August 2024 chemo starters

Sorry to hear you are a fellow anxiety and panic sufferer. It sucks doesn’t it. I am on propranolol too and it is definitely helping. Ive got the nausea under control now so thats a plus in stopping the anxiety.
I guess this is all new so its bound to heighten our other issues.
Hope you are doing ok. Xx

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Thanks for checking in. Im doing ok thanks. Nausea under control thanks to the anti sickness meds. Even though they say take as required im taking them regularly at the moment to fend it off.
Yesterday i was so tired i couldnt stay awake in the afternoon/eve. Didn’t know if that was related to the pegfilgrastim injection i had at midday?
Today ive felt pretty good, a tad tired but nothing too bad. Even cleaned the kitchen - very unlike me! I must be ill - lol.
Wishing you all a good week to come. Xx

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Hi everyone :wave:,

I’ve been okish, no sickness, just extremely light headed, dizzy a headace and ringing ears,on Friday but then again the heat doesn’t help never has.

Didn’t sleep a lot so naped yesterday after breakfast and lunch, and apart from this headache that doesn’t go away, but in all fairness i can’t complain really.

Wishing everyone the best :heart_hands::muscle::smiling_face:


Hi @bigpickle Hope all goes well tomorrow and here’s to minimal side effects. :two_hearts:

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Hi all. Hope the chemo is all going okay so far and that you are all feeling not too bad.

I might have to defect to the September group. I’ve signed consent, got red card and had bloods and heart check. But they’re still waiting for my biopsy results for the additional area of concern. The oncologist also said my blood test shows very high billirubin levels. I told her they were high for the blood tests before surgery 1, 2 and 3. I said I’d asked about whether this might mean liver metastasis but was told it was unlikely. She is now cross and has ordered a CT scan. So no chemo until they know why billirubin is high. I’m terrified.

Its almost 10 months since my first appointment now.:disappointed:

Hi @bluesatsuma,

A huge hug :people_hugging:, hang in there… we are here for you to lend and ear and a shoulder when needed. Why is she cross, surely nothing you have done, and since it’s not pf your control, but rather he’s let it go, don’t waste your precious energy on that. Another hug :people_hugging:.
Do you have any idea what follows and when?

A huge hug :people_hugging:

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So had first chemo today, EC. Already passing red urine! So far so good. Got given anti sickness tablet, anti sickness via IV and steroids. Took about 4 hours as there was a staff member off sick, and because my PICC line wasn’t fitted, had to do it via cannula. Enjoyed my chicken mayo sandwich and cup of tea. Worst part was having to take drip to the toilet with me. Drank lots of fluids which is a good tip. Also had boiled sweets with me so didn’t have metallic taste which chemo nurse said I might, had about 3 . Got loads of anti sickness meds and steroids to take. Just feel a bit headachey but not even worth taking paracetamol. Definitely not as scary as I thought .
Good luck to all other august chemo peeps xx


Way to go @bigpickle :heart_hands:

Any idea when the picline will be done? I bet it will make things easier :crossed_fingers:

Sending hugs :people_hugging:

Hi, yes it’s being fitted tomorrow :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


That’s wonderful, it will make a massive difference :crossed_fingers:

Take care xx

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She’s cross because it wasn’t checked earlier by the surgery team. And because she wants me on chemo asap as its months since my surgery. Ive just got to wait for CT results and then I can start. So frustrating xx


I see and honestly can’t blame her to be fair. Fingers, ties and everything croseed for things to go in your favour :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

A huge :people_hugging: :hugs:


Hi @bluesatsuma - how frustrating for you that they didn’t look into the high levels properly before. Frustrating having to wait yet again! We’re here for you though, sending positive hopeful vibes!
I did fine after my first chemo for the first day but then yesterday pm and today have had lots of stomach ache and leg pains :face_with_diagonal_mouth:.
We’ll all be awaiting your news with you! :two_hearts:

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Hi all not sure if I am posted this correctly as I am new to this! Sorry for the long post!

Unfortunately not new to breast cancer… I was initially diagnosed in Aug 2021 when I was 39 and had chemo, double mastectomy (due to discovering I had the BRCA 1 gene), 15x radiotherapy and then a hysterectomy. I have been on Letrozole since however in May I found a new lump on my left scar (same side as original cancer) and this was confirmed as a new primary cancer this time Triple Negative.
So I have had surgery to remove the lump, PICC line fitted yesterday and starting weekly chemo on Friday.
It feels strange this time as last time I didn’t have the PIcC line and was also every 3 weeks…. Just wondering if anyone has had carboplatin and Paclitaxel and how they have got on with it? I lost my hair really quickly last time on docetaxel and Fec just wondered if it will happen again this time round?
Sorry for the long post … I’ve been dealing with this pretty well but since the picc line yesterday have been very emotional… my little girl is 9 now too and think she understands more this time so I’m worried how it will hit her when it all starts! Xxx


So sorry to hear about your 2nd diagnosis that must be very difficult to take in :pensive:

I am from the July starters group and have TNBC and currently on same treatment plan which is weekly too, I am cold capping which you may already know adds alot of time to your chemo session but have had positive results so far so will continue, I am currently on my 6th week.

Good luck on Friday :+1: I also have had very few other side effects so far so hopefully you will be the same.



Thanks for this @caz1970 …. I did think about the cold cap but I decided against it for lots of reasons and the additional time being one of them. Good to hear your side effects have been ok so far…. Long may that continue! lol xx

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Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I’m probably going to the September group as I’ve had another delay, but wanted to wish you good luck. Stay positive x

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Hello All, I hope everyone is doing ok. Picc line was fitted today, it didn’t look like it was going to happen but 4th attempt and she got it in. :unamused: Just a waiting game now until Thursday morning when chemo starts. :expressionless: I do just want to get the first one over and done with. Everyone in the group has been so brave. I am inspired by you all. :sparkling_heart:


Hi Lou 6

I had my PICC line fitted today as well. But, luckily for me she did it on the first attempt and I never felt a thing.

Good luck with your first chemo, mine was yesterday, it was EC . The best way to describe how I am currently feeling, is like having a really bad hangover. But I am taking all the meds at the given time, and after a 2 hour nap this afternoon, I do feel brighter.


I’ve just had a recurrence/ new primary and am starting chemo in Sept. I am wondering re paclitaxel too. I’ve been told two thirds good things re hair loss. Not sure whether to have my hair cut short or not as it matted last time using the cold cap and had to have a no.8 but I left it 2 days after chemo before washing it. First cancer was in 2018.