chemo kicks off 20 May - any good buddies?

Everyday - look on the wigs & pieces website - they do eyebrows of all shapes and colours - don’t know if they work, I am using eyebrow pencil, still have some left, ditto eyelashes but look like red-eyed mouse with no eyemakeup! But look like Dusty Springfield tribute with too much!

Lily200 - so sorry you are having such a b****y time, hopefully having a week extra before next treatment will mean you are better fixed for the next one. We are now on the same dates for the CMF, will compare notes.

We keep telling ourselves it can only get better - hold that thought!

Hope the weekend is OK for everyone - even though it will probably pour with rain - global warming? bring it on!!!

luv to all


Hiya All

Sorry eveyrone having a crap time, you would think companies would support you and stuff specially about money, Ive been trying to sort my finances out inc rap.

Tad worried as my arm ever so slightly swelled so will be rining my nurse after weekend - its not huge and can only just and so see it when arm in certain position - measure it and its two cms bigger which isnt that much (thought was maybe just a fatter arm) but then heard that diagnose lymphodema if swelling over 2cms, thats all I need.

Lily hope your appointment went well.

To everyone else, hope you have a nice a weekend as possible

Hi Ladies

Anyone been watching the open ceremony to the olympic games, very good :slight_smile:

Lisa - i know how you feel about companies not helping with finances.

Im really angry, on how the goverment works out who gets benefits and who doesn’t. I have just been told that i am not entitled to Incapacity Benefit even though i have worked part time, bringing the kids up and full time when they got older, 21 years i have worked. The so called benefits office works their tax years 2 years behind… in 2005 i didn’t work, because i had just moved and couldn’t get a transfer with the MOD, due to reduntancies. I have never claimed for benefits and didn’t realise for the first 6 months, that i had to sign with the Job Seekers to pay my stamp. They have took that 6 months of not paying stamp and told me i don’t quilify for Incapacity Benefit. 6 months out of 21 years…is that fair? My Statutory Sick Pay runs out at the end of this month. I feel now that i will have to take the risk and go back to work earlier than planned. As anybody else had this problem??

I will now come off my soap box!!!

Hope you all have a good week end

Kirsty xx

Hi All,

Thanks Angie I did have my medication changed and boy did it make a difference to the nausea no where near as bad as the first time around. So hopefully this will continue with the next lot and as you say I am 1/3rd of the way through thank goodness.

Kirsty really worried to hear about your sick pay as I too had a year off work during 2004 so the same thing could happen to me like you I have always worked and never claimed benefits albeit I have worked part time due to family commitments over the past 20 years. I wont know what my situation will be until the end of the month but if I can find out before via my work I will come back to you. That’s all we need having to spend more on items such as wigs! headscarves etc that we don’t really want and then we don’t have any money coming in. Great. On a happier note I did watch the opening of the olympics and it was pretty spectacular wasn’t it.

Lily hope you are feeling better.

I have now had my 2nd FEC which I was dreading as the nurses needed several attempts the day before to get blood from me. Thankfully the chemo nurse managed on the 2nd attempt and as my meds were changed I do not feel as sick this time but I am getting a lot of acid reflux which is unpleasant using the gaviscon for that. The hair is completely coming out now think I will only have a few strands left by the end of the weekend!

love and good wishes to you all.

