August 2024 chemo starters

Hi Sez

Sounds like you made some progress today.

It’s interesting that some encourage the Picc while others dont. My hospital want me to have it and after all the needles I had last week I’m relieved to be having it.

I have had a sore nose it’s nearly healed now. But I was using Aveeno cream on my face and lips and just rubbing a small amount on the inside of my nose, I found this really helped. I hope you get some releif from it soon.

I managed to lose 6kg in 14 days I must admit I’m not overly worried as needed to lose some weight :blush: it’s a small bonus. Xx

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What a shame. I waited 90 mins for my last appointment with onco nurse as they were running late….my blood pressure was up, hardly surprising! I have my second chemo checkup tomorrow after line care. It will be my first day off steroids so kind of preparing myself for a big drop. This second cycle has pretty much been the same as before but for increased heartburn and sleep has not been good. I shall mention it tomorrow and see what they can give me.

Sending hugs xx


What a stressful day @bluesatsuma, I’m going in to see my oncologist next week, if she wasn’t there or they fobbed me off with someone else I’d be pretty upset (that said I’ve still yet to meet my proper oncologist, she was on holiday my first treatment and they seem to have assigned me to stay with the locum even now she’s back). I don’t blame you for being so distressed, especially given your journey in.

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@bigpickle I think we must be on almost exactly the same timings, today is my first day off steroids and the insomnia has kicked in strong with highly increased heartburn on last cycle. Also thinking I’ll need to up it from gaviscon for next time around! Hope the steroid drop isn’t too bad for you!

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Hiya @beckya :wave:

That makes 3 of us :yawning_face:

been folding laundry had breakfast and now i think it is time for a wee sleep :sleeping:.

Yesterday spoke to the chemotherapy nurse and she said yes it’s fine to take lansaprosol- whatever it’s called, can’t remember- 1x at 30min to 60min max before breakfast. The leaflet says no antiacids , guessing gaviscon or alike 2hrs before or 2 hours after. Nurse also mentioned that it will take approximately 1 week to fully kick in , so if things go like on the other cycles i should be pain free since I’ve finished the steroids and the meds will kick in fingers crossed :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

@bluesatsuma if it isn’t challenging enough what all of us in this group are currently going through, having been treated that way would absolutely leave me devastated… that just goes to show how resistant and strong you are :muscle::muscle::muscle: wish i could hug you :hugs: :people_hugging:. Hope you get your next appointment over the phone :pray::pray::pray::pray:


Thank you for making me feel like I’m not just a tad over emotional @sez @dhmb @bigpickle @lilly123.

I can confirm that lansoprazole works really well.

I’m going to visit my mum today. She’s blind and in her eighties. I will need to be careful with a mask and hand sanitising because she always seems to be poorly these days.

Have a good day everyone x


@bluesatsuma I cry at EVERYTHING.
I’ve bawled at pretty much every appointment so far. It’s a lot to take in, you’re not overemotional. Make sure you let it out.
Have a lovely day with your mum.


@sez I’m the same. But it’s weird that the strangest things make me cry. I cried because I felt the sun on my neck in the garden and a robin sat by me and ate my crumbs. I cried because someone trod on the back of my shoe and it came off in sainsburys. X


I’m soppy in general anyway @bluesatsuma, it’s certainly not got any better with all this going on.
I just cried because I heard a song/singer I adore that I haven’t heard in ages.

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Hello august chemo peeps

So today 2nd chemo follow up appointment with onco nurse. Had line care booked at 10am then see nurse at 10:30am. Got to hospital in good time, couldn’t park on site, so found a place on the road. Made line care appointment with a minute to spare. Went downhill from there. 3 out of 6 staff had gone sick and a previous patient had a bad reaction, they thought it was a stroke. Had to phone onco nurse department to tell them I was stuck in line care and running late. Finally had line care at 10:45.

Arrived at second appointment at 10:55. And waited, and waited. Whilst starting to feel peculiar from steroid crash. Finally got called in at 11:55. That all went fine, got to keep having gaviscon for heartburn, and tell them if it gets worse, keep fluids up etc. .Then took my blood for full count check neutrophils etc. That would take 10 minutes. Problem was my Sainsbury’s groceries delivery spot was 1-2 pm, and we are about 25 minutes from hospital. So hubby had to leave me, rush back for Sainsbury’s then come back to fetch me. What a day. But my neutrophils were fine. I am a late dropper apparently! Back home now, feeling a bit out of it, but know I will improve.
Oh the joys of chemo.

Gosh! You need to treat yourself to something nice after all of that!
#any-excuse :joy:


@bigpickle sounds like you had a day like my yesterday. Hope you are feeling better now you’re home and cosy. I don’t know where you are but its rained all day in the west midlands. I’ve got bloods tomorrow. My hospital makes me have them 2 days before chemo. X

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Yes, feeling better now…I am also in West Midlands! Couldn’t get the dog out this afternoon, not that I could have walked much , but ran was horrendous.


@bigpickle sounds awful as if this all isn’t bad enough!

I had my Picc line fitted today, it’s a bit sore this evening.

My oncologist called me and I couldn’t quite beleive it when he asked me if I was going for the chemo again as it is!! He clearly had not read my notes and all the issues I have had, very disappointing. Anyway his now reducing my dose by 20% which sounds like an awful lot, he didn’t seem phased by it though so I guess he knows what his talking about :face_with_peeking_eye:

Hi lilly123

It’s the gift that keeps giving! I found my PiCC sore for the first couple of days but then got used to it. It is so much easier though. Fingers crossed your reduced dose does the trick :crossed_fingers:

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@lilly123 After a couple of days you won’t know the picc line is there. I barely notice mine now.

@bigpickle hope weather is better tomorrow and you can get out with the dog.

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Hi :wave:

How is everyone doing? Feeling drained today and everything makes me cry …
Sending a hug to everyone :people_hugging:


Flipping exhausted not going to lie and my heartburn for the last 48 hours has been off the charts!

Waiting for a call back from the hospital due to a dodgy needle tip on one of my home injections and just generally feeling a bit sorry for myself today. Onwards and upwards tomorrow though hopefully.

Sending hugs back!


Spaced out today, so tired. Haven’t got off the sofa….2nd day off steroids. Hoping I have more energy tomorrow. My heartburn seems better today :crossed_fingers:


Prescribed Naseptin for my swollen nose, no infection thank goodness.

Mentally drained and just want to sleep.

Ultrasound tomorrow (invasive one, really not looking forward to it, have had anxiety meds prescribed for it to get me through), already feel like I’m being assaulted every time I go to the hospital.

Starting to get nervous about 2nd treatment next Wednesday. Took two weeks for me to be able to eat and my BMs still aren’t normal yet.
Wondering if I’m going to have the squits until my treatment is over (that’s a long time for my poor bottom).

The oncologist did say they might reduce my meds (especially after my weight loss) so not sure how it’s going to affect me this time
Kind of makes you feel like you’re self harming when you walk into this voluntarily.

I had hoped I could handle future treatments better, knowing what to expect, but actually knowing (for me anyway) feels worse.

Add on top of that my sister and niblings (including my nephew I’ve never met cos he was a pandemic baby) arrive in the UK the day before and I’m terrified I won’t be able to spend any time with them that first week due to being so ill again. Little kids can’t understand things like that.

Ugh, no wonder I just want to be unconscious.