August 2024 chemo starters

Finally finished work for two weeks! Im off on holiday tomorrow and return on the 19th. Iv got A week of tests kidney bloods and echo and having my piccc line done. Then chemo starts on Monday 26th August it’s not the best way to spend an August bank holiday for sure and it is the last day of my annual leave. I planned that all wrong didn’t I!

Iv got 6 x 3 weekly rounds of docetaxel and Carboplatin and 18 x 3 weekly rounds of phesgo! Sounds like a very long time.

Surgery after the chemo and hopefully all margins and nodes clear.

I’m having my hair cut to shoulder length tomorrow thought it may help to manage it falling out better.

The nurse tried to get me to cold cap but I can’t bare the thought of that cold wet feeling on my head and then having to go home and wash it after being at the hospital for 6 hours. Then you shouldn’t dry it or style it with straightners, no colour to cover the grey! Basically I’m going to look terrible with hair so may as well go bald and get a decent wig!
Iv booked in to have a look privately but I’m a bit worried about costing! Need to look into NHS wigs.

Iv ordered a couple of head scarfs and a protective shower sleeve to keep my Picc line dry.

Feel like Iv got some kind of plan but I know anything can change!

I hope everyone’s chemo went well this week and your feeling ok and are able to enjoy some of this summer weather xx

Hello ladies
How are the 9 August starters today?
My treatment went well this morning and wasn’t scary or painful. About 3 hours after getting home some nausea kicked in which im trying to manage with some ginger based remedies. My challenge is trying to keep up the fluids.
Hope you are having positive experiences so far today.


Hi @sievehead :wave:

So glad to hear you had a positive experience :smiling_face: I did too, to be honest it was much worse in my head go figure :sweat_smile:

My experience with the cold cap:

It was ok, indeed the first 10min or so are a bit like a brain freez from the outside, which is weird and sudden and confused the hell out of me, but after that smooth sailing until the last 5 min… were murder, but because i knew it was almost over i stuck with it. I will have a nother go in 2 weeks time and that’s how I’m thinking, 1 treatmemt at a time, so 1 :white_check_mark: just 15 more to go …yey can’t wait :sweat_smile:

Hope everyone is as well as can be, sending hugs and best wishes :hugs:


@bluesatsuma please let me know how you get on as I don’t normally come on this thread and I care.

Everybody on here I hope your treatments go smoothly and are as stress free as possible.


Hi @dhmb
Good to hear your treatment went well. And well done for sticking with the cold cap.
I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and unfortunately the feeling sick i started to experience triggered my anxiety which has made me feel much worse. Im trying to get a handle on it though so i dont feel worse than i need to!
Hope the rest of you lovely lot and doing ok.


Hello Everyone,

I started today as well, I think once I got into the ward and settled in, I relaxed a bit. But I found getting myself actually into the car and dropping my kids at my mum’s very overwhelming and it triggered my anxiety. I struggled to control that anxiety until I was in that chair talking to the Healthcare assistant.

I also done the cold cap, I found first 12 minutes hard and also last 15 minutes but I was clock watching at that point ha.

During the chemo drugs I was fine during the red tubes if you are on EC you will understand this. But I felt sick and woozy during the clear drug.

I was surprised with the amount of medication I was sent home with as I had no idea I had any to take in-between sessions. Especially not injections :sob:.

I wish everyone luck over the next few days and hope there’s no bad side effects.

We have got this!!!

Positive Mental Attitude!!!

Much love Natalie :heart_hands:x


@lou6 Can I just say thank you for your little list. I packed a bag the night before and found it very helpful as I would have had no idea otherwise.
Much love, N🫶x

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Morning all
I suffer with anxiety and panic also, and although not had any of this for years I am starting to feel it now.

I have started to take my propranolol which is really helpful, it takes away those horrible feelings. So if you’re not already taking anything It’s worth seeing your gp if your anxiety is too much.
Be kind to yourselves :blush: xx


Thank you @nannabee. I’m feeling positive that I’m nearing the start of chemo. There’s still a way to go but at least things are moving. My oncologist will give me the results of the recent biopsy on monday but chemo should start regardless. Was it the Hollies who sang…“the road is long, with many a winding turn”? Thank you for thinking of me and caring. So many lovely folk on here who are keeping me going, and understand when my in the flesh friends don’t always fully get it. I hope you are doing well too and I will keep you posted. xxx


Hi @natalie87 yes the meds and injections and all the information was a lot to take in. Just done tonight’s injection and it was ok I suppose. Have to say apart from a headache earlier, I’ve felt fine today but early days yet (mine was paclitaxel). :crossed_fingers:t3:for an easy ride :two_hearts:


Youvare so brave, an inspiration so thank you and keep strong xx

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Hi everyone
I m back!! I ve just had my first chimio EC on Wednesday. Felt fine for the first few hours but then puked for few hours. Fine again the next day and then nauseous during the night and most of the next day. Couldn’t eat or smell food or any strong smell. Name it metallic taste in your mouth etc dryness … hasn’t t been an easy ride but it was bearable. And I was fine yesterday. I tried not to think when I ate and craved some specific food like toast with marmite and avocado… I
I got out in the evening for dinner and had a lovely star gazing afterwards (it is shooting star nights) . 1/16. Done!
Apparently it is your liver trying to deal with all the meds who make you sick so I m taking some herbal remedy to help it.
On Wednesday I ve got a hairdresser booked at home and I invited few friends for a haircut party. I m going to shave it not too short so you don’t see my white skull but short enough so it is done. I m looking forward to cutting it so I stop thinking about it. It is a step which leads to our healing!
Big hugs to you all Xx
Be gentle to yourself :heart:


Hopefully it will be a smoother ride from here on @ana4 :pray:

Thank you for the suggestion anou the hair cut at home, def would help with anxiety and that, i wouldn’t have thought of it xx

Hope you’ll continue to improve, hugs xx

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Thanks for the update. I guess there will be bumps in the road for most of us. Good to hear you are now feeling better. My first chemo is tomorrow :crossed_fingers:

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All the best @bigpickle :crossed_fingers:

Hope you have a positive experience, sending hugs :hugs:

All the best for tomorrow @bigpickle :two_hearts::two_hearts:

I hope you are feeling a little better now @ana4 . I guess it’s baby steps, one day at a time and be kind to yourself. Sending lots of hugs :heart:

Hi @natalie87 I hope you are recovering ok from your first chemo session. I’m glad the list helped. Take it easy :two_hearts:

Hi @sievehead and @dhmb and @natalie87
How are you getting on? I felt fine yesterday after Friday paclitaxel but today have had stomach ache and leg bone pains, do wondering whether it was the filgrastim immunity boosting injections I started last night? (The injections were much easier to do than I imagined though)
So glad we visited our family yesterday not today too! :two_hearts:

Hi @ana4 so glad you recovered a bit from all those side effects (gives me hope). It already seems like the start of a rollercoaster ride (which thankfully will come to an end eventually!). Hope your week continues well xx