August 2024 chemo starters

Hi @bigpickle That’s interesting… I was having a bit of a moment today thinking of my poor hair, then the wig people rang and so I have an appointment in 2 weeks at our local Maggie’s with a voucher up to £150. How comfortable did you find them? Must say I felt much more positive after that call. Did the ‘hair’ feel soft and fairly normal? Thanks!

Hi anne3
I found it very comfortable and the whole experience gave me a lift. We discussed other head gear as in this very warm weather it is better to wear a scarf. The one I have chosen can be treated with heat so I will be able to curl it if I want. Texture was good and I was encouraged to flick it, push it and do what I wanted. I don’t know how much it cost but the voucher didn’t have a limit I was free to choose what I wanted.

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That sounds great. I have scarves and hats but to be able to go out feeling more like your usual self would be lovely, especially once chemo is over but hair is lacking! Brill, thank you. Glad you’re pleased with yours, a bit of a morale boost :blush::two_hearts:

I can recommend a look at I’ve just had delivered a beanie hat with hair. It looks so realistic that my family said it looked just like my normal hair. Im hoping that will be a slightly cooler option than a full wig whilst the weather is warmer. I also ordered the separate fringe as I’ve had a fringe all my life. It just looks like I’ve popped a beanie hat on. Really gave me a boost that I can look like myself rather than a chemo patient. Reasonable prices too compared with a full wig.


That’s so great @sievehead and definitely we all need a boost from time to time, really happy for you.

Personalty, i haven’t looked at wigs, the thought of them in the heat just doesn’t do it for me since i really don’t do well in the heat, so u was looking at headscarves in my favourite colours and then crocheting some beanies for the winter as i am an avid crocheter - no clue if that’s even a word.

Wishing everyone well xx

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Sounds good, I’ll have a look at the fringes especially. I’ve had a fringe for many many years too. I’m thinking that at least when chemo is over it will be cooler but I too struggle with the heat. I think I just need plenty of options.
Like @dhmb I also crochet but have mainly only made blankets!


@anne3 me too, blankets and shawls- to me are like a hug from a far that i can give to the lovely friends in my life - but I’m going to brave a beanie or something like that.

I applaud everyone that goes down the wig option :clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I will be joining you all this month fellow brave ladies! Just had my oncology appointment and signed. My benefit is 6.1%. Theres still the question mark hanging over the recent biopsies of the other suspicious area, but they are having me back next week to discuss chemo and do echo cardiogram so i can get those results then. I’m just waiting for my bloods to be done. My picc line will be done the day before. I’m really scared.

Hope those of you who’ve started had a good first session and feel well. X


Hi @bluesatsuma - glad you’ve at least got a definite plan now. It is daunting. We’re away until tomorrow on a short break but I wake up around 3am and it all comes back to me :flushed:. Once we’re back it’ll only be 3 days away… Do you know which drugs and for how long? Glad things are moving for you now. :two_hearts:


@anne3 enjoy your time away x

@bluesatsuma before you know it you’ll be over the first session and hopefully things will settle and each session you’ll be closer to the end.

Cheering on everyone we’ve got this because we are here for eachother and that definitely counts because we can all relate.

Hugs and best wishes x

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Hi @anne3. I’m having 3 EC and 3 docetaxal. 3 weeks apart. I’m terrified. Going in next week on monday for the echo cardiogram and a talk about the process with the nurse. I had bloods done today. Getting a picc line but they said it would be a day or two ahead of the first chemo session. Seems real now. I’m taking family to Dorset for a little break before it kicks off. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Xxx

Hi bluesatsuma.

I am having exactly the same as you, but it will include trastuzamab injections when I finish the EC. These will be for a year. Had bloods and ECG last week, more bloods and swabs tomorrow, PICC to be fitted Thursday and echocardiogram Friday. Chemo starts next Monday. Might as well move in to the hospital!

