CBD oil to help with cancer

Hi redrobin could you message me who u get it oil from thanks edited to remove personal email address as per t’s and c’s 

I buy mine from here canabidol.com/
Top quality manufacturer. Obviously sold as a health food with no medical claims as products have to be licensed for medicinal use. There is positive research on CBD oil but no clinical trial/ medical investment.

Does cbd oil encourage the development of oestrogen?

Hi I have HER2 + Breast cancer and am looking for the best oil I can get.
From what I understand cbd is legal but you need to make sure you are getting at least 30% cbd in the oil you are buying so the ones on eBay and in Health shops are not strong enough.
I think I also need THC but that’s what is illegal to buy and to take but I would break the law to save my life.
If anyone could give me any info I will be so grateful.
Thank you ?

Sharon glegg where can I get some that’s quite strong my grandad has terminal cancer and been give 12 m to live ?


my partner has just had a mastectomy - the tumor was quite large 92 mm & of 16 lymph nodes removed 7 were found to be cancerous - she has just had a c t scan & marrowbone scan & if the results show the cancer has not spread then she should start chemotherapy next Friday. We have a supply of cannabis oil but my partner is reluctant to start taking it fearing the oil will compromise the effects of chemotherapy - do you have any advice that might help her to decide whether to take the oil alongside her chemotherapy treatment. She is 48 years old & is opting to use the cold cap during chemotherapy hoping this might help hair loss.

thank you in advance

kind regards


Red Robbins where do you get cannabis oil from please as I can’t pm you. Take.

My friend and I are both cancer survivors and I have had side effects from radiotherapy 9 months still ongoing. We are both wanting to start Cbd oil but are worried about it being tampered with. Did you look on internet where to purchase from. Any small amount will help both us, thank you for reading jo

Hi I’m wondering if any one can help me. I’m 6 yrs down the line on tamoxifen. I’ve had a totall hysterectomy 2 yrs ago. I really want to come off the tamoxifen as I’ve reduced my levels by having the hysterectomy, just want to ask if any one just takes cbd oil instead of taking tablets.

Could you please tell me where to get tesco cbd oil
Thank you

Sorry should read where do get your cbd oil from.
Thank you

Could you please tell me wherealise you get your cbd oil from.
Thank you

I’ve tried 5 or 6 brands. This is the best company I’ve found. And their hands on customer service is second to none

The most transparent company on the web is

I personally have done tons of research and this is the company I use. My problems aren’t as severe as yours, however, I can say for certain that this is the best I’ve tried. Contact them through the link I’ve provided. Their customer service is 2nd yo none


Which one are you buying? Are you taking it orally?

Hello All, 


Please could anyone tell me if they have triple negative breast cancer and have found CBD oil to be helpful not just for pain but for slowing the growth of tumours? Thank you



Want to share my lovely positive experience with my oncologist today, and an unexpected effect from CBD oil I have not seen mentioned anywhere. Long post but am offering experience and information as a grab bag, including my diet and supplements.


I  have moderate breast cancer possibly present 2 yrs as had a slight uncertain firmness there for that long I wasn;t sure about, and finally did mammogram, ultrasound, biopsies in August (last month). A slight swelling in lymph node armpit observed. The tumour is hormone positive on one receptor. I am post menopause so I have been taking Letrazole   (younger women would be on Tamoxifen ).

Valium as I am highly anxious personality and fear of surgery, not living lng enough to finsih writing my books, effect on my family, all very intense. Need to stop my raging emotions dramas not nice for family and medics. I do know meditations and counselling techniques but need more.


I have done lots of research. I am not refusing conventional medicine. Mastectomy is a strong option, but I am not a good candidate for chemo due to poor immune system which risks sepsis. if various things like the Letrazole, supplements, diet, can cause enough shrinkage it might be possible to have a smaller surgery with less trauma to the system, and even avoid the node removal which is nasttier than the breast surgery.

So overall very keen on supplements, diet, aim to shrink the tumour that way, have smaller surgery, and possibly radio. Or better (small hope).


SUPPLEMENTS Taking Calcium and Vit D as Letrazole not good for bones.

Taking organic prebiotic as supporting the gut biome always good.

Taking echinacea as an immune system boost 2-3000mg daily. 

Just started CBD oil, drops under tongue. See below.


I am obese and cancer loves fat esp hormonal types. My diet was already good as fighting the obesity many years which long ago illness caused. But now it’s serious time. Haven’t had alcohol more than a few times a year anyway but my weakness is sweeties. Dear husband keeps a secret stash and I have a small piece of choc reward if I can manage a clinic test without hysterics (I am cowardly). Average small item quarter of a small bar choc, once weekly, OR a quarter dessert serving. ( Useful technique , eat tiny tiny doll size mouthfuls to get taste wthout bulk.)

Working on eating in a 12 hour window so breakfat at 9 means supper by 9. Apparently that helps a lot. Success on about half the days and when I fail I am eating fruit.

My aim is one carbohydrate a day. Already long habit of organic porridge breakfast. That now competes if I want eg potato, or bread or pasta later in the day. Success rate about 5 days a week, 2 days of lapsing when stress overload, but that is a good achevement.

