August 2024 chemo starters

Oh no :frowning:

Wishing you a speedy recovery, letā€™s hope they can pinpoint the problem quickly.

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Sorry to hear this @bluesatsuma, what a shame on your first cycle. wishing you a quick recovery xx

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Worst thing is I feel absolutely fine. Theyve notbfound anything out yet about cause, but temp is down now at least. X


Glad to hear your tem has gone down , fingers crossed it will stay that wayšŸ¤ž

Best wishes with a hug xx

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Big hugs, good vibes being sent your way @bluesatsuma

Whatever it is it will pass

Take care x

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Home now, tucked up in bed. I was on a trolley all night. Temp is still fluctuating but the oncologists on call both agreed i could go home with antibiotics. The filgrasten injection i did yesterday has boosted white blood cells by over 600% so that works!!

Thanks for your reassurance ladies. Hope all your temperatures stay below red card levels x


Glad youā€™re home :+1:. Bet thatā€™s a relief to be back in your own bed. Those injections are definitely worthwhile - my neutrophils/white blood cells were sky high so theyā€™ve reduced them to 7 days now from 10!
Hope the antibiotics sort your temperature out :two_hearts:

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Feel better real soon xxxx

Thinking of all the August chemo starters xxxx


7 days from 10! Wow. I only had to do one on this cycle. Maybe it will change for me with second chemo drug docetaxel?

Hope youre doing ok Anne x

Thanks @nannabee. I had a good sleep considering and temp remains lower than 37.5 so very pleased. Husband is off work today but dreading these last few days before the kids get back to school. They are going to need to be self sufficient xxx

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Yes not sure - hospitals seem to vary a lot. Must say I was relieved to cut them down this time as donā€™t seem to find them painfree any more but at least theyā€™ve kept my neutrophils up. Theyā€™re filgrastim 0.5 ml so not sure if a smaller dose than yours? Still make my legs ache! Tummy better this cycle though so not bad. Good luck these next few days! :two_hearts:

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I think the difference in the injections is whether you have filgrastim or pegfilgrastim. I believe the filgrastim is given over a number of days whereas pegfilgrastim is just the one dose. The one off pegfilgrastim is a more expensive option therefore not so widely given.

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hi @sievehead. How are you doing? Think you started same day as me, 9th Aug, but doing it the other way round. Iā€™ve had two x paclitaxel so far but have ec next. Hope all ok. :blush:

Sending love to you all šŸ©· , this chemotherapy malarkey is not easy! Iā€™ve had a couple of rough days after not feeling too bad initially. Starting to hit home just how much this is going to take over for a while. Itā€™s tiring just not feeling ā€˜comfortableā€™ in my body, if that makes sense? On a brighter note, managed to get out for a brief walk this morning and toilet troubles have improved :sweat_smile: one day at at time :muscle: xx


Hi @anne3. Yes i started on 9 Aug with EC every 3 weeks (4 cycles) which will be followed by 12 x weekly paclitaxel. First week i was a bit ropey but since then felt pretty good. Next round this coming Friday.
My hair really started coming out this weekend so i had it shaved off yesterday. Its going to take a while to get used to that look! Im avoiding looking in the mirror!!
How have you found the paclitaxel?

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@haymc well done for getting out for a walk. I think it really does help with the side effects even if you are only out for a short shuffle.
How frequent is your treatment? If you are on 3 weekly cycles you will hopefully have a good couple of weeks when you feel much more like yourself.
Look after yourself. Xx

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Thanks :smiling_face: yeah every 3 weeks, really hoping for that :pray: ! With it being cycle 1, Iā€™m just trying to work out what the pattern might be for me, so I can be more prepared for next time xx

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hi @sievehead oh gosh you are brave with the hair thing! Mine has definitely started moulting quite a bit but I think paclitaxel might be a bit kinder than ec. At least three weekly gives you a break. Mineā€™s all two weekly but Iā€™ve found so far the first day or two are fine then I get stomach gripey pains and leg pain plus today I feel a bit dizzy. Last cycle I was fine for the second week.
Canā€™t face shaving my hair just yet but Iā€™m having a fringe cut into my wig on Friday which will be much more me!
Hope you have a good third week! :two_hearts:

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hi @haymc - youā€™re right itā€™s not easy! I think there does seem to be a pattern though. Iā€™m ok at first then have 4 days or so of side effects, then fine again. Felt great last day or two and had a walk but now a bit :face_with_diagonal_mouth:. Second week is then filled with blood test, cons tel appt and back to chemo! but I do manage to fit in meeting friends and being out and about too to keep some fun and normality! Take care and make the most of your good days! :two_hearts:

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Hi @sievehead :wave:

Iā€™m having the same only difference is im doinf EC every other week and cold caping. Iā€™m 2 cycles in and yesterday the hair did start to shed, but for now itā€™s passable i think, just looking thin. I have scarves and wing on hand and a webinar tomorrow online to kearn hiw to use them soā€¦ :crossed_fingers:not going to lie, we know itā€™s goi g to happen but seeing the strands come off just because you passdd your hand is another thingā€¦ didnā€™t think it would bother me this much to be honest.

I do get what you mean, i have my wig in the parcel it arrived in, cant bring myself to deal with it just yetā€¦ ih wellā€¦

I think of it as this way: i hope itā€™s a sign that itā€™s working :crossed_fingers:

Ive been feeling pinches in my breast that had the lumpectomy a month and a half agoā€¦ wondering if itā€™s common :thinking:

Hope everyone has the best possible day xx