August 2024 chemo starters

Well done @bigpickle! I have found it so liberating. Quicker showers, easier getting ready. Biggest decislcion is what scarf or hat to wear. I haven’t started shedding yet so I’m getting all these people saying it looks ‘better than they expected’. Wait till they see my head in a week’s time! My nice sinead oconnor look will be replaced by voldemort. Lint roller at the ready, thank you, @sievehead!

I’m 10 days past first EC and i feel ok today. But my throat is so sore. I’m only coping with soft foods. Other than that, feeling much more like normal thankfully. Who else is on EC? Is this sore throat part of it?

@lilly123 I’m so glad you are being taken good care of. Hopefully those neutrophils will be rising up now. Are you well enough to go for a walk outside or are they keeping you in bed? Fingers crossed you feel better really soon. Xxx

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Hi @bigpickle

They have not found infection but the sore throat and have burning when passing urine means that I’m fighting. They said they will continue with the antibiotics regardless to be safe.

I feel generally unwell low energy. But I’m so tiredas had little sleep and my back went into spasm this eve because I’m sitting around and not moving. So morphine and diazepam will hopefully give me a good nights sleep and looking forward to bloods tomorrow in hope that they have risen.

Good luck tomorrow I hope yours have come back up xx

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Hi @bluesatsuma

I was hoping to get out for a walk but they said no as levels lower again today.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow I long to feel the air on my face and see daylight xx


Hi August chemo peeps
Good news, my neutrofils have improved! Currently wired up. Never thought I would be glad to have chemo!
My wig is having its first outing today as well.

Sending hugs to all xx


@bigpickle what great news doing the happy dance here​:clap: :raised_hands:

@lilly123 crossing fingers and toes for your recovery and those numbers go up with the comfort you need :pray:

@bluesatsuma I’m on EC and had a sore throat and sore mouth start on day 5 after first infusion. It lasted about a week to 10 days. Swallowing food felt like it was scraping at my oesophagus. Have you been given a mouth wash to help? I’m on day 4 today of #2 so wait to see if i get it back tomorrow.

Also yesterday I started having hot flushes. Suppose this chemo lark is now giving me menopausal symptoms - i was just pre-menopausal before this.

@lilly123 hope they let you out for some fresh air today. That should give you a boost.

Keep going ladies, you are all amazing. Xx

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Afternoon all

@bigpickle fantastic news. Yes it’s feels strange actually wanting something that you know is going to make you feel unwell.

I am allowed to go home, my levels have shot right up today so I’m so happy. Happy to send me home with more antibiotics.

I do feel incredibly weak, struggling to eat.tried a bowl of Rice Krispies and it was like eating gravel.

I’m finding smooth foods good, croissant, yougurt, jelly, soup white buttered bread, may try some ready break when I get home I’m starving. The thought of food is there but eating it is a real challenge.

Have a good day guys xx


Great news @lilly123 and @bigpickle! Glad you’re on the mend again :two_hearts:

That’s great news @lilly123, It’s so good to hear you are feeling better. Take it easy :heart:


So happy that you are on the mend and coming home. It’s a shame you can’t eat anything but smooth foods. I have finished my second EC and sent home with a mouthwash for sore throats etc which was a bit of a surprise since I haven’t had a sore throat! At my post chemo check the nurse thought my throat looked a bit red so assume it’s from that .
I am now a third of the way through, these last 3 weeks have gone quick. Let’s hope it stays that way :crossed_fingers:


A big hurray for @lilly123 and fantastic for @bigpickle too.

Lilly, hopefully once home you can get a much better sleep without being in a noisy hodpital, and some tastier soft food. So glad you feel better.

Small wins seem massive these days!

I had a LittleLifts box in the post today, which is amazing. You can apply on the Little Lifts website if your hospital doesn’t give them out.

Well done Ladies! We’re doing so well!


You are right @bluesatsuma little wins definitely go a long way :raised_hands:

I received my box not so long ago, and i could understand the care that whent into every single item in there, felt like a hug from afar from kind people you haven’t met. It lifted my spirits on a not so nice day :slightly_smiling_face:

There are chemotherapy and radiotherapy boxes and for those having both treatments you can get both i think. Well worth applying for xx

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Hello. I’m new and a bit late in joining but I hope that’s ok.
I started my neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the 22nd August.
I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carsinoma after discovering a lump in my left breast. After lots of checks it turns out there is actually 2 tumours and also cancer in my lymph nodes.
I haven’t been given a stage for the cancer, only that it’s grade 3 and also HER2 positive.
I’m been given Docetaxal, Carboplatin and Phesgo.
I’m using the cold cap too which adds to the length of each 3 weekly session.
I’m trying to think of everything in steps to try not to become overwhelmed .
Step 1 chemo session is now done (with some side effects felt).
Step 2 is the next session on the 13th September.
I will be reading back on this thread so I’m in the know and look forward to sharing hints, tips and a supportive space with you all.
Gill :blush:


Hi @gillian0808, welcome to the group :two_hearts:

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@gillian0808 we have the same start dates and types, teeing up for round two on the 12th. I’ll be braving the shave this week. Mine is adjuvant though, had a mastectomy and reconstruction. I found I felt better as soon as the filgrastim injections stopped. I hope your journey goes as smoothly as possible xx


Hi @gillian0808 :wave:

Welcome to this lovely bunch :blush:

Wishing everyone a good day xx


Hi @gillian0808. Welcome! My 2nd chemo is also on the 13th. I’m on EC. Its meant to be adjuvant, but as I still have some more cancer in me after the 3 operations, I think it now might be neoadjuvant. I feel pretty much normal now, so hoping that my 2nd EC will be the same.

How are you feeling at this mid point between cycle 1 and 2?

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Welcome @gillian0808 :wave: Reading your message, it sounds like we have very similar diagnoses and the same treatment plan- I have my second cycle scheduled for the 11th Sept! How are you finding it all so far? 🩷 Taking it in steps sounds really useful, and I keep thinking after the next cycle that’s a third of the way through for me- are you having 6 cycles too?

I find this forum really supportive and helpful, hope you do to xx

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Hi gillian0808

It is good to share our experiences as we go through our treatment. Had my second EC yesterday, feeling headachey and nauseous at the moment, but hopefully if it is like the first cycle I should be up and about by Thursday.
I am also HER2 positive which is why I am having chemo.

Hope to see some updates from you
Good luck xx


Hi Bluesatsuma
Today’s a good day which I’m grateful for as it’s been a bit rough before.
I have even managed to go to the supermarket. I was outside when it opened and my daughter unpacked when I got home but it’s wore me out :disappointed:.
I’m normally a person who never stops.
How are you?

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