August 2024 chemo starters

Thats promising thanks @sievehead!

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Lovely @anne3. Sounds like a great day. We are going to my favourite local NT on Sunday if Iā€™m well enough after no2 tomorrow. Might be being a tad optimistic but thereā€™s always following week. X


Thanks @bluesatsuma, the ultrasound was sticky and gross but fine. Itā€™s a suspected 8cm cyst and they also found a little fibroid. Which sounds good but until a specialist/consultant has confirmed that Iā€™m not taking it as good news (the CT report that led to this didnā€™t mention either issue, or the thing in my kidney) so they could surprise me yet again.

The calendar I got for a couple of quid from Temu, itā€™s available from lots of places though that Iā€™ve seen (Iā€™m just cheap :wink:).

Now hopefully they should leave me alone til Monday for my blood test.


@bluesatsuma yes it was great. Think I enjoyed it even more because I didnā€™t feel good for a couple of days beforehand. One benefit of feeling ill - you really appreciate the good days and enjoy them all the more! Wore my turban style little hat plus my new fringe! The wig felt too much for tramping round the river and fields :joy:


Anyone else cold capping and had significant shedding (and I mean A LOT!) since cycle 2 treatment?

Feeling very deflated and a bit traumatised after this eveningā€™s hair brush :pensive:

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Same here @beckya , :100:

Iā€™m actually considering not cold caping for my last EC (no 4) specifically because no 3 was extremely painful and Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s worth it going through that pain again.

That being said, one of the benefits for those who cold cap is that aparently regrowth is quicker.

Iā€™m still on the fence to be honest, and asked opinion of my family and they are like, we are ok with what you decideā€¦ i really donā€™t know. I think it will be a last minute call , but even if i do, i think EC no 4 (on the 20th) be the last since Iā€™ll change to weekly taxil (as the nurses call it) that is less agressive and i donā€™t feel capable of doing it weekly :worried:

Wishing everyone a rested night xx


Wide awake at 4.35am.

Iā€™m not cold capping. I was too much of a wimp so well done to those whoā€™ve tried. It will help your regrowth and EC is the notorious one for hair loss, so hopefully the change to taxane will be ok.



Hope today is a good day for everyone.

I am also loosing loads of hair, my crown is looking quite sparse now, I have only done 1 EC cycle almost 4 weeks ago with cold capping, cycle 2 was delayed as I have had a picc line infection and dvt in my arm, have pre chemo bloods today and hopefully cycle 2 on Tuesday, oh and a port being fitted on Monday :woman_facepalming:t4:

I have been finding the last week very traumatic with the amount of hair I am loosing, I may preserve on Tuesday but if itā€™s continues at this rate I may abandon cold capping as I still have 3 more EC cycles to go and not sure I have enough hair to cope with this level of hair lossā€¦ā€¦

Sending love to all xx


Hi @mz45. For me, this is why I didnā€™t cold cap. I think Iā€™d have got upset if it didnā€™t work as its a lot of effort. But it might still be working. You are going to save 50% or more of your hair from cold cap, so quite possibly your hair loss will stop, slow down or just thin a bit. See how you feel when EC 2 starts. Got my 2nd EC today. My hair is almost gone and I didnā€™t cold cap, so your cold cap must have done a lot to save do much! Hope infection has gone and your port goes well. Xxx


Hope everything goes well for you today @bluesatsuma , one more ticked off.:muscle:

Hugs to everyone, hang in there :hugs:

After having a couple of days where I felt down and discouraged, Iā€™m back in fighting mode. Not easy but hey been practising being stubborn for 48 years so not gonna stop now :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: gotta laugh right???

Hoping everyoneā€™s day goes well, feeling greatful for this lovely bunch :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Glad your back in fighting mode @dhmb. Youā€™ve only got one year on me but my fighting mode is waning already. Hopefully I will feel better when Iā€™ve returned from hospital.

Does anyone else go in to full nesting mode before chemo? I wash all the bedding, sofa throws and cushions, do all the laundry and clean every surface like mad. Secretly I think its because I know my wonderful husband will be so busy looking after me and the kids, that hoovering wonā€™t be a priority, which is fair enough.

Very glad to have you lovely lot keeping us all going through this. Xxx


You got this @bluesatsuma :hugs:, we all have our days, some weā€™re courageous and bold others we just wanna hide under the covers and pretend reality isnā€™t real, but thatā€™s when you remember all that you have been through and what you have overcomeā€¦ Breast Cancer is just going to be one more on the list :wink::people_hugging:


@bluesatsuma good luck with your cycle today, I am the same, making sure the ironing and house is clean beforehand as I know my partner and the children will not think of picking the hoover up.

Your comments did help, the cold cap must have saved a lot as itā€™s thin but can hide the balding spot and I do still have a head of hair, I just wasnā€™t fully prepared for the amount of hair I am loosing

@dhmb glad you are back in fighting mode today - I am loving your spirit

Take care ladies and hope you have a good day x


Thank you @mz45 :smiling_face: I mean if not in this group who better to understand right?? :people_hugging:


Hi just want to say hope it all goes well for you today, and that you have a peaceful weekend.


You are right.

We got this, we are strong, and we are entitled to feel fed up at times.

Have a good day.


Hi @beckya

I cold capped and 2 weeks after my first round I have shedded bad, I have patches where I have virtually no hair and have been told I canā€™t cold. Cap now as it will burn my scalp.

Like you say itā€™s so disappointing :disappointed: xx


Hi @mz45

Sounds like you have had rough time of it, I hope things get better for you :blush: sending hugs xx

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Was a definite wobble on my part last night, but this morning need to refresh my mindset and just get on with it :slightly_smiling_face: hair will grow back and in 4 more cycles it will be done with. Just something very humbling about pulling out handfuls of your own hair, especially when clinging on to hope the cold cap would do itā€™s job!


@beckya I can understand that so much. I havenā€™t cold capped (they said it would make it just too long a time) and shedding has slowed down now but in no way could I go out without a hat or wig. Seeing myself sometimes gives me such a shock. Iā€™ve held on to the hair I do still have, somehow for me psychologically it feels better. Iā€™ve only had paclitaxel so far though so I think the ec will finish it off! The hair loss is such a big thing :face_with_diagonal_mouth: but weā€™ll be stronger even afterwards with our new reinvented looks :smiley:. Such a scary business though :scream_cat::two_hearts: