August 2024 chemo starters

My tongue has started feeling weird too- such a strange thing to experience, how have you been managing this? xx

Thanks for the recommendation @bluesatsuma, Iā€™ve just ordered the gym wig :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m still struggling with the sugars Iv had my diabetes medication adjusted but itā€™s not working very well.

Iv started with the loose bowels this afternoon just as I was about to leave the house to see the wig lady!

Not keen on the wigs at all they felt so big and bulky and just in the way. Not sure I want to part with Ā£350 either :frowning:

I will have a look at the link you sent :blush: xx



Everything tastes weird, and Iā€™m just drinking iced water and have the occasional glacier mint! Xx


I felt a small win today and sat in the park with a friend while our boys played. Felt normal apart from my huge swollen belly and bleeding picc line! However, Iā€™ve come home now and Iā€™m shattered. Hoping to see more daylight by the weekend.

I wanted to ask 2 thingsā€¦should we be wearing masks out and about? And can we eat blue cheese?



Glad you enjoyed your park trip! I would think possibly no to blue cheese? or no to soft cheeses at least. Iā€™m avoiding busy places but have a mask with me just in case. (However white blood cells have been good so possibly ok?). I think itā€™s a case of being extra cautiousā€¦

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@bluesatsuma I wondering the same about masks. I was thinking about whether we should be out and about during chemotherapy. I have been doing things on my good days with the kids but worried Iā€™m placing myself at risk. Sounds daft but things like the school run - being around all the people. Iā€™m in chemotherapy for 24 weeks itā€™s a long time not to do things.
I go to weekly chemotherapy after 12 weeks, I think it will be different then.
But I think I will need to get a washable mask.

How is everyoneā€™s skin doing? Are yous finding it dry? Any recommendations on products. :heart_hands:

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Aveeno creams are amazing for dry skin, was recommended them by a friend and itā€™s doing wonders especially for my hands. Can also recommend moogoo as a lot of people will I imagine.

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I must admit that I am staying away from everyoneā€¦except my husband of course! When I had a pre assessment the chemo nurse said treat it like Covid . I am fortunate that I am retired and donā€™t have any children living at home. We have our sonā€™s dog during the day and when he comes to collect her I speak to him through an open window ! We meet up for dog walks at the weekend but of course we are outside then. I also wear a mask when I go to the hospital. A bit like a recluse but I do not want to risk anything.

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Ive ordered some masks tonight. Itā€™s hard to fully avoid anywhere while kids are off school. I have stayed outdoors mainly so far but with the masks, I can use shops easier.

And i think blue cheese is probably ok if pastureised but Iā€™ll give it a miss until Iā€™m 100% sure with dr.

My skin has been ok so far, just dry on feet. Using nivea body lotion on them. X

Morning all

I have been up all night with the most horrendous pains in my hips and legs, dr said itā€™s the Filgrastim injections, itā€™s a constant pain in my bones. Took some Co codamal but have not slept all night, has anyone else had anything similar? Xx

Hi @lilly123 yes I had awful bone pains - apparently itā€™s the white blood cells being ā€˜madeā€™ in the bone marrow I was told. I felt like my hips too were so stiff and painful too. Was advised to take ibuprofen and paracetamol or whatever youā€™re able to to get through it. One good thing is it hasnā€™t been anywhere near as bad this second cycle so :crossed_fingers:t3:hopefully yours will improve too :two_hearts:

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Hi Anne

Iā€™m waiting a call back they are going to speak
To my oncologist. Iv never felt pain like this :worried: Iv had two of the injections so far, did you have pain throughout them ? Xx

Best to speak to someone. I spoke to the nurse as I was awake all night too it seemed. I agree it wasnā€™t like anything else Iā€™ve ever had. It did get better though after the first two days and the second cycle has been loads better. Good luck, hope you get some help :two_hearts:

Hi @lilly123 Iā€™ve read on another forum that antihistamines can help with the bone pain. Might be worth a Google or asking your team about that.
Hope you find a solution that works for you. Xx


Feel your pain @lilly123. I woke up today and feel like a sledgehammer has attacked me. Still in bed, totally floppy, no muscle tone. Husband brought me a bagel and herbal tea but I havent left bed yet. I wondered about paracetamol but Iā€™m not really in pain, just ever so weak. Feeling awful. X

A week today since 1st round chemo etc. two more filgrastim to take this round (seven each round). I upped the anti sickness meds on day 5 to ondastetron but ended up with a really painful mouth, which I didnā€™t expect first round. I came off the anti sickness yesterday but that left me with awful heart burn all night. Canā€™t get comfy even with my big v cushion. Iā€™ll be feeding it all back to Onocologist and hopefully get it right/better for round two. I was given saliveze and anbesol but Iā€™m going to push for Nystan for mouth issues. Think I might have been over cleaning my teeth and rinsing too much. Wish Iā€™d had the saliveze early, it might have staved off sore mouth. The only thing I like to eat is melon, everything else tastes metallic. Finding it very useful to see how and what you are all doing to cope. Wishing you all strength xx

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Sorry to hear youā€™re feeling low. Take the paracetamol as long as you donā€™t have a temperature before.

Iā€™m still waiting a response called them back and they said my oncologist has not responded.

She is going to call my gp and said get something sorted for today or tomorrow. I donā€™t think she understands how much pain Iā€™m in :frowning:

Rest up and look after you xx

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Sorry to hear youā€™re suffering @songbird1. I read on other posts that ice lollies can help with a sore mouth. X


@songbird1 pineapple is supposed to be good for your mouth. I have some crushed pineapple in the freezer which Iā€™m hoping might be useful (also bought pineapple tarts today but donā€™t think they count!). Corners of my mouth are sore so using whatever nourishing balms I can find. Hope your symptoms improve :two_hearts: