August 2024 chemo starters

Thank you Songbird1.
My side effects are mainly fatigue and tummy troubles. I’m not sure if this is caused by the jab or the chemo itself.
I hope today is a good day for you.

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Hi Haymc
I think I’m doing ok.
Last week was a bit rough with fatigue and tummy issues but I’m feeling perkier this week.
I also hate all the tablets! The only way I can get them down is with a strawberry milkshake :rofl:. I’m 52!
Yes I will be having 6 cycles.How are you feeling?

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Have my second EC on Friday all being well with bloods tomorrow. First one genuinely felt like an annoying hangover so holding for similarly mild side effects this time around! Hope you are feeling ok today


Hi everyone - this is a time of ups and downs isn’t it! I was feeling really good this week as it’s my week 2 (chemo 3 on Fri) and wig was making me feel better, until I got a call from the hospital. They want to increase heart meds I’m now on due to the problems highlighted by the echo :face_with_diagonal_mouth: and I now have a heart MRI stress test in a few weeks. Honestly that is bothering me more than the chemo now! I know it’s good they’ve identified a potential problem but I really didn’t want any more health issues! That and looking like Gollum just finished me off last night! Feeling a bit more calm now but :sob::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. I’ll get over it! :two_hearts:

Sorry to hear that Anne3. I hope it all settles, sending hugs cause this stuff is tough xx

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I walked my youngest to primary school today, then my older son to his new secondary school and back as a trial run for his first day tomorrow. Lots of walking and I honestly felt great. Today we’ve made muffins and I’m about to go to supermarket. Today is a good day.

I hope cycle 2 is like this.

I do have a few niggles. It really hurts to swallow food. Feels like a lump in my oesophagus. Also not sleeping well. My facial skin is a little sore, though not visibly.

Hope everyone else is having a good day to. @beckya is your hair coming out on EC yet? I shaved my hair, but what is left is still fully in place. I am day 12 of ec1. They said day 14 onwards would see the shedding begin. X


Hi beckya

That’s exactly how I was first time. First 48 hours were the worst, then the huge dip when my steroids finished. Probably feel a bit more queasy than first one, and was sick yesterday evening, only once though. Had a long lie in and do feel as though my headache is easing. Small lunch to be eaten shortly.
Good luck for your next one xx

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Hello anne3

It really is ups and downs at the moment

I have gone passed the Gollum look, I have none left at all.

As you say they are keeping a close eye on you.

All the best xx


Hey bluestasuma,

I am cold capping so I’ve shed a bit but touch wood no massive clumps of hair out yet. Hair is currently just above shoulder length and no discernable bald spots and Im on day 18

My face was very red and hot the first three days, can highly recommend simple face masks put in the fridge for some relief!


@bluesatsuma my hair first started to come out on day 14 then a fair bit more around day 18.

Good afternoon all

Welcome @gillian0808 im also her 2 positive and receiving neoadjuvant therapy. I’m on day 9 of 1st chemo and bio therapy.

I’m still in bed today/ after waiting 5 hours to be discharged and another hour waiting for prescription antibiotics, I got sent home with none and told to call y back today. I am still waiting, something to do with my allergies and not being able to prescribe the antibiotic without a microbiology form! It’s been a bit of a joke to be honest. I spoke to the day unit and they are trying to sort it out for me.

They prescribed me a good mouth wash and that with the NYSTAN is helping with the ulcers.

The inside of my nose is sore and bloody, and my fave is now peeling. Very headachy today. Is there anything on the list I don’t have :roll_eyes:

My son and partner are really struggling with this, not very supportive and I feel awkward asking for anything. Friends and other family have been lovely.

It’s good to catch up and can see there is lots going on with everyone and I’m so grateful for this lovely group.

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@lilly123 sorry to hear you are still going through the mill. Im keeping my fingers crossed you will be out the otherside soon.
It must be difficult with your partner and son not appearing supportive. Might be generalising but men do find it more difficult to talk about stuff so this might just be their way of coping. Good to hear you have a support network aside from that though.
Sending possitive vibes to you. Xx


This must be demotivating for you but I find the good days are even more appreciated. I’ve had sore mouth managed with saliveze and anbesol but I’ll be asking for nystan next round. I think some men do deal with things differently but a ‘how can I help’ wouldn’t go a miss.
I got a nose bleed (due to nose blowing) and conjunctivitis today day 13 of 21 cycle. I’m hoping my body is adjusting to the cocktail of drugs it’s had to deal with.
Hoping things improve for you xx


Glad to hear it. My main side effects were bowel related and fatigue also. Although I think the anti sickness tablets made this worse and I will try to go without them next time. I had a bad few days (day 4-7) but since then I have gained my energy back and this week i have felt mostly normal! I’m really hoping it will be the same for the next cycle but nervous that it may not be.

Yumm strawberry milkshake sounds good :strawberry:



Oh I am so sorry you are still having problems.

Sending hugs and hope you turn the corner soon.

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@lilly123 glad you are home, but sad that you are still not with right antibiotics. How old is your son? It can be hard for loved ones to see us like this but hopefully they will help you more as they get used to it all.
Hope you continue to keep feeling better.

@bigpickle hopefully you will feel a lot better soon. Hopev that small lunch stayed put!

@sievehead I am waiting for the big shed. Thursday onwards I reckon for me. Lots of compliments on my Sinead Oconnor look…but the hat will be staying firmly put once I am fully bald.

Tomorrow’s a new day. Good night all. X


Hi everyone hope everyone is doing ok?

I had my oncologist appointment today post first chemo and ahead of session 2 tomorrow and left feeling like it was a bit of a waste of time and could definitely have been done over the phone. Anyone successfully switched these appointments to phone based if not having issues?

Hi @beckya

My oncology appointments are all by telephone at the moment as the oncologist isn’t based in my hospital. I’m sure if you ask them they would be happy to cal you. I’m not sure how often the appointments are?

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Afternoon all

I’m still not back to normal, but my mouth is getting better and I am starting to eat but the biggest issue is I have severe diarrhoea. They prescribed me codeine to help but it makes me feel dizzy and sick.

I started losing quite a bit of hair today round the edges. I don’t think the Cold cap reached them well.

I hope your all okay :blush: xx

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Glad your mouth is getting better, hopefully everything else comes under control soon too!

I’ve also started to shed a bit more hair the last two days and in the places the cold cap didn’t quite reach just by my ears x

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