August 2024 chemo starters

Oh no that’s such a shame. I have stayed away from everything since my first chemo, only took the dog out for a walk in the fresh air and visited hospital when I have worn a mask. My levels are down as well at the moment , but temperature is normal and I don’t have any pain etc.

I hope you feel better soon xx


Hope everything settles down for you and once you are over the initial setback (an understatement I know) I hope everything goes smoothly from here on in.

Speedy recovery Xx

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So sorry to hear this @lilly123. I wish you a speedy recovery, you’re in the right place. Sending big hugs :two_hearts:

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Oh no @lilly123. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Still plenty of time to bounce back without interfering with cycle 2. You ard in the right place though and they will look after you. Rest up xxx

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Oh bless you @lilly123, no wonder you were feeling so bad! Glad you’re in the right place to get on the mend! Sending love xx

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Oh no so sorry to hear @lilly123 We’re all thinking of you (as you can see) and wishing you a quick recovery. Must feel very scary but at least you’re getting the right treatment. Hope you manage to rest. Sending hugs :two_hearts:

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@lilly123 sorry to hear you’re going through this, and well done for acting on it and not waiting it out :clap::clap: now you’re in the right place to heal and be looked after xx

Sending you a tight squishy hug with wishes of a speedy recovery :people_hugging:

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Thank you all for your well wishes, I definitely feel in the right place and feeling a bit more normal since they gave me further steroids. They have been amazing here with ensuring I’m isolated in my own room. Very strict with makes and sanitisation when they come in and out.

I have a terrible rash all over my chest and neck. Thrush in my mouth which I have been given Nystan for.

The oncology nurse came to see me, she explained that the oncologist will likely review my treatment and lower the dose next time as this may have been a little to much for me.
She is going to investigate why they didn’t answer or respond to my call or voicemail when I called the emergency number. She said don’t wait just to straight to the hospital
And give them your card etc.

it’s hard to know how bad you are as you would expect to be poorly on chemo and don’t want to overreact.

I hope you’re all able to have a fairly enjoyable weekend. I feel like I will sleep tonight now :blush:


@lilly123 sorry to hear this but as others have said, you did the right thing and they’ll look after you.
Sending speedy recovery wishes xx

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Thank you for your update @lilly123. Thats really good advice for us all about making sure we do use red card number. Ive rang 4x now! But only had to go in once for the high temp. Like you say, we expect to be ill on chemo, but if they don’t answer the phone, we need to just go in.

Hope that you continue to feel better today. Xxx

@lilly123 hope today is a better day for you. Xx


So today I have braved the shave. Started off as a grade 4 but my hair was so patchy I had bald spots all over! Totally bald now. Not sure how I feel to be honest, but it will grow back and at least showering will be a damn sight quicker.


@bigpickle well done you. A brave step forward.
Have you got a lint roller? If you roller that over you head it removes a lot of the stray fuzz if youve got any making it look less patchy.

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Hi sievehead….no I haven’t but thanks for the tip. :smiling_face:

Hi @bigpickle , well done you​:clap::clap::clap::clap: That is a very brave thing to do indeed, a huge step.:clap::clap::clap: i wasn’t that brave, i only really managed to shorten my hair from shoulder length to below my ears, ended uo cutting it myself with the help of my husband as i contacted 2 hairdressers near me asking for help and explaining that i’d like it to be cur short short. Like Halle Berry short, none came back to me so i did it myself, what’s the worst that can happen i though, shave it??? Then i laughed like an idiot at the irony and just did it myself so kida of a win i guess, but still not as brave as you by a long shot :kissing_heart:

Hi dhmb

My hair was naturally wavy and very thick and coarse, but also short. So for me it’s probably a bit easier because I have never had shoulder length hair, that must be really hard. But, I was getting to the point that I was frightened to brush, comb or wash it. And as for having loads of hair on my pillow each morning, enough was enough. It had to be done :see_no_evil:


@bigpickle exactly why i cut mine, it was getting like a rats nest between damaged ends and it falling off… at least now its definitely manageable.

@lilly123 hope you’re feeling better xx

@dhmb I had to smile at the thought of you cutting your hair and laughing ‘like an idiot’. This is certainly one occasion when you can do what you like as it’s not going to matter! I think there comes a turning point - mine was Friday. Thursday my hair was reasonably presentable but now I’m not going anywhere without a wig or a headscarf! (don’t want to scare people!) It’s quite short but getting so bald on top and at the back! It was always quite fine and thin but……:flushed:

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Evening all

I am still in hospital my levels are now even lower 0.5. On my 4th round of iv antibiotics, drip as dehydrated has ecg for chest pain.

They are so lovely here looking after me and keeping me safe.

They said there is nothing I can do I help increase the neutrophils. Only the filstgram injections. So it’s a case of waiting for them to do their thing.

They say days 7-10 can be the lowest and I’m on day 7.

I am missing daylight we there are no windows where I am :pleading_face:

Love reading your posts and catching up :blush: It’s good to read how positive everyone is despite all we have going on for us. Xx


Hello lilly123

What a shame that you haven’t improved yet. Have they found any infection? How are you feeling in yourself?
When I had my post chemo check on day 8 my neutrophils were fine, it is now they are low, how low I don’t know?
Chemo certainly affects us in so many ways. Let’s hope you will be home soon and can see outside again.
Sending hugs xx

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