Bevy x

Hi everyone, this is the post I saved before my internet crashed last night!
Great trumpets of noise, drum roll. HOooooooooooooooooooooooooray my scans are all clear.
I had not realised how worried I was until the relief made my shoulders go down 4 inches! The onc even let me watch the pictures and I saw a fascinating 3D film of my insides with my heart, liver, etc squirming into view. Also had the most thorough physical check so far and he said everything looks good. Apparently the only thing going against me is my age, as too young. Being in my late 40s this is the best compliment I have had for quite some time. Especially considering I am a pale faced, monk headed, podgy, chemo brained, scar fronted woman with a lump of plastic embedded in her chest with no memory and an even bigger dose of thrush than Angie!!! Do you want to hear the bad stuff about me now??? Anyway they feel I may have large pockets of thrush between my mouth and the south pole, so I am now on a 5 day course of the fluconazole one off tablets to fight it into submission. I think steroids might make it grow more!! I have been declared unfit for the next dose, so have a week to recover and have to see him next week to check how I am then. I think it is a good idea as I am going on to double doses. The dosage also has to be reduced. Good news I lost half a stone and still cannot eat properly so maybe it will stay off. I doubt it once this rotten sore and bone dry mouth goes so I can eat meringues again. Someone brought me a pot of clotted cream from Cornwall and busting to eat it. On day 17 and mouth still not better, really annoying me now. The south pole improves so slowly I still cannot chance eating much and still not allowed any fruit or veg, except bananas which are like treasure to me!! How little things cheer us up these days!
I too am looking forward to the Olympics. look out for my daughter’s friend Rebecca G on the 3 metre diving board on Friday 15 August I believe. We are so excited to watch her but will be eating the cushions as diving can go so right or wrong from nerves. Chris I loved the story of your woofies. One of my daughter’s is a dog groomer and has so many stories about dogs and their owners. Very impressed with your running skills, I couldn’t have managed that at my peak! Angie just make sure that you check the safe is full before you commit the crime!! I can’t run fast enough and no-one else has as bad hair as me so would be picked up immediately! Hope the dreaded bird goes away very soon. I think it is the later doses but everyone says number 5 is better so hang in there and hope for the best. Hi Kirsty, when do you change treatments , is it the next one? Good luck, I will have to wait now to see what CMF is like. Lorraine I am in stitches about people having a false bush or did I get it wrong? I have a picture in my head that is making me laugh even more but is too cheeky to say! Do you want me to try to repeat how to draw great eye brows, as explained on the look good course?
Joanne sorry I have been off but struggling myself with physical symptoms getting the better of me. Do you know that Macmillan will give financial help to anyone with cancer? The amounts are quite generous and they think after mortgage/ rent, council tax, water and some other stuff you should be left with £100 per person per week in the household. If not and your savings are under £6000 for a single person, they may give you a grant. You could write for the booklet or ask your chemo unit who can fill these in for you. When I moaned about parking my nurse said is it a problem because I can get you a macmillan grant and you can also get them for washing machines, heating, a break all sorts. I do not qualify as on full pay but worth looking into. You may also qualify for a tax refund. Are you in the Highlands as you can claim a refund on travel costs to hospital if over 30 miles. Do you have room for a lodger? Just some random ideas. Thinking of you and hope you feel a bit brighter today. Sending you a cyber hug, big mug of tea and a whole pack of chocolate digestives to stuff.
Love to you all, sorry I have not mentioned everyone, but thinking of you.
Lily x

Hi Lily

So glad your scan results came back clear. I bet it’s been on your mind so much over the last week or so and probably more than you thought it was. At least you can go forward with a spring in your step - which should look great - as you said - a pale faced, monked headed chemo brained woman who’s now skipping :wink: Scare off the randy neighbour though wouldn’t it? By the way how are his advances?

Sorry you’re having such a hard time with the ‘extra’ side effects. As I’ve said before you get yourself ready for the sickness, tiredness and baldness and then suddenly it’s all the other cr@p that brings you down. My mouth has got more sore after each treatment now but nothing that causes me to stop eating! I’ve had the achey tooth thing again this time round so had to be a bit careful with crunchy things but, as with last time, it went after a day. But I could manage clotted cream and some jam and scones - what time? Hope all the extra drugs sort things out but make sure you enjoy the extra week off and hope the weather is good enough this weekend for you to enjoy it.

Will look out for your daughter’s friend, hope she does well. Can’t wait to see our young diver (just cannot remember his name) in action - he looked so chuffed at the opening ceremony yesterday. OH should be up now to watch the cycle road race but he’s decided to Sky+ it as he doesn’t do 7.15 on a Saturday morning but loves all the cycling. My daughter’s hockey coach is in the Women’s team - their key striker so I hear - Alex Danson, but I don’t think we have great expectations for the team. 1st game tomorrow I think.

Bevy - glad your medication was changed and you feel less nauseous this time, it makes all the difference. Take it easy and hope the next few days aren’t too bad.

To everyone else, have a great weekend, make the most of it before the next dose and if I’ve forgotten anyone else who’s just had chemo I hope you don’t feel as rough as last time. Maybe we should write a chemo update so we all know where each other is as times are a shifting!

Take care

Nicky xx

hi everyone

nicky 08

glad you coping with the treatments, hope when you do have no 5, it will be easier than others,(cause mine asnt been too bad) they want me to start next 4 of whatever, straight away after, for some reason. i told them i dont like them anymore! i havnt been given the tabs for bones yet, onc said i will have them later.
i know what you mean about the dot to dot on the eyebrows ( i could do that until this dose) i suppose im being fussy but i just dont like how artificial they look drawn on. it reminds me of when i was a teenager, i had a friend who used to draw hers on. and this horrid teacher (control freak) made her wash them off one day, can you imagine how she felt?

lily 2000

hooooooooooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy! good news today, its wonderful that your scan was clear. makes it all worthwhile doesnt it. bout time you had some good news. did you manage to get away? ive been trying all day to book a caravan for next week, but too expensive or none available.
and yes you were right, nurse did say you can get a new bush.( do you want one?)
hope your mother in law is not suffering too much.
take care

everyone have a good weekend if possible, and if not look forward to when you can

night night.x

Hi everyone,
Thanks Nicky and Lorraine. I think I have heard so many sad stories lately that I thought it might be my turn! Feeling very fortunate this weekend and I am not really bothered whether I go away or not now. It is too complicated as I am babysitting my Grandson from Tuesday, which is like the best holiday I could think of, also babysitting an African land snail and a rabbit. Then I remembered we would have to find kennels for our dog at the busiest time of the year. How did that slip my mind. Yes I am skipping along and even the tank top terror can’t upset me at present, despite giving me a big kiss just to say hello the other day.Side effects are virtually gone, thank goodness.
I have been glued to the Olympics and almost cried when I saw my daughter’s friend waving at the opening ceremony.Will watch the hockey too. I enjoyed the cycling race but disappointed our whole team gave up! It is not as if they did not know what the temp in China is. They should have trained in ski clothes to simulate the heat. Enjoyed the swimming and rowing too.
Lorraine I am in disbelief about who would buy a stick on false bush, thank you that has been my biggest chuckle this week. Any volunteers?
Hope everyone else is feeling ok. Who is in this week apart from Lisa?Good luck to you all and many many thanks for your messages of support as I struggled to hit the surface.
Hugs all round
Lily x

have u tried germoline on sides of your mouth. I began to have same problem and this cleared it up.
Hi Lily, looking after a giant snail, oh yuck, glad the side effects are giving you a break, about time x
Im in for 2nd chemo on thurs so long as bloods r ok, lts go go go (bit like my hair really!!)
Im going for a snooze now, dogs, bless them, got me up at six. Looking foreward to watching the Olympics later, love the gymnastics and track, field events.

take care all,
love Chris x

Hi Chris - will make a note for next time regarding germoline -thanks and hope all goes well for Thurs - I’m due in then as well.

Lorraine - think I’ll forego the stick on bush! Can you imagine losing it in a public loo but having to fish around for it as it cost so much to get one that looked so like your own ha ha! As Lily said, best laugh this week! Glad you’re in the good weeks though at the moment - it helps forget the bad days after chemo doesn’ t it? Hope you get another break. We were going to have another short break this w/end with eldest daughter (youngest is back in France) but weather was not looking good (and was rubbish yesterday) so haven’t bothered but may go out today and have a nice lunch together. Hoping to have a break with both daughters at end of August when most of the hoards have returned home after the bank holiday.

Lily - don’t get your ‘sitting’ duties muddled up will you? Don’t put your grandson in the garden with a lettuce leaf and tuck the snail and rabbit up in bed! Hope you have a lovely time with him for a few days and you don’t get too tired out. It will give you an excuse to do nothing at all other than care for him which will be nice.

Lisa - hope you enjoy this weekend and have your chemo on time so you can tick another one off the list.

Angie - I’m so glad you mentioned your way of measuring the end of treatment! I keep reminding myself in 4 weeks (fingers crossed) I will be recovering from the last dose and can look forward to some sense of normality. I’m not rubbing this in for any of you with longer to go but, as I’m sure I’ll have to have chemo again at some point, I’m really looking forward finishing this and the end IS in sight, as it will be for all of you.

Take care everyone else who I’ve not replied to, have a good week

Nicky xx

Hi Everyone,

so glad to hear that your scan was good Lily what a relief! have you tried drinking aloe vera juice at all? I have been since the beginning and thankfully so far have not had the dreaded constipation problem that is supposed to occur with the steriods and likewise mouth (so far too frightended to speak to confidentely as this stage)
has been o.k. I did have a couple of days of horrible acid reflux which made eating and drinking tricky but I managed (food is very important to me!)

Angie that sounds so good to think you are near the end thank goodness

Sorry to miss others off but thinking of you all need to go and have a rest again even typing seems to wear me out.

Roll on Christmas!

love Bevy x

heya Ladies.

Happy weekend… I hope.

Lily superb news on the scan… woop.

I’m attacking the chemo now. Had enough of feeling horrid and crying cause I have no control over my emotions anymore (I’d rather be pucking… honest). So full on neuts attack. I am making my super food. watercress soup with home made chicken stock.

I defy an immune system to stay down in the face of all that goodness.

This week has knocked me much more than the other 3 and you can see it. I look ill now, whereas before I looked bald and pale. now I look scabby round the mouth, blurgh.

But on a happier note I was up at the gallery where Tommy’s exhibition is yesterday and was chatting with one of the ladies who works there who had BC too (we’re everywhere it seems) and she’s been NED for 10 years so another woop there then. Sometimes I can’t escape the fact that I had 2 aggressive tumours at the same time and I’m under 35, really not good. But I live in hope, always have, always will (I hope;).

Haven’t had time to watch the olympics yet, am working this weekend but I will certainly watch the diving. I love the diving anyway.

Bevy: I’m Having to eat copious amounts of liqourice to combat the reflux, but it works for me, the only thing that works it seems (although I haven’t tried the ranitidine and I won’t touch gaviscon).

Will report back on the health giving properties of watercress soup.

It’s lowther horse trials here today and alternating between sun and rain poor horses, not a good day to be draggin people over muddy fields in carriages, but on the plus side there the cumbrian food hall down the road with lots of local goodies and a lot of it organic… oh and so many sweeties, yummy sweet things.

Me… cumbrian food tent… with my reputation

gobble gobble.

I have made a list of who I am babysitting and when as my memory is appallling at the moment, can’t even get the right day of the week! Nicky i have already had a panic after what you said, as OH shouted out the snail is in his water bowl!! Had to check it was not too deep! Not giving that horrible thing the suck of life!! I only have my Grandson for 2 days but one night so will make the most of it. I see him most days anyway but I love having him to myself even more.He is just walking yummyness.

What does aloe vera juice taste like? I am not good on green tastes, too like the dreaded broccoli! I like licorice for acid, does that work? I love licorice. The ranitidine does not work too well but they have a stronger one Omeprazole, which lasts for ages but it is a particularly strong smelling plastic capsule. I can always taste the plastic for ages after.

Well I was wondering about putting the heating on, I have been so chilly. My daughter rings to say it is 45 - 50 degrees in Turkey where she is. Not funny at all. Still I could not imagine trying to cope with foreign food and the lack of hygiene in some parts of the world, and having BC too. I hope I am not too scared to travel after this. Does anyone else feel like they have to stay within travelling distance of their hospital, or is it just me?
Had my first proper meal today and hope I don’t regret it tomorrow. Love the bush down the toilet!!LOL LOL. Or accidentally get it stuck to your clothes and walk out with it on your backside!!! LOL
Thinking of you all
Lily x

Thanks LILY
the thought of you giving a large snail the suck of life, priceless!!!
Dont know what aloe vera tastes like, but if its good for me then I may be a good girl and give it a try.
I too would not travel while im going through this. Get a bit neurotic now about cleanliness, I even put gloves on to handle the dogs bowl, maybe a bit ott but playing safe.
Cant believe this weather, doesnt it know its August??? Thinking of dragging my woolie pullies out. Prefer it to be cool though as I do seem to overheat at night.
Licorice is also good for constipation I found, licorice allsorts from health food shop, very moreish… must get some of these goodies in before thursday.
Hi everyone, hope athe going is good for you all n had a good w/end. 4 days to go 2nd chemo, caant wait to get another one under my belt.

love Chris xxxxxxxxx

hiya all

big congrats to Lily, soooooo pleased for you, bet it makes the side effects seem a bit more worthwhile cos |I know how scared I would have been waiting.

im exhausted, think doing bit too much but just in such a downer still and dont know why, well apart from obvious. back still aching a bit but putting it down to tax as it aint there all the time and not bad enought to take anything. Off to see nurse as arm a tad swelled, hope it aint anything as know im getting rads under arm too. ive stayed in all weekend so that dont have to wear ratty, lashes coming out a bit but sure dennis’s and hair sprouting a tiny bit. Well instead of enjoying this good weekend, Ive lay in bed or sat on sofa and cant even walk the dog as far, maybe its all the extra blubber around my middle, hope its just fat.

Good luck to anyone on their chemo this week, least its another ticked off!!

Dont feel like have to stay too close at mo but couldnt cope with ratty and heat - was invited on hols in bowt a month, but will be just after last one and wont be fit. everyone keeps saying we will celebrate after its over but Im scared to enjoy myself incase tempt fate. on the good news my brother in law is getting married abroad this week in secret and having a celebration when gets back, with a blessing and a pre-private canapes before, which ive been invited too, was really touched as only 20 people immeciate family know so was touched that he still classes me as this and got a lovely email off his saying he wanted me there as im always part of his family. Will be a bit hard cos the pre and post celebrations are where I had my wedding reception and the church is where i got married and where my husband and his mam are buried and will struggle especially being on my own with them all but bless he deserves it been through lots.

Well gonna try and get mama mia off a friend as it didnt fail to cheer me up even though feeling a bit lonely at mo as friends have their own lives and stuff.

Love to you all

p.s. does anyone say they are “Fine” to people all the time as its what they want to hear, I used to say it all the time when hubby died and back on it again now but feel much better saying it as a friend once told me “Fine” can mean "f*****g, insecure, nuerotic and emotional - sums me up to a tee so can say it now and mean it!!

Lisa, how lovely to have such a nice day to go to but it will be sad too. You might feel really close to your husband there, which might make you feel stronger to keep battling away. There is nothing really anyone can say to help you on this apart from that we will always be here to listen and keep you company.Things will not always be like this.
How do you think tax is going? I know you were dreading it. I have been feeling really bad, took me right to the cold sweats this time but pretty much better now. I’m annoyed that I will be in chemo even longer now but too scared to rush the next one in case it all starts up as badly. I am anxious about the new drugs as I have only had one at a time before. I have a week to enjoy and a check up before starting on 19 August. It is a 4 week cycle so I really start to slow down compared to all you 3 weekers. You must be starting to get near then end aren’t you? I have been lying around too but this extra week will hopefully get me off the sofa. You take care. I just noticed my dennis are getting very thin!! Back to the dog plan I think.Are you watching the Olympics?
Dipstick would you like me to send you your own giant snail?? I am not a fan at all and have refused to touch him, I worry about bugs too. Does not seem to make me do the housework though. Too dangerous to disturb the dust and after all it is my friendly dust!!! Hope the dogs aren’t offended by the gloves!! Can you imagine what they might think you are about to do, when they see them???
Did you all watch the ladies road race? I did not get dressed till lunch time because I was so stuck to the tv. I knew she would win when it turned into British weather!!
Hugs everyone
Lily x

not watching olympics yet but might switch on! Tax is okay cant decide which id rather have, the pain is harsh and wondering if would have the tiredness regardless. youve been through it a lot. hard going knowing chemo will be longer but its better to wait than risk it, gives you another week to recover!

Lisa - loved your comment about ‘fine’ think that sums it up! I do say it partly because I really can’t be @rsed to explain over and over again how cr@p I feel going through chemo. If anyone has the time to talk about it I tell them then watch their face drop when you mention all the other bits they don’t know about! So sorry you’re feeling low though, hope it’s ‘only’ down to coming out of chemo as that’s the time that gets me. However you do have a lot more on your plate than I do as you deal with going to a church that has memories for you. I hope it is a happy occasion for all involved and you can feel close to your husband, as Lily said, but I’m sure it won’t be easy. I’m sure your brother in law will also have memories associated with both places as well and I’m sure he’ll understand how you must feel. Hope you pick up soon but please let off steam on here if you need to.

On a different note I’ve been following the Olympics as much as I can and have earmarked the events I’d like to see but have decided to draw the line at some of the 3am starts for athletics. However, if these are on Friday this week, post chemo I could well be up anyway! OH actually got up on Sunday to watch the women’s road race and had hoped Nicole would win, she’s won the women’s Tour de France twice and we don’t even know who she is! Watched young Tom Daley this morning but a shame they didn’t do so well - let’s hope his individual event is better. Saw Andy Murray crash out of tennis - bit of a shock! Will pass some of my time on Friday watching the cycling, this is (fingers crossed) if my chemo has gone ahead and I’m lying around in my usual state. At least I might not be so bored this time as they’ll be something to watch on TV.

Hope everyone else is having a good week and makes the most of things before treatments start again.

Take care

Nicky xx

Hi Everyone

My weekend was cr@p… I have just started on the Xeloda tablets for second half of chemo. Started taken them on Friday and all was well apart from some mild chest pains. Saturday evening the chest pains got really bad, with pain going down my arms and not able to catch my breath. OH phoned oncology unit they told him to phone 999. Got an ambulance to the hospital, where they put me on oxygen and took an ECG. At this point i was really scared not knowing what was going on. The ECG came back normal and said that it is a side effect of the tablets and to stop taken them. I am back home now and today was at the doctors having another ECG and bloods taken. All seems okay… will be back at the hospital on thursday to have my treatment reviewed. The chest pains have now eased since coming off the tablets, so fingers crossed all will be well.

Lily - Hooray for the good news on your scan. I am soooooo happy for you :slight_smile:

Nicky - i have been watching the olympics between snoozes… i watched the tennis and Andy losing.

Lisa - also love your definition of ‘fine’, what a brilliant way to describe the word!!!

Big HUGS to all.

Kirsty xx