August 2024 chemo starters

I feel for you all. I’ve also felt the effects more this time. Rang the nurses as last night my feet were hurting (peripheral neuropathy?) and legs aching so much I didn’t sleep much. Tbh couldn’t really tell anymore what was hurting. Also so much more weary this time and lacking any oomph. Feeling so yuk makes me emotional too. So I’m with you all and understand what a rubbish time you’re having. Hope you all sleep well :two_hearts:


Oh gosh ladies…it sounds like the more we have, the worse it gets. I do hope you all feel better soon. I’m at that sweet spot before the next session where apart from my bald spots appearing, I feel pretty good. I’m not sleeping welI at all, waking almost 5 times each night. I am dreading the next session on Friday which will be EC number 2. Had bloods done today. They said they’d call me tomorrow to confirm whether I was ok for next chemo. I hope they are okay. Today’s big stress was the fridge freezer breaking down, which cost us nearly £1k as it needed replacing and its a big American style one. Trying hard to save at moment, so its a blow.

Anyway…hope you all get decent sleep and feel better tomorrow. XXX


Hi all.
I’ve just been catching up with all your posts and wanted to send you all my regards.
I’ve had my picc line fitted today. The nurse said it was a tricky one and to expect it to be a bit sore because of that and it certainly is this evening.
Really not looking forwards to Friday for chemo even though it will be no 2 of 6 done.


I’m going into my second round of docetaxel, carbolplatin and phsego tomorrow (Thursday).
I’ve been feeling great today, went into work for the full day and it was so nice to feel normal… well normal without hair, it came away on Friday so. I buzzed it and am loving my beanies. I have a really nice wig but will wear it for going out for dinner if I’m up for it.
I started to feel better last Thursday so a week of good and they are tweaking my meds so hopefully sore mouth is a bit more bearable. I hate the filgrastim self injecting and did begin to feel better once they stopped but got a cold and conjunctivitis straight away. I know I’ll start the decline as steroids wear off and filgrastim starts.
I had a ct scan on Saturday to check C hadn’t gone to my bones as had had a very sore back, great that it doesn’t appear to have spread to bones however, a little swelling in two of my lymph nodes, I’d had four taken out during mastectomy and one had come back positive. I’ll get another scan in three months to check but it’s a bit nerve wracking when you are her2+ and have to wait.
The iodine ct scan was very smooth but you do feel like your peeing yourself as the iodine is put in, glad to say I hadn’t!
Wishing you all strength and positive vibes.


The waiting for results is always so tough isn’t it.
I’m on the same chemo drugs as you and found I was the same in declining as the steroids wore off.
I guess we have to make the best of the ‘good days’ when we can. :blush:

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@songbird1 I had the same thing when I had my ct too with feeling like I’d wet myself. The chemo will keep those lymph nodes under control. Also the steroid drop when all the side effects hit you like a freight train. Hope you feel good today - loving my beanies too. I’m still not sure about the wig. I’m going to get some scissors on it to shorten the length.

@gillian0808 bracing myself too for chemo number 2 tomorrow. Mine is EC so different to you, but I’m just as nervous.

I have felt really well but onco said no going into work as I work in a school. I’m signed off for 180 days but I will ask for some things to do from home.

Have a good day!


Good luck with the ultrasound @sez. Hope it goes well - it’ll be all done and dusted soon :two_hearts:

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Get number 2 done and you have done a third of them. Next one will be half way through……that’s how I am mentally marking them off!
All the best


Thank you @anne3, I feel so bad for the sonographer (my bottom is still not behaving). Mortifying :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I’m doing the same @bigpickle.

I bought a Die Hard advent calendar with Hans Gruber plummeting from the Nakatomi Tower, I use it to count down to my treatment cos that’s what it feels like.


Good luck with number 2 @bluesatsuma and @songbird1


Morning all

Just wanted to say good luck to those of you who are having tests, it’s so hard waiting and wondering, bug hugs xx

Seems that there are more with side affects this time round, look after yourselves, be kind to you and rest.

Iv got my pre chemo check today - hoping I’m ok for Monday, I feel like I have a cold coming so hoping this doesn’t delay my chemo.

Iv lost a lot of hair so not cold capping again.

Has anyone lost their eyebrows and lashes yet. I still have mine after first round?

Sending hugs and well wishes to all xxx


Ha love that :joy:

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Hi Lilly
My eyelashes aren’t too bad, but my eyebrows are very thin and wispy, even my husband noticed and he rarely spots things like that.:see_no_evil:

@sez oh no, poor you :confused:. All these extra tests are not easy! xx

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yes good luck with your next chemo @bluesatsuma and @songbird1 . I feel much better today so there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Had a lovely walk in the Autumnal countryside with of course :coffee: and :cake: at a National Trust cafe. :blush:. xx


Hi Lilly123
I still have my hair, lashes and eyebrows.
The hair is so out of control it looks like coconut matting but it’s hanging on and I’m so proud of it! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Fingers crossed crossed the thinning stops now for you.


To give hope to others I’ve had fewer sides effects with EC round #2.
It really is strange how it affects everyone differently.


Yes, I feel much better today as well. Did some ironing and took the dog across the fields and woods. Over steroid crash now, so onwards and upwards.


Literally in love with your advent calendar @sez. I need one in my life. I’ve had several of those internal ultrasounds and if it helps, once theyve located target, they cover you up, so your dignity will remain intact. Best wishes for it all…not nice having tests when you just want to be physically left alone by doctors. X

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