August 2024 chemo starters

Look near the ceeling… i missed it all thentimes i go there, my husband poited it out to me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Honestly after the first one is done hopefully you’ll feel better as you’ll have more of an idea of what you can and can’t do.

Drink drink and drink more water, flush it out!

I have to do the injections they talked about it at my pre assessment and they’re ok! Can’t say I’m a fan of needles but they really don’t hurt.

Will be thinking of everyone who is in today.

I had round 2 on Wednesday and definitely remembered snacking little and often helped and some lucozade yesterday too. So far so good xx


I’ll be there for my second today and even though last time was fine I’m feeling nervous now. Plus the fact that my echo showed up that my heart isn’t pumping as fully as it should so now I’ll have a cardiology referral too! Good thing though is that my 10 immunity boosting injections this cycle have practically sent my white blood cells sky high, so now only having 7 this time. So they were worth doing!
Take care everyone :two_hearts:


@anne3 hope all goes well today. You are so positive, you put me to shame :woozy_face:. Xxx

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not always - actually feel like crying today but once I get in my comfy seat for the infusion with my tea and biscuits and sandwiches it’ll be ok. You’ll feel so much better when you’re doing that too @bluesatsuma. Report back later. :blush: xx

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@anne3 have a little cry if you want to. Its cathartic. :slightly_smiling_face:.
@bluesatsuma youve got this. In a few hours you will look back and wonder what you were worried about.
Im sending positive vibes to all our little group today as i rock my new wig for work today. Xx


@sievehead I’m impressed you are going to work. I worked all through the 3 surgeries I had, so I could save my sick pay for chemo. I’m a teacher, so probably germ central in a school, plus no provision if I need a break or lie down! I hope your boss is going to let you rest as needed. Enjoy your wig! Xxx

@bluesatsuma im only working half days from home doing behind the scenes jobs that dont need much interaction with others. My boss has been great and is leaving it up to me to do as little or much as i want to.
The wig has been well received in my first Teams call of the day. Xx


All the best for today. Positive thoughts being sent you way.


Hi Everyone

I’m back from holiday and caught up on everyone’s posts, seems I’m the last this month to have my first chemo on Monday!

I have had a blood tests and echo was done yesterday, I’m a little worried they won’t have the results in time as weekend then a bank holiday. Iv psyched myself up for starting on Monday no so I’m really hoping they don’t cancel it.

Sounds like your all doing amazing :star_struck: xx


First chemo EC done today. It took 2 hours, but i was there 4. Should be quicker next time.

Anyway, as you all said, it was fine. If you’ve yet to start, don’t worry…it is pretty relaxing and there’s no discomfort. I had my picc line redressed and flushed, then steroids, saline and the E part, the the C part last. The C part gave me a headache but its no worse than a normal ‘tough day at work’ headache. I’ve got a big bag of meds. Slready cracked open the mouthwash as my throat feels a bit odd. But other than overwhelming relief and hunger, I feel pretty good. I shall now wait to see what follows.

Thank you all for your encouragement and reassurance. My scary chemo virginity is lost and i know side effects may follow but I feel happy tonight. Xxx


Great! One ticked off at last :+1:. So pleased it went well you can relax a bit now xx


Anyone had to gon in with high temp yet? Mine is at 37.5 but if i sit still it goes down to 37.4. As soon as I walk about it rises again. Should I wait for 37.6? I do not want to spend evening sat in a&e. I will ring red card but I dont feel ill at all.

Sorrybyou feel that way @bluesatsuma not sure it helps but nurses told me to keep a eye on it until it reached 38, then ring them.

Hope you feel better xx

Hi, no I haven’t had my temperature go above 37. Think I would ring the number on the card just to put your mind at ease.

Hope it turns out ok :crossed_fingers:

hope you’ve got sorted. My cons said to test again in an hour. Mine only went above 37 today but then went down. Ring the number for advice maybe?

I rang red card. They made me test the husband and kids to see if it was a thermometer issue. Its at 37.7 but rest of family are at 36.6 ish. They said theyd do a sepsis screen and start IV if needed.

On the brightside, i did my filgrasten injection all on my own and it didnt hurt. X

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Glad you got an answer. Shame to start your treatment with a blip (worries me as I start ec in 6 weeks time :flushed:).
Good luck - hope the sepsis screening doesn’t show anything. :two_hearts:

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Hooked to an Iv of antibiotics. They’ve taken swaps for covid, mrsa etc. They took blood for culture, blood to check blood counts and They’ve done obs. Nurse thinks it’ll be an overnighter sadly. Day one of first cycle. This is going to be a nightmare.

@bluesatsuma Nightmare indeed, so sorry this has happened. Main thing is get sorted soon and then home tomorrow :crossed_fingers:t3:. One day this will all be in the past. Sending love and positive vibes xx

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