August 2024 chemo starters

My filgrastim is 6mg so maybe thats why i just had one. Big needle though! X

oh wow! My needles are quite fine but I still find it a chore!

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Yes @sievehead. Mine is pelfilgrastim (pelgras) so only had one thankfully. X


Day 5 of 21 day cycle hit me hard. Felt so sick but wasn’t actually sick, got stronger antisickness meds and hope I can keep on top of it but for now can at least sit up. Was hoping this feeling was further down the line but due to syncope/fainting I have an irrational fear of vomiting.
Hope all you other new starters are doing ok xx

Sorry to hear about your sick feelings. Hopefully your stronger meds will make a difference.
I feel quite well, my next EC is a week today. Have noticed that my hair is starting to shed, but cant say I wasn’t warned. My worst days were days 8 and 9 when my steroids finished. Felt really strange.

Will see how my next one goes
.only 4 more after that.

All the best to August starters.


@bigpickle I only had steroids for three days (day before, day of and day after) that’s probably why I felt so bad and getting antisickness sorted.
All the best with your next round! Xx

Hi all

Iv had my phesgo and docetaxel and carboplatin today, didn’t feel too bad at all through the treatment, but the lady next door to me had a bit of a panic attack and they all rushed round her as they were treating her for an adverse reaction. The guy on the other side was having a really bad time of it as well his blood pressure was through the rough and he was very poorly, this is what got to me seeing other people so unwell :face_holding_back_tears:

cold capping was ok by the cap broke part way through and the one they gave me after was a bit smaller so not sure it covered everything well. We will soon see!

Feel quite weak in the legs this evening.

Had a big McDs so appetite is currently fine!

I was suprised to be given all the medication, injections for 7 Days, anti sickness and more steroids which are given me a lovely flushed look, and a hoarse voice! :blush:

It looks like everyone is different in their responses to treatment. Hopefully nothing too nasty xx


@anne3 the fringe will definitely be a lift for you. When i had my fringe cut in i felt my wig was definitely more me.
Good to hear you are feeling a lot better in week 2.


@dhmb im doing a online workshop for wigs and headcoverings tomorrow too. Its one of the Look Good Feel Better ones. I wonder if we are on the same one?
I think its important for everyone to move at their own pace with the hair situation. Everyone is different and you just need to do what you are comfortable with. Xx


@lilly123 I had a hoarse voice for the first week or so too along with a sore throat and mouth. Presumed it was down to the EC. Do you think it eas the steroids?


Yes mine started when I took the steroids the day before my chemo. I asked the nurse today and she said the steroids can cause some strange side effects. I look sunburnt on my face and chest also x

Hi @sievehead ,

Yep that is the one indeed :blush: at 10:30.

You are right indeed, just thought it wouldn’t be this hard to be fair, I’m definitely not a girlie girl
 oh well things change don’t they?

Hoping everyone is coping as best as possible xx


Thinking of you, bluesatuma, wishing you well I also had IV in hospital for 4 days.

Look after yourself, good food and try to rest when you can (easy for me to say when you have a young family)

Biggest hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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@songbird1 sorry to hear this. They told me that day 5 would be when the strong antisickness pill i had an hour before chemo wore off. Im day 5 wednesday so hoping this isnt the case. I’ve got some anti sickness pills called domperidone. Steroids have finished now but i am constipated from them so hoping that will change. Hard work keeping o. Top of all this! Hope you feel better soon xxx

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Feeling better now @Tili. Thank you! My temp is fluctuating but hanging around below 37.5 probably due to the antibiotics. Managed a gentle stroll at a national trust and having a bbq now. Then we’re all going to watch the amy dowden breast cancer documentary on bbc1. Rock n roll! Sorty to hear you had 4 days in. Its so horrible. I was only in 1 night but i didnt sleep a wink and i missed ny family so much. Xxx

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Same for me @lilly123. I have flushed cheeks and chest plus slight sore throat. I think it is the EC but it vould be steroids. Taking so many pills, i have no idea! X

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Hi all

Has anyone got diabetes?
I know uncontrolled levels due to steroids can be an issue. Mine has gone up to 26 usually 7.
Can’t stop drinking and weeing! Not sure if I need to call it in ? Xx

Sorry you feel that way @lilly123, i would def call and be weary of your liquid intake because too much can interfere with your bowels( hapened to me after my first EC cycle even though i don’t have diabetes) if i may suggest, dirnk small sips when you feel thirsty, helped me for sure. But def call, worst case scenario they say it’s no concern but if it is they are aware and can deal with it.

Please let us know how you get on and hopefully you’ll feel more yourself soon xx

Definitely call @lilly123. You dont want to risk it. How long left on your steroids? I had 3 days worth. Not diabetic but when i went in the other night due to high temp, they said theyd do blood sugar as steroids mess it up. It was 6.3 which she said was ok. Might be worth ringing to see if they adjust your meds x

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Anyone else on EC? Did your lips tingle? I’m on day 5 of cycle 1. X

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