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Hi Everyone
I had my first appointment and biopsy 7th June and was misdiagnosed with a 8mm DCIS, was booked for surgery following an mri the following week but received a call saying my tumour is 36mm and likely invasive cancer. Another appointment followed and I was informed I have grade 3 PR/ER- and HER2+++ stage 2 breast cancer! Shock!
I have found waiting for anything since then a completely traumatic experience. I was given a CT told not to worry it’s routine (well yes routine to see if you have it anywhere else in your body). Then had an appointment made with the oncologist 8 days later which is when I found the CT was clear.

My oncology appointment was over the Telephone which was very difficult. I have to have 6 cycles of 3 weekly carboplatin and docetaxel and trastuzumab and Pertuzumab.

I was left not really knowing what is next other than a heart scan and a wait again.

I had a call on Sunday booking me for a radiation kidney function test, which I beleive is standard and was happy to be booked in tomorrow however they have now cancelled that it’s less than 14 days since I had a CT scan with contrast. I was offered an appointment for a whole week later but I’m on holiday so that is now not until the 20th August :frowning:

I’m not sure when my heart scan will be or when I will be called to go and visit the chemo suite or even if I will visit first. Feeling a lot of uncertainty at the moment and also feeling quilty for having a holiday booked with my family, if I cancel it there is no guarantee I will be booked in anyway :woman_facepalming:t3: feel I will be happy when I have my chemo booked: it’s worrying all these tests that could interfere with how long before treatment mean while cancer is growing fast and I can feel it is getting bigger.

Your all so brave I wish you all luck with your treatments xx

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Hi @bigpickle :wave:

Just keep thinking of that bell and what you’ll do to it once you’re on the other side, you got this :muscle::heart_hands:

Hi @lilly123 :wave:

I went through the same originally was told stage 1 probably and a 15mm lump, so the plan was lumpectomy + radiotherapy. After surgery and tests done was told actually stage 3, 40mm with no clear margins and the lymph nodes taken were all positive. Felt like i was preparing for a sprint that all of a sudden became a marathon. It happens that’s the truth. Don’t feel guilty fornyour holiday, rather think of it as you’re opportunity to make memories, rest and prepare for battle.

I’ve learnt that potentially i may have issues on my spine but for now the MRI was inconclusive, and due to it’s location for now it’s to be treated as stage 3. I cried my eyes out and had panic atacks when no one was watching but in this forum someone said something that rang so true it took all the pressure and strain away (i wish i could remember who so I could thank them):
Being woried about tests and results doesn’t change what they will say and it will only wear you out, so save your energy to fight this and enjoy the mean time, the great times and brace for those that aren’t so great. Easier said than done but still doable.

A huge squishy hug with hopes that you have the best time ever xx

For me this was such a game changer and i hope it helps you as well

Hi @bluesatsuma Have a lovely holiday! Best to get away a bit and not stay at home thinking about it. We’ll all get there. My infusions also take a total of 18 weeks, so roll on December… I’m also very anxious but also want to give myself the best chance. All seems like a bad dream but we’ll manage. Take care :two_hearts:

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Hi @lilly123 I would say enjoy your holiday and maybe just notify the hospital you’ll be away. Similarly I went from a tumour with no lymph node involvement to invasive stage 3 bc with 13/19 lymph nodes cancerous. So now it’s chemo plus radio plus endocrine treatment/tablets. Luckily we’ve managed to fit holidays in in between the two ops and upcoming chemo. You’ll feel better for having a break xx


All the appointments! I live an hour from my hospital and they said i need to go weekly for picc to be flushed too. I may as well move in too! Good luck with it all. X

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You too @bluesatsuma , sorry to hear you’re 1hr away :worried:

A huge hug xx

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Hello everyone.
I had my first chemo session on the 24th july and it really was not as bad as i thought it would be! I used the cold capp which was not bad at all.
Mine is HER2 pos so i have to have injections in my thigh too along with chemo
The side effects were managable and i did spend.most of it in and out of bed for about a week. Pretty much binged all netflix. Hope all August starters goes well. Jemma xx