August 2024 chemo starters

Hi, not my lips but my tongue was very tingly. That lasted for days, in fact it’s still a bit strange now !

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I just feel bizarre really. Aches and tingles and spaced out. Not had a great day. Kids were all out and i just vegged on sofa. Constipation and feeling low are my main issues. Missed my daily walk. I believe day 5 was when all my steroids and sickness meds were meant to wear off so i guess that makes sense. Wake me up at Christmas xxx


Thank you @lou6 , better but just exhausted from lacking sleep i guess :sleeping:

Hipe everyone is coping better to be honest xx


Oh definitely….roll on Christmas.

I had 7 days of steroids….not been given filgrastim injections at all….and boy did I feel peculiar when the steroids finished, such a dip. It’s strange how treatment differs from person to person, but they know what they are doing . I can at least prepare myself for my next cycle.

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I’m at the end of day 2 I have a metallic taste in my mouth and my tongue feels weird!

The leg I had the phesgo injection in is very painful.

I have two more days of steroids and anti sickness and just done 1/7 filgrastin injection. apparently this has side effects achey bones.

Just feel a bit weak have spent most of the day on the sofa, done a bit of washing and cooked a meal so not too bad. Xx

Poor us big hugs everyone we are doing a great job :blush: xx

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Hi everyone, feel like my second cycle is affecting me more but looking at my notes I took a week last time to get over the stomach pains and aches taking whatever meds I can. This time I have added a sore tongue, a light headed feeling and my hair is moulting :sob:. Knew it would happen of course but…. it feels like some mental and physical test! :confused:
Sending you all strength and good vibes. We’ll get there! :two_hearts:


A huge hug @anne3 :people_hugging:

Definitely seeing it happen has an impact for sure even though you know it’s most likely to happen.

This was this morning.

Hoping everyone has a good day xx

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Morning All, I haven’t posted for a while but have been trying to keep up with everyone’s progress so far. I just want to say I think you are all amazing, brave strong ladies. I know it doesn’t feel like it sometimes but when we have no other choice its amazing how the brain kicks into gear and we get on with it despite facing all the fears that surrounds cancer and chemo.
I’m due to start my second chemo tomorrow. Explaining it to my friend the other day, it feels like I have a stomach bug for a week, nauseous, upset tummy, light headed, tired. My head has started to tingle and feels itchy so I don’t think it will be much longer before I start shedding. I went to the look good feel better workshop yesterday, it was really great and the freebies you get are amazing. I highly recommend it if you get a chance to do one. The best part was spending time with other ladies going through cancer and chemo and talking through experiences. I’m booked into the the other virtual workshops too, they really do boost your spirits.
I had a wig fitting last week, again had a lot of fun and was pleasantly surprised at the quality and choice of wigs. Using the NHS voucher I only spent £50 extra on a wig. Whilst there, the lady recommended a company on Etsy for eyebrow transfers. I received these yesterday and I must say they are really good (I haven’t tried them on face but have them just in case the brows disappear). The lady who runs the business only lives local to me so she dropped them round, she wears these herself and they look so real. If anyone is interested the company its called Beautiful Brows, via Etsy (picture of eyebrows on an arm). A strip of 10 cost £4.29.
Wishing everyone luck as we progress through this journey. Big hugs x


Morning, I retrieved a similar amount from the shower this morning. Really contemplating having it clipped off now. I have very thick naturally wavy hair, so at the moment I haven’t got any bald patches….it won’t be long though.

Love to all xx


Morning everyone. So hard isnt it? Ive had a few cries this week. Rang red card number 3x and im only day 6 of first cycle! Today’s drama was a bleeding picc line. Theyve said it looks ok and can be redressed on friday. Friday is also the big shave day…dreading this, but also kind of happy to get some control. My husband and kids are being amazing but i feel so poorly. Gastric issues are my main side effects but i have not lost my appetite much. I hope youre all going to have amazing days today, and that we will all feel good for the weekend xxx


I completely understand, I’m in same position right now. My hair is falling out all over the place. I cold capped and seriously debating whether to do it again on Friday with the second round. Big hugs to you @dhmb.


I haven’t posted in a while either. I have been quite unwell and my good days I’ve done everything I can with my kids.
I read up on everyone’s progress today.
I find it mind boggling how many different treatment plans there are…
Everyone is doing amazing. We are WARRIORS fighting a hard fight. :heartpulse:


Morning all

It’s a battle for sure, overdone it this morning, had shopping delivered, tidied and put rubbish out now feel dreadful. Feel light headed and weak.

I had to call helpline as bones aching and need to take some pain releif, they said it would be the injections that have done this. Iv only had 1 of 7 :worried: hope it doesn’t get any worse.

I’m sorry to hear that your losing your hair so soon, I also cold capped, scared to touch my hair, looks a tight mess, I usually have to blow dry and straighten as it’s so frizzy, but not being able to do that anymore I’m wondering whether it’s worth going through it. Also grey will start coming through and I will want to shove a hat on anyway :joy:

My mouth is ti going and my teeth feel tight if that means anything sounds a bit strange.

Keep sharing the side effects I feel this is helpful although we are all so different it’s reassuring to hear others are experiencing similar effects.

Wishing you all a relaxing and restful day xxx


@lilly123 did you get your blood sugar sorted?

I’ve been trying to keep kids busy too on my better days but took senna last night for constipation and now every time I eat anything, I’m straight to loo. Absolutely exhausted and dizzy. But on the bright side, ive lost 3lb and my new hair things are great. Try i got a fringe wig and a beanie hat with added hair. They look fantastic and better than the wig I’ve bought. X

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Just to add that I’m sooo glad I’ve ‘met’ all of you lovely people on here as otherwise I’d have no way of knowing whether what I’m experiencing is normal. Just had a cuppa in the garden with a good friend - it’s quite breezy so almost feel my hair is gradually blowing away…… (quite an Autumnal theme really, with the leaves about to fall!). So thank you all for being here! :two_hearts:


Sounds lovely @anne3 , for some reason feeling really emotional today xx

A huge hug to everyone :hugs:


Me too @dhmb and @anne3. I feel a bit low today but knowing I’m not alone is so helpful. I look 9 months pregnant with all the bloating today. The kids just asked to go to playground so I’m going to need to put some make up on and brush hair. It’ll wipe me out but I’ll feel better fir the fresh air. Stay strong ladies. X


@dhmb and @bluesatsuma Same here I also look bloated and pregnant! Also I think the emotional bit is all part of it as it can be so overwhelming. I’m very much up and down. If you can manage it, the fresh air does help, you’re right. Take it easy :two_hearts:


It will come back, you are far more important that just your hair

Sending hugs to all the august chemo group



Just reading through everyone’s messages and progress. It so helps to read about all your experiences and what is ‘normal’. So strange how much chemo really does affect your body in weird ways!
Well done everybody who’s tackling the tough side effects. 🩷
I’ve been particularly struggling at night times, probably because there’s less to focus on. Stomach pains, bladder feels on fire and general aching body. It’s also been a real adjustment to just how much small tasks are wiping me out. Had a good day today so went to the beach with my family but I know I’ll be paying the price tomorrow!

Sending love to you all xx