August 2024 chemo starters

Hi @dhmb
Thank you for your reply, it is an awful shock.
You’re right worrying doesn’t help or change anything.

It must be so hard to hear that your mri is inconclusive I’m not sure how I would cope with that news. I guess we have have to hold onto any positives and enjoy today. Noone knows what the future holds.

I spoke to my cancer nurse today and she was doing her best to reassure me and told me to go on holiday and enjoy myself.

Counting down the days now until I finish work for two weeks. I feel some time off work will help.

Everyone is so brave. It’s so good to have this support.

best wishes xx

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Oh that’s pants! At least I am about 20 minutes away from my hospital so not too bad. Had blood test and swabs for MRSA and covid this morning, in advance of PICC being fitted Thursday. Called in at MacMillan office on site and they gave me 3 pieces of head wear. They were lovely.

All the best xx

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Hi jeml

That’s really good to hear. I am HER2 positive as well and will get the injection after EC and when I go onto Docetaxel.

Hi @jeml , Thank you for sharing. I’m so pleased to hear your first one went well. You must be relived to get going and one out the way. Mine starts 15th August. Have been distracting myself the last few days by doing a deep clean in the house . :woozy_face: I

Honestly once you start its not bad at all… all the nurses are lovely. They came around with sandwiches tea and cake etc.
I took my tablet with me with a few movies on and time did seem to pass quickly.
You do stay longer on your first session so i was there all day ( i did cold capp though too )
One thing i will say is when you start your injections afterwards for first 2 days i felt and was sick. So this time around im going to make sure i have the sickness meds in my system even before i start feeling it.
Also after one round my boob swelling as gone and it feels more or less normal like my other! Taking it as a good sign. X


HI @lilly123 :wave:

So glad your nurse was able to put your mind more at ease and hopefully you’ll have weather to your liking and enjoy the “now” everything else will still be when you cone back and ready to battle xx



Anyone braving the shave? I’ve asked a friend who is a hairdresser to do mine inbetween 1st and 2nd chemo. Going to send hair to Little Princesses. You need 14cm length minimum to do that. I know it will be hard for me. I love my hair. It is my best attribute. I’m going to miss it. Got a wig appointment next week. X


Hi @luc_12 and @ana4 Good luck tomorrow. - and anyone else starting tomorrow! Thinking of you - you’ll be a step ahead of the rest of us! :two_hearts:


Ahh thank you. Will feedback anything helpful :smiling_face:. Busy packing my bag to take with me - I’m cold capping so I’ll be there a while it seems! X

Such a wonderful thing to do @bluesatsuma well done :clap:. I’m cold capping but have a few scarves as plan B, either that or nothing at all, maybe… nah not that brave…

To everyone that has already started, step one :white_check_mark: so well done :clap: :clap::clap::clap:

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oh that is so brave and such a worthy cause @bluesatsuma … Wish I felt I could do it. Think I’m a bit in denial about it and some comments I get are not helpful. eg Just get a purple wig! or it’s only hair! Always been pleased I kept my hair colour so feel sad it will just fall off! but maybe it’ll grow back better :crossed_fingers:t3:. I too have a wig appt next week. Hats off to you anyway! :two_hearts:

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Thank you :slight_smile:
I m actually looking forward to starting tomorrow and less stressed than a week ago. Got my hair cut short, did a braid to donate and thinking of shaving it next week. I was really sad to think of it and to see my long hair everyday but I felt liberate to cut it and to take control of my hair. I can t face to have bit lumps in my pillow. Demi Moore hair cut !! My hairdresser said I shouldn’t t do it that it starts 10 to 2 weeks after the first treatment but it is gradual and I will have time to get use to it but if I feel upset about it then go ahead. I feel less stressed to take action than to wait… my choice and not a side effect…
Anyway will let you know. Everyone reacts differently but one done is one less to do and a step forward to heal. :muscle:


Best of luck @ana4 and also @luc_12 starting tomorrow.

That’s why I’m shaving my hair too. I want to feel in control. I walked back from shops earlier crying behind my sunglasses imagining the shave, but also feeling really good about how fast my morning routine will be without hair to style! As the breeze blew itchy bits of hair over my face which got stuck on my lips and tear stained cheeks, i thought maybe bald will have its benefits! X


Wishing you lots of luck tomorrow @ana4 and @luc_12 x


Im having my port ‘installed’ today. Think im more nervous about that than i am first round of chemo on Friday. Im having it under a local anaesthetic without any sedation. Im an anxious person so am worried about freaking out in the middle of the procedure.
Any of you lovely ladies had the port inserted. Was it ok? Xx

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Hi @sievehead :wave:

I had mine done last week under general anesthetic was ok to be honest but it did take me a week not to feel anything. Please don’t let that guide you as I’ve come to realise that I tend to take longer to heal and feel back to myself. Took me a month to be more myself after my lumpectomy whereas some people feel fine after 2 week, go figure🤷‍♀️

Don’t worry about how you’ll do during procedure, the medical team will be on it if there is the need for anything, but hopeless won’t be needed🤞

Sending hugs and hoping all goes well xx

@sievehead i had mine last week and honestly it was totally fine. I’m normally the type of person who looks away when blood is being taken but the surgeon talked to me (and a junior dr) throughout the whole process so I knew exactly what was happening and actually it was really reassuring. I had mine under local, and he was really clear any pain he would put more in. But it was fine.

I had a nurse sat next to me the whole time too and she was chatting away.

It was a bit sore on the afternoon and the day after but nothing to worry about, just aware it was there! And a week on it’s a tad bruised but I otherwise wouldn’t know it was there!

Hope all goes well for you :smiling_face:

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I’ve got a hair cut booked in with my hairdresser Friday. I have fine straight hair below the shoulder but I cannot bring myself to have a super short cut yet. My ears are quite big and have had a hang up about them for years. Now it doesn’t seem so important :frowning_face: I was going for a short bob for now. My husband thinks I’m mad even paying to have it cut as I may loose it all in the next few weeks. He has offered to cut it and then shave it when it starts falling out. I think I am still hanging on to a bit of vanity and hope. :woozy_face: Interested to hear from others on the best way to deal with this.

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Havent worked out why some are offered just local, some local and sedation and some general. But im getting what im getting and have taken my anti anxiety medication as back up!

Glad you had a good experience with your local anaesthetic option. Xx