Dairy is a major cancer promoter. Milk feeds cell growth for young animals so bad for adults. Weep, I adore butter. Limit on carbohydrte helps as most dairy goes with crab food. Am making dairy very small smear of butter and minimum milk on porridge. Had some cheese on a lapse day.

Working up to having a vegetable soup _ fruit day once a week, then up to twice a week. Not got there yet, I used to do this once a week 30 years ago before the 5-2 diet was ever heard of and very effective weight control.

Bought a cheap second hard treadmill and use it for short bursts 3-5 mins while food in microwave! or after a bath when muscles relaxed. Did once  a day, now success at twice a day now, aiming for three times.


Just started CBD oil a few days ago, 3 drops under tongue twice a day, 15% strength. It’s now, this year, legal in UK as food supllement, or painkiller. Will increase strength, quantity as I get used to it. (I did try making some myself but the THC in the natural plant meant mental effects including my fear of surgery feeling stronger. Plus I’m an intellectual so don’t want my mind muddied.) The online chemist suppliers mean I get the CBD extract only - the law sets a maximim THC of 1% if publicly sold. There are two reputable online pharmacies in the UK, one of them sells it. Another project has a good reputation, cbd brothers. Also an Ireland company green but their dose os not strong so would need quantity of drops. That should help your searches.


OK here;s the results of all that.

Oncologist (my cancer doctor) and all the nurses (when I take tests) ask me what I am taking, doing. Strong approval for everything I have chosen to do, diet regime, supplemments INCLUDING the CBD oil. This is a leading teaching hospital UK.

It seems they cannot actually suggest CBD because research has only shown success in shrinking tumours in mice, or in human tissue under microscope (from biopsies). Living human research has now started I believe. But while my professionals can’t suggest it if I choose to use it they beam approval, and say good for you.

Second my weight is falling a lot. My energy is far higher, stamina too. That will reinforce my immune syste and very restricted  dairy will starve the C cells.

Third and surprisingly the CBD controls the heavy sweats of my Letrazole. After the first doses of CBD the sweats just stopped, 100%. Before I was wet through, bed, clothes … I have read that CBD might actually hold the hormine drugs Ltazole, Tamoxifen in the body for longer. Not proved yet but serious possibility. I haven’t seen this sweats control. Yesterday I came home from hospital and dropped dead asleep exhausted so didn’t take CBD, woke up in sweat. Evidential it’s the CBD controlling sweat not just me accimatising. Bit early to make final judgement though.

Fourthly nice minor effect, have had bad sweat rash under breasts, down flanks, under tummy, due to obesity and a hospital stay when I wans’t washed enough 3 years ago. Haven’t been able to shift it with creams. CBD is controlling it, definitely it is less in the few days I have done CBD.


CBD experience. I bought it in a dropper so easy t apply, just under tongue and press once for each drop. Trying 3 drops a go @ 15%.

Taste is less horrible than I expected so I don’t swallow for as long as I can. Drops under tongue avoid the stomach acids, goes straight into blood.)

Vety fast effect in minutes. I can feel it happening in my body but the feelings are mild.

Definite relaxation. Muscles relax. Physical balance as a I stood up was a tiny bit bit affected for 10 mins. Very tiny wouldn’t have noticed of I hadn’t been alert on lookout. My mind (cognition) is very slightly affected - I wouldn’t want to drive a car for the first 2 hours but after that I am completely clear headed. (It’s not as strong as a couple of alcohol units I remember from the past but I am just being careful) Intellectually similar, the first 2 hours I am a tiny bit slower to put research analysis in order but then I’m normally very fast.

So essentially I think I need to treat the first 2 hours carefully but after that there’s about 7 hours at least of clear time. I can’t drive saefly when I’m pouring Letrazole flood sweats either so the fact it controls the sweats is a big positive.

The anxiety effect is interesting. I can feel the engine of my emotions slightly slowing down which lets me get them under control more and I don’t collapse in tears. For a cowardly hysterical perosnality who flashes into crying or temper very fast this is welcome to handle stress better. It feels similar to valium except I can feel the effect more clearly somehow. I feel more in control.






There are a multitude of reasons to take CBD oil. The compound allows you to receive all the benefits that come with cannabis without the high. Currently, the most common use for CBD oil is as a contemporary tool for wellbeing.


However, there are major research programmes underway that are exploring the potential for CBD to ease chronic pain, as well as to treat a variety of diseases and ailments. With further research, there is hope that the CBD compound could have life-changing effects such as helping with cancer.


Unfortunately, in the case of CBD oil, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that it can help to alleviate the symptoms and provide much-needed respite for cancer. One day this could change, but right now, there is no guarantee that CBD has no medical validity at this stage.


This article might help shed some light and provide clarity.


Hope this helps.


Iv been taking CBD oil from Diagnosis in May, CBD has helped me with the side effects of Chemo, including the muscle aches, pins and needles, and Nausea.
Iv had no Nausea or sickness with my next lot of chemo, as it’s a low dose chemotherapy (Pacli)
Oncologist does not know I take it, however I’m taking lots of supplements that’s also helping.
I would personally recommend taking CBD, it’s very helpful with anxiety and physical pains.