August 2024 chemo starters

I braved the pre-shed hair cut today! Decided to go for a pixie cut before clumps of hair start coming out as think short bits of hair shredding will be less traumatic than finding long handfuls all over the house.
The hardest bit is getting used to the darkness of my new hair as all my colour/highlights have been chopped out. Getting ready in the mornings is going to be much quicker now though.
My hairdresser also ‘styled’ my new wig for me, cutting in a fringe and thining some of the bulk. Looks good.
I wish you all the best with whatever decisions you make on your hair. Its just important to do what you are comfortable with.


Hi @sievehead good for you with the hair! I’m going to get a fringe cut into my wig next week. It should then look much like my own but better! I quite like it. All these new experiences :joy:


I’ll be thinking of you @bluesatsuma Sending love and hugs to you :sparkling_heart: xx

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I have first round today, quite nervous about being sick but apart from that I’m looking forward to count down of being cured and marking this one off the list. Ice lollies at the ready for when I’m home.
Hope you are all doing ok x :heart:


Hi @songbird1 and everyone starting your treatment today, wishing everything goes well and sending hugs.

Remember you got this :muscle:

Hugs xx


Hey all, thought I’d pop a quick update following my first chemo session yesterday!

Process- it was absolutely fine, I had my phesgo injection first, bit stingy to start with but didn’t last. Then with flushes in between had my two infusions an hour each. Took from 10:45-2:30 and it flew by!

Cold capping- I went for it in the end and I’m glad I did! Nurse helped me set everything up, fitted the cap properly, wet my hair down and conditioned it. It was very cold at the start so first 20 mins was uncomfortable but nowhere near as bad as I imagined it would be. They advised taking paracetamol beforehand next time so I will do that.

Feeling okay at the moment, aware that with the last dose of steroids today I may feel a dip but so far so good!

Wishing you all the best for your treatments this week xxx


@haymc I’m glad it went well for you. It’s great to get this update as I’m just heading in for first round.
Did they give you anti sickness before?
Hopefully there is no or not too big a dip for you as the steroids wear off. X

Good luck @songbird1. My first is tomorrow! Let us know how you get on xxx

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@bluesatsuma will do. Everything crossed we are all lucky and it goes smoothly- one step closer to being cured! Xx


@songbird1 try not to be nervous about sickness. You will be given antisickness meds which will definitely help. You may feel a bit of nausea but shouldnt be sick. I was given some antisickness meds to take 3 times a day ‘as needed’. I look them regardless as had heard it is easier to use them to prevent sickness rather than try to cure it after you feel unwell.
Good luck today. Im sure you won’t feel as bad as you fear.

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Oh best of luck, you will be fine I’m sure :smiling_face: yes I missed that bit sorry- antisickness tab given at the start :+1: then I took another last night and fingers crossed no nausea so far, just slight heartburn so I’ve got gaviscon.

Take care xx

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Hello All,
I’ve been lerking and reading since my first chemo a week ago, so thank you all for sharing it’s really helped calm my side effect anxiety.

I’m having 3 EC then 3 D/T on 3 week cycles. All went well on first chemo, treatment itself was all fine I only struggled with last 30min of cold cap and nausea got me. Then travelled home to find PICC was bleeding through the plaster and dressing so had to go back, the repeated car travel did me in and the nausea was unreal the first night. Friday I slept all day, Saturday ate my way through the day- steroid hunger is a thing right! Thought I was over it then Sundays injections gave me immense body aches. Since then it’s just a joy of heart burn being a pain. I’d never had it before and it’s just unreal. Given in and called the hospital this morning, the Rennies are touching it anymore. :crossed_fingers: for something stronger and having 2 weeks of ‘normal’ life before cycle 2!

How’s everyone feeling about the long game? Keeps playing on my mind how much longer we have to go before we can be ringing that bell for the last cycle.

Congrats if you’re still reading, you’ve dedication to the essay :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Stay strong fighters x


Hi lou7788

Yep steroid hunger is crazy. Totally agree regarding car journeys and nausea. I wasn’t sick at all and the anti sickness meds definitely work, but I did feel queasy in the car. Haven’t had to do the injections myself yet, onco has delayed them until my 4th cycle .
I had steroids for the first 7 days and dipped awfully when they finished. Just taking it easy but managing to walk the dog.
I have 6 cycles. I am thinking after the second I will be a third of the way through. After the third, halfway through etc, etc. Roll on the new year !
All the best xx


A great way to look at it 1/3 of the way, that’s my next goal. Thank you!!

The meds do work for sure, thankfully!

My 24/7 number want to send me to a&e because I said heart burn felt like a pain in my chest, so looks like I’ll be spending the day being tested and prodded to be told it is heartburn! :weary:

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I hope you’re right and it’s a waste of time, however nest to check for sure. Please keep is updated @lou7788.

All the best xx

First round done. Early days and pumped full of steroids but so far I’m ok :slightly_smiling_face:.
I had the mad reaction to docetaxil but they were on it. It felt like an elephant sitting on my chest and I turned bright red in the first 10 minutes. They switched off drip for half an hour and put it on slow feed after that.
I’ve been given anti sickness prior to treatment and taken some home to have three a day for the next five days, I’ll be taking them for sure.
I also have the injections to take for the next week at home, that’ll be interesting.
All in all the experience was fine and fingers crossed it stays that way. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Today is my first EC. I’m beyond scared hence why I’m wide awake this early. I have learned so much reading all your posts though. This morning I’m on a mad house clean and trying to get sll the kids school stuff sorted in case I’m too whacked next week! My newly fitted picc line is doing my head in. Hoping i get used to it. One thing they seem to be keeping quiet about at hospital, is the injections I do at home. Not looking foward to it. Plus district nurses need to come and flush my picc every week as I’m too far from hospital. Hope everone has a good day. I’ll be back on here post 1st infusion. X


Hi @bluesatsuma :wave:

It is scary and to say otherwise is just foolish… however you have a team looking after you they are there for a reason and i found it useful to voice my concerns and they will talk you through it if you wish. A huge hug from afar xx

I’m having my 2nd cycle today and you and everyone going through treatment today will def be on my mind, afterall we are sisters in arms and we got this💪

All I’m thinking about is how loud that dam bell is going to ring …

All the best xx


Here here…looking forward to ringing the bell…if that’s even a thing at my hospital. I didn’t see one at my hospital. Sisters in arms! Love it! Today is the start of the end of my cancer. X


@bluesatsuma I’ve been sober over a month, but I’ll drink to that :clinking_glasses: