth ringing the nurse as they don’t want you to suffer unnecessarily. I’m on paclitaxel but also had the stomach pains and gripiness, as did @sievehead. Buscopan is working for me (for ibs usually) but think @sievehead had cocodamol and omeprazole (which I already take for acid reflux). So many pills! Good luck with getting some help :crossed_fingers:t3:as you feel so good when you feel normalish again. Hope tomorrow is better :two_hearts:

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