August 2024 chemo starters

Hi @lou6. I have a haircut today, just going a bit shorter but it’s above shoulders and quite fine anyway. It needs tidying up though but I too can’t being myself to shave it. Maybe that will be the only way if it falls out too much. Chemo starts Friday so it will just be a matter of time as not cold capping. :flushed:

It did all go well thanks @luc_12
Nothing to worry about at all. Painless but odd to feel the pressure when dr was getting the port in place.
Neck is a bit sore. Feels a bit like ive pulled a muscle in my neck when i move around but will take some paracetamol soon as directed by dr.
Im all ready for Friday now! Xx


Thank you @anne3 I hope all goes ok for you on Friday. I think once we get the first one out of the way it won’t feel so daunting :pleading_face: Big hugs :heart:


Sooo glad to hear that :two_hearts: well done :clap:

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@dhmb, @sievehead, @natalie87 I hope all goes well for you this week :muscle: :heart:


Hi, I’ve just had it confirmed that I am joining you all and starting chemo next week on the 15th.
I had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal at the end of June and now starting 8 cycles of chemo before radiotherapy.
8 x rounds of EC-T chemo, I had my pre chemo appointment chat today and I have decided to give a cold cap a go, is anyone else using one?
Sending lots of love to you all, we have got this Emma x


Hi @mz45 :wave:

Welcome to this amazing bunch of people :hugs:

I’m starting chemo on the 9th and I’m also cold caping. Been told by several people that it won’t work, and whilst i haven’t started i really don’t know, but one thing is for sure if i don’t try it won’t work for sure, and besides cold caping has benefits for hair regrowth, so that is something :wink:

Hope everyone the best wishes xx

Welcome to our group @mz45 … I also have 8 cycles but not cold capping I’m afraid…. starting this week :flushed:. We’ll get there together! :two_hearts:

Hello @mz45, welcome to the group. I am also starting on 15th, 4 x EC and 4 x Paclitaxel, every other week. I’m not going to try the cold cap but I read through the July chemo start group chats and a few ladies there were giving it a go. It may be worth getting in touch with them for any tips and to see how they are getting on so far. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Hi everyone. Hope you are all ok. In prep for my 1st chemo, I’ve had echo cardiogram, bloods and dental check. On monday i have the big talk and then wig shop on wednesday. Ive bought 4 headscarves and booked a hairdresser to shave it off in 2 weeks (keeping hair for as long as i can). Is there anything else i need to do? Someone saidbi should pack a bag for the actual chemo. What should i pack? And is there anything special i should add to the food shop?

Thank you all x

Hi @bluesatsuma, you sound very prepared, well done :heart: when does your chemo start? I haven’t been told about a echocardiogram. I’m seeing oncologist Monday, Then Tuesday I have a 121 Nurse appointment first thing and then having picc line done that morning too. I’m guessing any blood tests and other tests will be done in those two days. I’m also going to ask the nurse about wigs, not sure what the process is at my hospital. I start next Thursday. I saw a thread on the July chemo starters chat for what to pack. Here’s what I listed:
Phone/tablet and chargers
lip balm
Hand sanitiser
Sweets & snacks
hand cream
blanket (think that is more for those having a cold cap)
Crossword/puzzle book
reading book
hand held fan
A friend suggested taking in a colouring book to distract myself. You can get some great adult colouring books.

I’ve got a shop coming this weekend, I have ordered ice lollies and boiled sweets, apparently great for sore mouths, nausea and horrible taste in mouth. :grinning:
Big hugs x


Brilliant list @lou6, thank you. I think I’ll be starting 19th. I had bloods done and echocardiogram. Monday is signing papers, but i could have done it last monday, but i had a week to think about Optima trial. Also waiting still for biopsy result on another suspicious area. Its all go. So many appointments! I did feel very overwhelmed by the cancer centre at my hospital. Its huge and so busy. When i go for chemo i have to take a ticket and have bloods done and the wait can be an hour before i even start. X


Wishing everyone a good day and that everything goes without a glitch xx


Good luck all starting today. I’m now attached to my chemo drip. So far so good. Drugged up with paracetamol, antacid, steroid and antihistamine! I’ll be asleep soon!


I hope it helped. There is so much to think about and do, I am having to write everything down to keep on top of it all. At least it keeps our minds occupied. :woozy_face:I have everything crossed for good news on the results of your biopsy. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :heart:


Did they give you anti sickness as well? That’s my worst fear, I was so sick after my surgery, couldn’t keep water down :face_vomiting:

Hi @bigpickle. - sorry yes forgot. Anti sickness before the infusion along with paracetamol, steroid and antihistamine. Also have anti sickness tablets to take tonight and next two days, then more to take as and when. Felt a bit shaky afterwards but otherwise fine. Tiredness will probably kick in early next week. Read my book, fell asleep a while, sent a few messages and ate the sandwiches they provided (plus a load of fruit jellies :flushed:) so it was ok today really. :blush:

That’s good to know. Monday morning is my first all being well :crossed_fingers:

Enjoy your weekend xx

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You too, have a good weekend before you start. I do feel better now I’ve got the ball rolling but I was feeling dreadful just before. Let us know how you get on :two_hearts:


Hi Anne, Glad you are doing ok. Hope you get lots of rest this weekend. x

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