August 2024 chemo starters

I’ve had an awful day. Barely left my bed. Kids are running riot. My husband has now been sent to the Indian Sweet Shop to get fresh samosas and pakoras as I’m craving them. Please someone else on EC tell me day 8 onwards is better!!

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@bluesatsuma Oh no sounds awful. Mind you the pakoras and samosas sound good! Hopefully you just needed to rest completely today and tomorrow will be better :crossed_fingers:t3:xx

I finally got some medication for pain, oramorph at 18.00 this eve I’m really upset that Iv had to wait all day for this to get sorted after calling so early this morning. unfortunately it hasn’t touched the pain in my legs :cry: my legs feel better when I’m walking around but I feel too weak to do so :roll_eyes::thinking:

@bluesatsuma iv had cravings today marmite and pickle but everything I eat taste strange! I havnt left my bed much today either. I hope your feeling better soon x

@songbird68 Twister lollies have been great!


I’m on day 8 of docetaxcel, carboplatin & phsego and I’m guessing it’s the filgrasim injections that are causing me to feel so floored still. one more tomorrow and hoping to start feeling better over the weekend. I guess the antisickness and steroids take there toll too but I managed to get off the sickness meds yesterday.
I’m on the Sainsbury’s taste the difference coconut ice lolly’s for burning mouth.
@bluesatsuma hopefully we get a couple of weeks of recovery. Sending positive healing vibes x


Hi everyone, hope things are improving. I had a minor success today - got a fringe cut into my wig then wore it to Waitrose and the Post Office! and nobody looked at me like I was a pantomime character or anything! Must say it made me feel a lot better as my real hair is coming out in handfuls :flushed:. Wig looks like my own hair now but on a very good day :joy:. Take care all of you :two_hearts:


Hi Anne

That’s good to hear :blush:

I had wig fittings the other day and didn’t feel at all confident, I guess I have a lot of hair still so they all felt quite bulky.

Did you go for synthetic hair or real hair? They all feel so fake which is an absolute obvious thing I know :joy:

I’m easily irritated I got False eyelashes once and pulled them out within hours! I just have visions of me taking it off wherever I am like it’s a hat! Xx

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Hi @lilly123 it’s much more comfortable than I expected as I don’t usually take well to hats either but it is lighter. Some of the wigs seemed to have far too much hair as mine is fine anyway but this was the shorter lighter bob they had and with a fringe is more like mine. It is synthetic but has a lace base and looks quite natural (hopefully!). I got a £150 voucher from the hospital trust but paid £80 towards it too. Totally agree about the eyelashes as I could never manage them I’m sure! I’m quite an allergic person but another bright side is my skin is much better with the steroids! You have to do what feels right for you though in this strange situation we’re in :two_hearts:

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Good morning to all the amazing people in this group :blush:

Today is a day of small victories and I’ll take that any day, power to you lovely lot :muscle::raised_hands:

Wishing everyone a positive day with victories ve it big or small. A huge hug :people_hugging:


Morning ladies
Im all set for round 2 of EC today.
My headwear of choice at the moment is a fringe and a bamboo beanie hat. Very comfortable and not hot.
The fringe came from and the beanie i got from Etsy from ChemotherapyHeadwear.

Wishing you all a good day and weekend to come. Xx


Looking fabulous @sievehead , really suits you :heart_eyes:

@dhmb thank you. Definitely makes me feel a lot less like a chemo patient. Popped into work with it on yesterday and it was well received - a good confidence boost.


Sounds good.

It’s so expensive isn’t it, £317 Iv been told. I do think I will get any help for it. Xx

@lilly123 I would ask re a voucher but maybe that’s not the best option for you… I think if you feel comfortable and happy in it, whatever it is, you’ll be so much more relaxed.

@sievehead Your scarf and fringe do look good. I do find my scarves comfortable so might look at fringes. I suppose we’re going to be in this predicament for several months!

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@sievehead Looks fantastic! Ive got a fringe wig from same company. Hope everyone is feeling better today as a lot of of us had a rubbish day yesterday. I’m a lot better today.

In 1 hour my hairdresser arrives to shave my head! Absolutely dreading it but it’ll be all gone in a week or 2 so I’m being brave.

I had my picc line redressed today. Where they pulled the original dressing off, the skin was sore and now the combination of the cleaning swabs plus the new dressing is making skin really sting. Is this just part of the deal…or should I say something to nurses on phone?


I’d definitely say something because it’s clearly causing discomfort xx

Hope it improves :people_hugging:

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Your so brave, I’m only day 5 from my first EC, it’s so scary waiting for it to all happen, I can completely understand taking control of the situation and I will be too when the time comes x

I think our bodies are going to be weaker and take longer to heal, if you have any broken skin contact them as you may need antibiotics. But if not Maybe you could use some savlon or germolene which has a bit of a numbing agent in it.

Good luck this afternoon x

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Wow :star_struck: that looks great @sievehead x

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I did it! I braved the shave and I actually look ok! It feels nice. I only had the clippers to number 3 so i will still see the hair loss but it means my long auburn hair can go to Little Princesses charity. I didnt cry but the youngest one of my kids did. He’s ok now. X


Well done you ! I am still clinging on at the moment, but so much is coming out now I don’t think it will be much longer.

Supposed to have my second EC on Monday. Hospital phoned at lunchtime ….apparently my bloods are low :frowning:. Got to go in earlier on Monday to see if they have improved. They asked how I am feeling and if my temperature is ok. I feel totally normal and my temperature was 36.5 this morning. I will be blooming annoyed if I don’t have it.

Have a good weekend xx

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