Angie - well what a choice of pervy outfits for a hen night.LOL. Everyone else will wonder what we are up to if we all start showing pictures of naughty nurse outfits!!! The real me would not find one big enough I’m sure. We had some holidays up your way and I hate those scary roads where you look out the window and just see a huge drop below. Hubby loves them but guess who is always on the cliff edge side squealing, do you know how close we are to the edge? Have fun driving around in the new car and soo good to hear you are out having a laugh. Long may it last. Booo about the hair though. Are you going commando or wigs or hats again? Still chilly enough to have a lovely warm hat. I know what you mean about weddings. My daughter carefully wrote Mr and Mrs on her ‘save the date cards’ and someone wrote back talking about bringing their 6 adult children with them, which is a lot more to pay for. Tricky, we need to think about what to do when she sends the actual invitations.Why don’t you just tell your Mum and Tommy’s side not to pass on any negative comments, I am sure people would not be rude to you directly or I hope they wouldn’t. I am shielding my daughter from thoughtless comments from people trying to make her do what they think. She has been hit hard by people thinking they know who should be her bridesmaids even!! It is the bride’s day so make it exactly how you want. Bet it is hard to choose someone to do the photos that is up to Tommy’s standard. Have fun planning.
Lorraine, thought I’d got away with the bakery.LOL. You are so like me when it comes to the sweeter things in life - HOPELESS! I have been trying to change how I rush through parts of life but it takes a while to get used to sitting still when you are usually manic.
Nicky how did it go today? Hoping it did not include more appointments and needles. Lisa sounds like a pretty good plan. Hope Robson gets a new bed or some snacks too!
I have just remembered that i have my 12 week check up on Monday, with the surgeon this time. I can’t remember if I am supposed to have full blood tests this time, what do you think? If yes I have to go tomorrow to get it there in time but don’t want to have a needle if I don’t need to. What a problem! Had a very long day as didn’t get home till nearly 9pm and my feet are throbbing from standing up so long. Reminded me how much they used to hurt when they swelled up.
Take care everyone
Lily x