August 2024 chemo starters

@bluesatsuma Gosh well done! I don’t think what’s left of my hair would be much use to anyone. Scary how quickly it’s gone from presentable to horrendous!

I’m just happy that its done as it was playing on my mind.

I was thinking ahead - Awesome halloween costumes this year though…I can be Gru from Minions, Eleven from Stranger Things, GI Jane, Riply from Alien, voldemort, gollum…list goes on and on! Always a bright side.

@bigpickle I hope the blood results are good on Monday and no delays. Are there any foods you can eat to help? Will rest help? Xxx


@bigpickle How frustrating, hopefully you’ll improve over the weekend! :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Hi bluesatsuma

I don’t know if I can do anything to try to improve it. I did read protein might help, so eggs and chicken this weekend are on the menu.

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@bluesatsuma That’s amazing sending your hair to charity :smiling_face:

I was thinking uncle fester for Halloween :grin:

@bigpickle i feel that’s always going to be a worry bloods coming back low and delays. It’s especially annoying if you’re feeling well, hopefully they will be good for Monday for you. X

New side affect for me, Iv got a terrible rash on my chest! These side effects keep on appearing! I’m hoping to go to work on Monday, need to find some strength xx

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@lilly123 ive had a rash on my chest and arms come and go over the past 3 weeks. Dr wasnt concerned and just told me to take antihistamines. I was wondering if it was a reaction to the suntan lotion i was using. It was one i hadnt used before.

Good morning everyone :smiling_face:

Just checking in on how everyone is feeling and wanted to send a hug just because you arr all an amazing bunch :people_hugging:


Hi @dhmb and everyone! I’ve decided today will be a good day as now into my second week after chemo. Also, no more nasty injections for a week :tada::tada: I look like Gollum but am now definitely into the wig/scarf phase and it feels a little bit Septembery so that’s ok. Wishing you all a good symptom free weekend :two_hearts:


Morning all

Day 6
I’m feeling terrible, sore throat and temperature is creeping up now 37.5.
Iv tried calling the 24 hour helpline but no one picks up the phone and Iv left a message. Iv now had to call 111. Been waiting over an hour for a call back.

My card doesn’t give a number to call outside of emergency hours 7pm-07.30am yet says it’s 24 hour! This is the third time Iv tried to call them
This week. I don’t understand why they give you a number then don’t answer the phone or return calls.

My body hurts so bad stabbing pains are constant. Feel quite frustrated :frowning:

I keep getting random spots appearing on my face and chest. It’s like acne. My nose and mouth is sore. I guess all part of a low immune system x

Hey All, I went on the link as recommended by @sievehead. I ordered what they call a gym wig ( I definitely won’t be going to gym right now!) I am really impressed with it. Not quite as secure fitting as the wigs that you can purchase through NHS with your voucher, so won’t be doing handstands or dancing in it :joy: but it looks very real. Feels really real. It also comes with a headband and you can choose a variation of colours. There is also a good choice of colours and styles of hair. My 26 year old daughter loved it too. It’s thicker than my normal hair, but feedback from daughter is it still looks like my Normal Style and colour just a bit more hair :grin:

Thanks for the recommendation @sievehead. Happy weekend everyone. Xxx


So sorry to hear your are suffering @lilly123. Does your card not hold a mobile number? I hope you get some response very soon. Sending you virtual hugs and love xx💕

@lou6 looking radiant! Great wig!

@lilly123 hope you’ve got through to red card now and that they can help you feel better soon.

Woke up today with awful pain in my back. Think its because I’m moving less and sitting more, so making an effort to get out today. But nervous as I haven’t left the house with my shaved head yet. Will wear a scarf or hat, but I’m not confident with wig yet. I think I’m day 9 of first EC cycle and although I’m not 100%, I am definitely feeling brighter everyday. Kids go back to school soon too which is going to help a lot. Hoping that next cycles are the same.


I’m on cycle two, about to start 3 on Wednesday and I can definitely say the first two followed the same pattern (though I am fortnightly). I’m hoping it stays the same for 3 and 4 as the second week is my good week!

Kids going back to school will definitely help, I feel the same!

Hope everyone else is doing as ok as they can as well x


That looks really good :+1:

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Hi @lilly123 Do hope you’ve got some help now. My out of normal hours number is for the oncology day ward where they said someone will pick up but you might need to keep ringing it.
Sorry you’re feeling so ill :two_hearts:

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Hi @lou6 your headband and hair look really good. Good to have something you feel confident in :+1::two_hearts:


@lou6 that looks great. Im glad youve found something you are happy with.
I got a wig grip band from Etsy which has helped a variety of head covering feel more secure. The shop was called CrownHandMadeUk and the item was the velvet wig grip. Only £2.99 including p&p.


Thank you @sievehead :kissing_heart: I had my second EC chemo treatment Thursday, it makes my face a bit red for a few days :flushed::joy: I’ll take a look at the clips, thanks for the tip. Xx


Hi all

I have been admitted to hospital as I have neutropenic sepsis, had some steroids, anti biotics and been isolated. Very scary as now the masks are an absolute must and keeping all contact to a minimum. Think they said I could be here a few days until my levels are up, also they are looking for infection but I think it’s my throat which hurts just to drink water.

Not a good start. Xx